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A Solution to Kashmir

PS : pls stop selecting single sentences. I urge u to read the whole script.
What makes you say I dont? Just coz I dont answer everything irrelevant doesnt mean I dont read it....Is that how you read hence the projection others do the same?

Baloch doesnt have any prob if they did there wouldnt be making 1/3 of our Army...Swat has no problems they begged the army to take the Talibans away...Sindh needs cleaning that we all agree....Now why are you deranged and not talking on topic about Kashmir and dragging everyone?

Kashmiri people didnt have a say in their part so why are you afraid on giving them a say? After all it is their democratic right ...
What makes you say I dont? Just coz I dont answer everything irrelevant doesnt mean I dont read it....Is that how you read hence the projection others do the same?

Baloch doesnt have any prob if they did there wouldnt be making 1/3 of our Army...Swat has no problems they begged the army to take the Talibans away...Sindh needs cleaning that we all agree....Now why are you deranged and not talking on topic about Kashmir and dragging everyone?

Kashmiri people didnt have a say in their part so why are you afraid on giving them a say? After all it is their democratic right ...
Why are you getting so worked up ? I m not in favor of raping Kashmiri sisters, killing n maiming Kashmiri brothers.
And I am doing exactly the same what you are doing for Kashmir - tapping in the middle of the night. So no need to get personal.
I can straightaway ask you to do whatever u can do to liberate/annex Kashmir. What can you do ? Give us sermons of ur punctured morality ? Indians frankly don't give a s**t, politicians for obvious reasons, and ordinary ppl are too drowned under daily drill.
Now, how do you convince a nation of 1.2 billion (excluding Kashmiris) to have a solution for this problem ? Guess what, throw stones ? Insults ? Finally, moral sermons ?
I dragged the issue of swat n Balochistan, because there too is an issue; n no matter how u diss them with your convenient explanations, there will be issues. We are a bigger country, with bigger issues.
Having said that , I do not however, condone any activity by the state which curbs individual or collective freedom and basic rights. We can't grant every state its freedom when some of its ppl fancy new system of power sharing.
We are very near to find the solutions to our errors in the east, we shall find it in Kashmir as well. U n I can do jackshit but just sit n wait.
Here the first step to normalization of this cauldron is the withdrawal of AFSPA.
However, you dream, the security behemoth is going to stay (u beat a stick with another stick, not with a thousand words of wisdom). But what we can do , immediately, is make their presence in the valley, lesser n lesser. Police should be entrusted for this job, n only Kashmiris to be selected for it.
But then, you need azadi for the young chaps tomorrow. Best of luck.
Economically lagging? Our GDP per capita isn't that much lower than yours, google it. Also, 60% of you have no toilets and over 300 million of you don't have clean water, in many ways you are worse than us.

As for what our soldiers are worth, we saw just how well our outnumbered army performed in 65, when you couldn't take Lahore or Sialkot despite having 4 times as many troops. Or in 99, when our troops defended Kargil despite having no air support and being outnumbered 6 to 1, we only left because of internal and international pressure on Musharaf. In order to win East Pakistan you had to outnumber our troops 16 to 1 and have air superiority. That really reflects poorly on the Indian Armed Forces.

As for Kashmir, casualties mean nothing, all it shows is that people are using more peaceful means of resistance, if you bothered to turn on the TV you would see how much they want to separate.

End of discussion, don't bother replying because I won't.

Uh huh.
Over 1000 dollars worth of difference isn't much to you?
But of course you will bring the toilet figures you lots' minds are stuck in it after all.
Our higher HDI(Human Development Index) means, with or without toilet we are FAR FAR BETTER than you lot ever were or are.

We are a BRIC nation with the fastest growth rate in the world; where is Pakistan again?
Social issues like these are being dealt with more and more every year, and when we do achieve success in all these fronts we will see what you lot have left to complain about but then again you don't know about those.

