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‘CPEC to attract $150 billion foreign investment

as @Sinopakfriend Told you that $150 Billion investment will be a start
Pakistan should put 80 percent of profit it gets from CPEC to clear its foreign debt as soon as we can so our economy in general get 6.5 growth per anum and as debt clear we atleast get US dollar to atleast 50 to. 65 rupees per dollar
Do you guys know what is the guarantee Rate of Return Promised by pakistan To china for Investment ? 20 % !
Are you sure you will able to match your promise through tolls ? :lol:
It would be better had you opted the model India and Japan adopted, India took loan (money from japan) at 1 % per annum and itself Invested taking whole control how to spend, whereas In your case you have no power how china is investing and also you are giving him gurantee to recover 20 % per annum on HIS CLAIMED INVESTMENT
I have already given my analysis. But I am happy if all these figures materialise. The suspicion & irony is why Pakistan Govt. is hyping about CPEC only. Pakistan has become so dependent on aid & their changing brother countries money, they have never tried to build their own source of income industry. CPEC is a chinese project which happened because it benefits them, not because they wanted to help or invest for Pakistan.

The breakthrough will be when you build your own industry for trade & commerce & then getting investments since somebody sees a business opportunity. CPEC is not a economic model on which the country will thrive. If it happens, great. In the hindsight it looks like politicians promoting CPEC because their interests are highly involved in it. They are projecting in such a way as though it's going to be the minting machine for the economy, nothing else is needed to do.

You as Pakistanis need to tell the government, CPEC is good, but what are the other business opportunities or model you have created to employ people & diversifying our skills. Any business model is all about filling a gap or need. It can start by catering to small needs. Anyway I don't want to give economics class & that to for free:meeting:. But I will be more than happy to even visit Pakistan to give a economic lecture to youth. First is to lay a strong foundation. How an economy can be built & in what direction to work for increasing momentum & then slowly diversifying.
来源:新华发布时间:2016 / 8 / 30 8:27:16
http:///content/1003644.shtml www.globaltimes.cn


Chinese enterprises to increase green in Pakistan , sustainable energy development CPEC
Source : Xinhua Published : 2016 / 8 / 30 8:27:16
http: ///content/1003644.shtml www.globaltimes.cn

China will promote the green , low-carbon , sustainable energy development , address power shortages in Pakistan , a Chinese entrepreneur vowed to two-day China on the occasion Mon - Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) summit being held in Islamabad .

"This is one of our core concept , when we go out to implement the strategy . We share our advanced technology and our national investment , " Yan Zhiyong experiments , Chairman of the China Electric Power Construction Group , or China , the Xinhua week a tell . : Pakistan :: china:
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