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Punjab Assembly resolution demands Shiv Sena be declared terrorist group

It is startling to see how appallingly ill-informed you are about everything related to Pakistan and the audacity with with you preach your ill-conceived notions as if they were gospel. A sad sight, coming across the kind who've been dumbed down by protracted bombardment of propaganda through what you so euphemistically call your TV channels. No wonder mere naming Pakistan in your country is tantamount to inviting all sorts of endless castigation.

FYI, to put it simply, there are hardly a few political parties here with militant wing. Those who have, like MQM, ironically, are being funded by your own sanctimonious sarkar. This calls for introspection on your part if you have but a shred of decency.

To have a couple of organizations along the lines of JuD, who're actively propping freedom movement in Jammu and Kashmir, or are otherwise sympathetic to the referred cause is one thing, to have the whole state machinery exerting itself towards the goal of destabilizing Pakistan, with a known genocidal kingpin, the butcher of Gujrat, spearheading this policy of dismemberment of Pakistan is another. Please try to rethink the sheer impudence of this notion that somehow you have moral high ground in this covert war, before you proceed further.

Here's a little reality check, it was your all pious sarkar that laid the foundation of proxies in sub-continent by arming and training Mukhti Bani of Bangladesh in 71. We're just reciprocating and believe me we're nowhere near fully repaying you yet.
Only ill informed about their surroundings are Pakistani no one else,MQM is under direct protection of MI6, all the money & protection is provided by MI6 not RAW, but most Pakistanis are to dumb to understand so I won't go further in detail & as for PMLN its fundding & supporting of Punjab based terrorist group is well documented , hell even Osama bin Laden funnded Mia sahaab election campaign back in 90s :lol:

It is startling to see how appallingly ill-informed you are about everything related to Pakistan and the audacity with with you preach your ill-conceived notions as if they were gospel. A sad sight, coming across the kind who've been dumbed down by protracted bombardment of propaganda through what you so euphemistically call your TV channels. No wonder mere naming Pakistan in your country is tantamount to inviting all sorts of endless castigation.

FYI, to put it simply, there are hardly a few political parties here with militant wing. Those who have, like MQM, ironically, are being funded by your own sanctimonious sarkar. This calls for introspection on your part if you have but a shred of decency.

To have a couple of organizations along the lines of JuD, who're actively propping freedom movement in Jammu and Kashmir, or are otherwise sympathetic to the referred cause is one thing, to have the whole state machinery exerting itself towards the goal of destabilizing Pakistan, with a known genocidal kingpin, the butcher of Gujrat, spearheading this policy of dismemberment of Pakistan is another. Please try to rethink the sheer impudence of this notion that somehow you have moral high ground in this covert war, before you proceed further.

Here's a little reality check, it was your all pious sarkar that laid the foundation of proxies in sub-continent by arming and training Mukhti Bani of Bangladesh in 71. We're just reciprocating and believe me we're nowhere near fully repaying you yet.
Only ill informed about their surroundings are Pakistani no one else,MQM is under direct protection of MI6, all the money & protection is provided by MI6 not RAW, but most Pakistanis are to dumb to understand so I won't go further in detail & as for PMLN its fundding & supporting of Punjab based terrorist group is well documented , hell even Osama bin Laden funnded Mia sahaab election campaign back in 90s :lol:
A Pakistan People's Party (PPP) lawmaker submitted a resolution in the Punjab Assembly condemning the activities of hardline Hindu organisation Shiv Sena.

The resolution, submitted by the PPP's Faiza Malik, states that the activities of Shiv Sena have put at risk the safety of Muslim and followers of other religions in India.

The resolution condemns the attack on the BCCI headquarters in Mumbai by Shiv Sena activists over a scheduled meeting between Pakistan and Indian cricket officials to revive cricketing ties.

Peace in the region is in danger because of Shiv Sena, states the resolution.

The resolution further demands that the United Nations should ban Shiv Sena and declare it a terrorist organisation.

The resolution was submitted hours after 40 to 50 members of the far-right organisation stormed the office of the BCCI in Mumbai. The Shiv Sena activists protested against a scheduled meeting between PCB Chairman Shahryar Khan and BCCI President Shashank Manohar.

The meeting was cancelled following the protest.

