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Go Nawaz Go in Australia Pakistan ODI match

Pakistani team won this ODI due to this slogan .... lolzzzz .. this slogan will continue in next ODI.

Educated Pakistanis are sick of the corrupt mafia destroying this country, unfortunately the 'educated people' are not the majority.
BTW lol. I think i see some Australians too.
Australian thought its new bookie in the team..
so you and your cousins drive taxi in Autralia?
there is nothing wrong with driving taxi its an honest profession, I am only saying this because the only support I hear for PTI in Toronto on nightly Radio shows (mostly cab drivers call in those hours)

First of all, not sure what my profession has got to do with who i support, but you are obviously a baboon and and your gutter mentality can be seen from your post. but FYI am a Cisco UC engineer and one of my cousins just finished Year 12 and the younger one is in your 10.

And corrupt politicans only attract corrupt supporters.
Well said mate
One hopes better from someone like Imran but he was disappointing. My point is nothing is achieved by such things in Australia or in Islamabad. There should have been better, focused campaign rather than tamasha which does not benefit Pakistan
One have to give credit to Imran khan for having this government on its toes from the very first day since elections. NS played a friendly opposition to Zardari and the country suffered so much coz of that. We had least GDP growth ration ever, curruption was on all time high and not a single government department was performing.

How these people portraying image of Pakistan in overseas and mocking their own country. Shameful and sad. Thats why PTI is loosing more support cuz of all nonsense.
Mocking their Currupt PM.
These little demos in grounds dont portray bad image of a country but rather when your Aussie friend brings you this paper

And asks you "isnt he your PM"?
At that time you just wish to have powers to grab this idiot by the neck.
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He is staying .... i appreciate the demo
Year is 2050:
Pakistan has become a modern Islamic state with GDP of $3 trillion

Question is asked to Imran on his death bed about Current govt:
Imran: panama, panama, panama, panama but panama and panama.
Nawaz jaisay haram khoron ko aisi cheezon se faraq nahi parta. Also seeing Nawaz's na-jaiz ulaad coming to this thread and trying to defend their baap.

Sir he wasn't playing yesterday's match

Good luck sir and keep it up.
This video was uploaded on the day before yesterday so it must be from the first ODI.
Such things do not embarrass haram khors like Nawaz and Mafia. They need to be dragged out and than kicked out.
is there any thing that can embarrass them?
the first and the foremost trait required to become a politician in pakistan is "baysharmi"
Me and my cousins were there in the match and we took part in "Go Nawaz Go". This is our ( Overseas Pakistanis ) frustration with corrupt NS and we wanted to show that we want him gone. I will be doing the same in the Sydney match.....if i can get the tickets.

read post # 21
Maybe they have forgotten how 5 years ago; you would hear news headlines like - "Pakistan set to collapse in this decade", "Pakistani nuclear assets under danger by terrorists", "Suicide bombings have surged", "Targeted killings nearly triple in Karachi", "18 hours of load shedding a day for this Summer", "Sectarian Violence claims over 50 in gun battles" and ect...
Year is 2050:
Pakistan has become a modern Islamic state with GDP of $3 trillion

Question is asked to Imran on his death bed about Current govt:
Imran: panama, panama, panama, panama but panama and panama.

If Nawaz/Zardari keep playing musical chair then by 2050 Pakistan would have defaulted on their loans, all major public assets would have been sold to Mian Mansha and Malik Riaz, the rest would be taken over by the creditors, the situation would be exactly like what Greece is going through. The sharif family would be living in the Mayfair flats and Zardari family in Surrey Palace and laughing at the rest of the country. While the people will still be chanting "Bhutto zinda hai" and "Sher aiya"
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