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There is nothing wrong in working with RSS: Jamaat Ulama-e-Hind

for them that is secular, anything else is sickular. :D

such news items are always glorified... muslims and christians contributing to construction of hindu temples, sell-out mullahs and burqas ( these are always the sell-outs, like presented in the op ) sharing agenda with sangh leaders in some sangh-arranged function, some urdu-medium school singing "vande mataram" in the morning assembly, muslims chanting ( unexplainable ) hate of pakistan... all such things are "secular".
I agree fully. There are much better ways of displaying the secular fabric than muslims losing their way of life. These things show how reactionary India is becoming and how to be a patriotic muslim you have to somehow link yourself to Hinduism in one way or the other, otherwise you are only fit for being in jails.

My cousins who stayed on in Lucknow have told me several times "they want us to hate Pakistan even though they keep telling us to go there." I mean how many muslims have when raising their rights listened to the comment go to Pakistan or we are better than Pakistan-something where Pakistan does not even figure. I have much respect for Gandhi-he could have united us and the Hindutvas killed him.
for them that is secular, anything else is sickular. :D

such news items are always glorified... muslims and christians contributing to construction of hindu temples, sell-out mullahs and burqas ( these are always the sell-outs, like presented in the op ) sharing agenda with sangh leaders in some sangh-arranged function, some urdu-medium school singing "vande mataram" in the morning assembly, muslims chanting ( unexplainable ) hate of pakistan... all such things are "secular".
So what exactly is secularism. When congress leaders attend to Muslim scholars, when id parties are held by all so called secular parties, when Muslim zealot rulers are celebrated, when Pakistan is praised for tolerance against minorities and India made fun off, when suggestions are made of dialogue despite soldiers dying frequently. This is the so called secularism for you. You are just coming out as a hypocrite.
These things show how reactionary India is becoming and how to be a patriotic muslim you have to somehow link yourself to Hinduism in one way or the other, otherwise you are only fit for being in jails.

well said.

So what exactly is secularism. When congress leaders attend to Muslim scholars, when id parties are held by all so called secular parties,

1. most "muslim scholars" in india are tableeghi mullahs who if present in syria, former iraq, pre-2011 libya, 90's algeria etc would have been executed long ago... these so-called muslim scholars of india exist because india is not a socialist country... and one cannot condemn these "muslim scholars" if one does not condemn sangh "scholars".

2. yes, the congress party was wrong in making a habit out of having iftar parties every year, but one must also balance that condemnation by pointing out congress's lack of courage in not banning rss and other groups, especially sri ram sena and bajrang dal.

when Muslim zealot rulers are celebrated

as aakar patel in his article in "asian age" said today, when ashoka can be accused of the same crimes that tipu sultan is supposed to have done, how is ashoka celebrated in india's national flag while tipu is reviled for being a "zealot"??

when suggestions are made of dialogue despite soldiers dying frequently.

the soldiers die because of the stupid career politicians in india and pakistan who instead of talking about eventual reunification of india, pakistan, bangladesh, afghanistan and nepal into a socialist conglomeration, talk about "the enemy" and "the dushman mulk", and continue the artificial, unnatural and british-drawn borders... take the idiot current defense minister of india, manohar parrikar - that war-monger some months ago said "the million-man indian army is not for making peace"... what kind of statement is that??
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as aakar patel in his article in "asian age" said today, when ashoka can be accused of the same crimes that tipu sultan is supposed to have done, how is ashoka celebrated in india's national flag while tipu is reviled for being a "zealot"??
Rana Sanga and Raja Dahir were also known as a villains in the muslim community-people view history with their own religious lens. Giving each the freedom to believe what they want and interpret history as they see fit is perhaps the crux of the debate. Freedom is paramount-the freedom to accept and believe what you want.
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