As for your soldiers, your so called "special forces" SSG lost to our regular infantry and got captured as POWs. Yeah so great you lot are.
As for the rest of what you said, they were just excuses, 65 was your loss, Pak initiated the war with Op Gibralter to attain ground from India but by the end of the war we had captured almost 4 times the territory captured by Pak, you should thank US and the Soviet Union coz had they not intervened we would have had Lahore.
As for 99, let me correct your phrasing, your troops infiltrated Kargil and were able to hold position for a very short time until the Indian army came, saw and conquered and IAF cleaned up the rest.
LOL you lot left coz you were being trounced left and right.
As for 71, it was the only time when India pseudo initiated the war and we divided Pakistan into two parts and reduced your population to less than half, that is what happens when we aggress, when you lot do it is half assed and ends up with you being on the back foot.

This is the real world truth(far removed from the ones in your textbooks), but I love the way you nitpick and put a whole another spin on it all to console your ego.

Peaceful means of resistance? With grenades and AKs you mean?
Casualties are directly proportionate to it all.
Back in the 90s when the insurgency led by Pakistan was succeeding and there used to be 100 Wanis, our government initiated an economic drive which has shown its results now as less and less people are opting to fight Pakistan's proxy war and going to schools and colleges to become something. That is why you see the graph below.
You see, events like these are happening lesser and lesser every year, and months from now we will go back to trolling about other random things.
And don't worry about the news, I am quite up to date with my current events, see unlike in Pakistan we actually have a media that can take both sides of the dialogue, we don't assassinate them just coz they have a different POV, so be glad that you are even getting a smidgen of news from Kashmir.


Only 5% of people are creating trouble in valley: Mehbooba
Oh yes, good luck winning Kashmir with 5%.

Of course you won't reply, I already know what rhetoric laden BS you are going to come up with even if you do.
Uh huh.
Over 1000 dollars worth of difference isn't much to you?
But of course you will bring the toilet figures you lots' minds are stuck in it after all.
Our higher HDI(Human Development Index) means, with or without toilet we are FAR FAR BETTER than you lot ever were or are.

We are a BRIC nation with the fastest growth rate in the world; where is Pakistan again?
Social issues like these are being dealt with more and more every year, and when we do achieve success in all these fronts we will see what you lot have left to complain about but then again you don't know about those.

As for your soldiers, your so called "special forces" SSG lost to our regular infantry and got captured as POWs. Yeah so great you lot are.
As for the rest of what you said, they were just excuses, 65 was your loss, Pak initiated the war with Op Gibralter to attain ground from India but by the end of the war we had captured almost 4 times the territory captured by Pak, you should thank US and the Soviet Union coz had they not intervened we would have had Lahore.
As for 99, let me correct your phrasing, your troops infiltrated Kargil and were able to hold position for a very short time until the Indian army came, saw and conquered and IAF cleaned up the rest.
LOL you lot left coz you were being trounced left and right.
As for 71, it was the only time when India pseudo initiated the war and we divided Pakistan into two parts and reduced your population to less than half, that is what happens when we aggress, when you lot do it is half assed and ends up with you being on the back foot.

This is the real world truth(far removed from the ones in your textbooks), but I love the way you nitpick and put a whole another spin on it all to console your ego.

Peaceful means of resistance? With grenades and AKs you mean?
Casualties are directly proportionate to it all.
Back in the 90s when the insurgency led by Pakistan was succeeding and there used to be 100 Wanis, our government initiated an economic drive which has shown its results now as less and less people are opting to fight Pakistan's proxy war and going to schools and colleges to become something. That is why you see the graph below.
You see, events like these are happening lesser and lesser every year, and months from now we will go back to trolling about other random things.
And don't worry about the news, I am quite up to date with my current events, see unlike in Pakistan we actually have a media that can take both sides of the dialogue, we don't assassinate them just coz they have a different POV, so be glad that you are even getting a smidgen of news from Kashmir.


Only 5% of people are creating trouble in valley: Mehbooba
Oh yes, good luck winning Kashmir with 5%.

Of course you won't reply, I already know what rhetoric laden BS you are going to come up with even if you do.