Last week, Shiv Sena activists attacked Sudheendra Kulkarni, the organiser of a book launch in Mumbai of former Pakistan foreign minister Khurshid Kasuri, saying any engagement with Pakistan is unacceptable.

Earlier this month, threats from the extreme right-wing group led to organisers cancelling legendary Pakistani singer Ghulam Ali's show in Mumbai despite the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) assuring that the event would not be stopped.

Shiv Sena is allied with the ruling BJP and co-governs the Indian state of Maharashtra with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's party.

Punjab Assembly resolution demands Shiv Sena be declared terrorist group - thenews.com.pk

110% AGREED.
Pakistanis should go to UN demanding Shiv Sena be declared a terrorist organization. Reason. They don't allow Pakistan to play cricket with India and its singers to sing in Mumbai.

I am sure the world community will take note of it and stand behind Pakistan in this time of crisis.
It fs startling to see hey were gospel. A sad sight, coming across the kind who've been dumbed down bardment of propaganda through what you so euphemistically call your TV channels. No wonder mere naming Pakistan in your country is tantamount to inviting all sorts of endless castigation.

FYI, to put it simply, there are hardly a few political parties here with militant wing. Those who have, like MQM, ironically, are being funded by your own sanctimonious sarkar. This calls for introspection on your part if you have but a shred of decency.

To have a couple of organizations along the lines of JuD, who're actively propping freedom movement in Jammu and Kashmir, or are otherwise sympathetic to the referred cause is one thing, to have the whole state machinery exerting itself towards the goal of destabilizing Pakistan, with a known genocidal kingpin, the butcher of Gujrat, spearheading this policy of dismemberment of Pakistan is another. Please try to rethink the sheer impudence of this notion that somehow you have moral high ground in this covert war, before you proceed further.

Here's a little reality check, it was your all pious sarkar that laid the foundation of proxies in sub-continent by arming and training Mukhti Bani of Bangladesh in 71. We're just reciprocating and believe me we're nowhere near fully repaying you yet.
Just like all wars won by Pakistan most Pakistani also don't teach there baboon janta about the insurgency their country funded way before 1971 mukti bahini in j & k in 1948,65 & north east insurgency through east Pakistan in 60s & khalistani movement which started in 65 with backing of ISI , but when India reciprocated in 71 Baboons janta & their siblings are still crying to this day :lol:
Gross interference in India's internal affairs.

This fellow should look at what's happening inside his own country first before advising India.

Relax, nobody gives a shit what Pakistani lawmakers think or say, not even their own army, judiciary or people.
Why stopping only at this ?
They should also pass a resolution demanding India to accept JuD as a charitable organisation.
Terrorism holed up in Shawal Valley, Almost all members of BLA have either deserted, been killed or have surrendered, Karachi is being tamed, crime and corruption have significantly dropped, and CPEC. Compared to India we are much more stable, you guys have a insurgency in almost every state.
That's not true. Take a look at terrorist incidents and death statistics. It tells a different story. Pakistan has improved a lot on this aspect but not to be ahead of India in terms of stability.
That's not true. Take a look at terrorist incidents and death statistics. It tells a different story. Pakistan has improved a lot on this aspect but not to be ahead of India in terms of stability.
Your insurgency in North East alone has resulted in double the amount of deaths compared to Pakistan's war on terror.
By Pakistani standards Shiv Sena is a Secular organization! :lol:
All political parties in Pakistan have funded or supported one or another terrorist group in their history, nawaz Sharif was the main funder of LET, hizbul mujhaidin in 90s, heck even Osama bin laden funded his election campaign back then, his party still fund UN declared terrorist group JUD in Punjab as general Hafiz saeed form a core vote bank there ,nawaz daddy & Bhutto party funded terrorist in Indian Punjab & later in Kashmir , comparing shiv Sena to the likes of PMLN, PPP, MQM who at most throw ink or vandalize toolboth is not just hilarious but an insult to pak based political parties
Lot of shiv sena supporters in this thread
\Ofcourse, there will be because the left over oldy pakistanis are busy in either mosque & the youngs are crawling the **** content on internet. Problem with Muslims is " They keep S..E...X in mind and work on ..C ...O....C.....K", others do quite opposite.This is the reason Muslims lag behind.
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