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Is Modi government accountable to RSS? Congress says

That's true worldwide - ask Republicans how Obama represents them or Democrats how Bush represented them. Nothing unique about Modi in this context, thus, no need to single him out.
I agree with you they are psychopaths in their own respects and that is the common factor among the three you mentioned but Murdoodi is a bit more naked of them all. Before being elected pm of india, he was not allowed even to enter USA and still today there are decision against him in various courts around the world but he is hiding behind the diplomatic amnesty that these criminals are created for themselves since they know they would need it a lot.

Ok first question first, can you form a simple sentence in english?
This question shows the height of intellect your nation is ever going to achieve. You are an idiot of first order and needed to be ignored.
Wrong he was accountable to (Anti) National Advisor y Committee [NAC] which was headed by Sonia
MMS was a paltu of sonia...and now paltu of pappu.
BTW, we have one paltu of pappu with the name @magudi in the forum too.
I agree with you they are psychopaths in their own respects and that is the common factor among the three you mentioned but Murdoodi is a bit more naked of them all. Before being elected pm of india, he was not allowed even to enter USA and still today there are decision against him in various courts around the world but he is hiding behind the diplomatic amnesty that these criminals are created for themselves since they know they would need it a lot.

Dude, your leaders just carry out a coup and don't even bother getting elected, so calling others psychopaths is silly.

Your other points have been discussed ad nauseum and are no longer of any significance. You are welcome to continue discussing them.

My only point was any elected leader represents all people, even those who voted against him or didn't not vote at all. NDA under Modi got 38% of the votes, he is the PM of India. End of story, for now.
Dude, your leaders just carry out a coup and don't even bother getting elected, so calling others psychopaths is silly.

Your other points have been discussed ad nauseum and are no longer of any significance. You are welcome to continue discussing them.

My only point was any elected leader represents all people, even those who voted against him or didn't not vote at all. NDA under Modi got 38% of the votes, he is the PM of India. End of story, for now.
A person should be a fool of the highest order to believe that person who got 38% votes represents 100%. Congratulation you indians rule the club of idiots.
A person should be a fool of the highest order to believe that person who got 38% votes represents 100%. Congratulation you indians rule the club of idiots.

Your logic implies the world is full of fools who go along with this system and you are the exception. Congrats. :wave:
Your logic implies the world is full of fools who go along with this system and you are the exception. Congrats. :wave:
Yes that is true. If the whole world believed that earth was flat a few centuries ago, did not mean that the world was right and the ones who told the otherwise were considered fools and who is the fool now.
Yes that is true. If the whole world believed that earth was flat a few centuries ago, did not mean that the world was right and the ones who told the otherwise were considered fools and who is the fool now.

Brilliant analogy. So you're only going to claim earth is not flat or go about disproving it?

I hope to see your crusade to alter the system of democratic representation worldwide. :tup:

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