Google the GDP per capita for India and Pakistan, the difference is a mere couple hundred dollars. Please don't lie. If you think India is better than Pakistan, you need to do some research like I have and you will also realise India is in many ways worse than Pakistan (has a higher percentage of poor people, people without clean water, etc).

Oh no you are a BRIC nation? We are so scared. What are you going to do? Nothing, that's what.

Our soldiers are far better than yours, they have put your troops in their place in every war. In 1965, we were outnumbered 4:1 and you couldn't take Lahore or Sialkot like you wanted. In 1999, we were outnumbered 6:1 and your military couldn't do anything, you had to rely on the US pressuring us with threats like sanctions. Even in 1971, you had to outnumber us 15:1 in Bangladesh to make us surrender. Your soldiers are crap, numbers are all they have. Oh and in recent skirmishes, India has suffered higher casualties than Pakistan.

In 1965, yes we started it but for good reason, to liberate the rest of Kashmir. Didn't work too well, but it was still a stalemate as India couldn't take Lahore or Sialkot, like you wanted. Your PM also died of shock after the ceasefire, not to mention you outnumbered us several times over yet you had 5 times as many troops surrendering. And believe me, if you could keep the territory you took you wouldn't have been so quick to sign it off.

In 1999, we saw, we came, we conquered. You needed to outnumber us 6:1 and have air support to even make some progress. Even then, you had to try expand the conflict to win. But we had nukes, so you backed down and realised your military could not win. The US pressured us to leave, and even then, we still hold Point 5353, if you won you would have taken it.

In 1971, you did not tear Pakistan in two, that was already going to happen whether or not you intervened. India just gave Bangladesh independence. It didn't even affect Pakistan in any major way other than psychologically. Not to mention you again had to outnumber us several times over, and even then you received higher casualties and enough of a punch to make you develop nukes.

When it comes to our textbooks, @Viper0011 can tell you just how bad Indian ones are too.

Kashmir has peaceful resistance, which is the one currently taking the charge. They use protests, yet the Indian army still shoots them. Militancy will always be there, and it will eventually get bigger and bigger.

Your media is a joke, worse than Fox news. Now your views don't surprise me, as you swallow this propaganda without question.

Just because only 5% of Kashmir takes part in militancy, does not mean the rest of them love India. By that logic, only 3 million Indians hate Pakistan as the rest of them aren't in the army.

Don't bother replying with typical Indian BS, because this conversation is over.
Google the GDP per capita for India and Pakistan, the difference is a mere couple hundred dollars. Please don't lie. If you think India is better than Pakistan, you need to do some research like I have and you will also realise India is in many ways worse than Pakistan (has a higher percentage of poor people, people without clean water, etc).

Oh no you are a BRIC nation? We are so scared. What are you going to do? Nothing, that's what.

Our soldiers are far better than yours, they have put your troops in their place in every war. In 1965, we were outnumbered 4:1 and you couldn't take Lahore or Sialkot like you wanted. In 1999, we were outnumbered 6:1 and your military couldn't do anything, you had to rely on the US pressuring us with threats like sanctions. Even in 1971, you had to outnumber us 15:1 in Bangladesh to make us surrender. Your soldiers are crap, numbers are all they have. Oh and in recent skirmishes, India has suffered higher casualties than Pakistan.

In 1965, yes we started it but for good reason, to liberate the rest of Kashmir. Didn't work too well, but it was still a stalemate as India couldn't take Lahore or Sialkot, like you wanted. Your PM also died of shock after the ceasefire, not to mention you outnumbered us several times over yet you had 5 times as many troops surrendering. And believe me, if you could keep the territory you took you wouldn't have been so quick to sign it off.

In 1999, we saw, we came, we conquered. You needed to outnumber us 6:1 and have air support to even make some progress. Even then, you had to try expand the conflict to win. But we had nukes, so you backed down and realised your military could not win. The US pressured us to leave, and even then, we still hold Point 5353, if you won you would have taken it.

In 1971, you did not tear Pakistan in two, that was already going to happen whether or not you intervened. India just gave Bangladesh independence. It didn't even affect Pakistan in any major way other than psychologically. Not to mention you again had to outnumber us several times over, and even then you received higher casualties and enough of a punch to make you develop nukes.

