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Is Modi government accountable to RSS? Congress says

A person should be a fool of the highest order to believe that person who got 38% votes represents 100%. Congratulation you indians rule the club of idiots.

hey fool ,how does vote share matter here ? The prime minister of the republic represents its entire populace not the percentage that voted for him.Is it so hard for you to understand that with polity as fragmented as it is in India no party would ever realistically get majority popular support. Going by your logic no Indian PM would have ever represented all Indians!
Stop calling RSS a Nationalist organisation, its a religious radical organization.
Akhand Bharat is RSS ideology.
Is it religious or Nationalist ideology.
Overcome ur prejudice and then u will appreciate the things as they are .
Better to be accountable to a Nationalist organisation rather than to one Italian Mafia b!tch at 10 Janpath!

How dare you insult bitches? At least they are loyal to their owners. Sonia aka bar dancer (pata nai kiski beti hai? her father was in a Russian jail for quite a few years, and during this time she was born ) she is a basterdess!
How dare you insult bitches? At least they are loyal to their owners. Sonia aka bar dancer (pata nai kiski beti hai? her father was in a Russian jail for quite a few years, and during this time she was born ) she is a basterdess!
Blimey...no wonder. As they say...when the head is rotten it affects the whole body.. & that's the case with congress today. When you have a basterdess as the head..whole party behaves like pimps, supporting media like pre(o)stitutes & supporters like cheergirls.
Religious radicals are those who go blowing themselves up in the name of religion. Don't remember RSS doing such things in the name of religion..

Even I don't remember RSS being part of any Independence movement to claim it Nationalistic Oraganization.
Even I don't remember RSS being part of any Independence movement to claim it Nationalistic Oraganization.
The same can be siad about an entire Minority community barring a few people,so according to your logic that entire community is unpatriotic and full of traitors:rolleyes:!!RSS produced several freedom fighters,the greatest among them was V.D.Savarkar!!
Whatever satisfies you.
What's that suppose to mean? Aren't people blowing themselves in the name of religion are religious radiclals?
Even I don't remember RSS being part of any Independence movement to claim it Nationalistic Oraganization.
Even I don't remember anyone from Maino family of Italy taking part in India's independence movement... Have you heard anything otherwise?
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Even I don't remember RSS being part of any Independence movement to claim it Nationalistic Oraganization.

RSS was party of independence movement long before congress. The fact of the matter was RSS men were culled by the British in thousands and the congress covered up for the British later on.
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