When it comes to our textbooks, @Viper0011 can tell you just how bad Indian ones are too.

Kashmir has peaceful resistance, which is the one currently taking the charge. They use protests, yet the Indian army still shoots them. Militancy will always be there, and it will eventually get bigger and bigger.

Your media is a joke, worse than Fox news. Now your views don't surprise me, as you swallow this propaganda without question.

Just because only 5% of Kashmir takes part in militancy, does not mean the rest of them love India. By that logic, only 3 million Indians hate Pakistan as the rest of them aren't in the army.

Don't bother replying with typical Indian BS, because this conversation is over.

Not lying smartass.
You are looking at GDP(Nominal), whereas GDP(PPP) of India is a $1000 ahead of pak, the later should be the preferred barometer for developing countries.

Oh wow, some random individual facts.
India's HDI is better than Pakistan that should tell you about the living conditions of both our people.

Better than our soldiers?
That is just something your generals told your soldiers so that they would over confidently participate in their own slaughter and it seems you lot still believe it.
Get this, every other war of attrition in history has been won by a force with superior numbers, and in such wars a military with a larger force will always have more casualties that is consistent all over the world. You lot are no special either. That is just the way of the world.
You are just another kid who has been brainwashed to believe otherwise.
IN THE END VICTORY IS ALL THAT MATTERS, but Pakistanis need some consolation or they won't be able to sleep, so people like you concoct ridiculous theories about how you "could have won" or how "your numbers were smaller" or that "in another parallel universe Pakistan has actually won".
You can console yourself by these notion but that's all they are, "mental masturbations".

What we are, are a BRICS nation, with the fastest growth rate in the world projected to increase to 8%(when Pakistan lags at 4%), a $2 Trillion economy, with one of the largest military in the world, and what we are doing is slowly surrounding you with our geopolitical clout, diplomatic missions and overall money that we give to countries who oppose you and making your friends oppose you with it, coz guess what? Money does work, it always has and US' dominance is proof of this very fact.
If you weren't scared, this thread wouldn't have so many Pakistani posters replying with this much fervor, just like Bangladeshi threads don't.

1965 was no stalemate.
But you won't believe an Indian so....

"The superior Indian forces, however, won a decisive victory and the army could have even marched on into Pakistani territory had external pressure not forced both combatants to cease their war efforts."---Gertjan Dijkink in National identity and geopolitical visions

"India won the war. It gained 1,840 km2 (710 sq mi) of Pakistani territory: 640 km2 (250 sq mi) in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan's portion of the state; 460 km2 (180 sq mi) of the Sailkot sector; 380 km2 (150 sq mi) far to the south of Sindh; and most critical, 360 km2 (140 sq mi) on the Lahore front. Pakistan took 540 km2 (210 sq mi) of Indian territory: 490 km2 (190 sq mi) in the Chhamb sector and 50 km2 (19 sq mi) around Khem Karan."---David Van Praagh.

In 71 we did tear you into 2, Pakistan could have dominated Bangladesh and the civil war was very close to being quashed by your forces, it was not predetermined like you say. But we intervened and rest is history.
Yes you can go into denial about what happened but it won't change the fact.
Oh and wiped off more than half your population, don't forget that, almost forgot that.
Rest of your "could be", "would be", "was more", "was less" are just conjectures.

In 99 you saw an EMPTY region that had no Indian presence(because that is what Pak does, attack where there is no challenge) and made camp on high ground, and when IA did arrive you were trounced badly.

Again, failing the objective and losing positions, classic Pakistan.
LOL point 5353? We have all the surrounding points, what can pakistan possibly do now?
Pakistan never really won anything in Kargil. You lot infiltrated and captured some over 100 peaks when there was no Indian army presence and then lost them, one after the other and now you have only 1.

Pressured you to leave? LOL it has been years since Kargil and Pakistanis are still trying so desperately to salvage their ego.

"Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif desperately sought US intercession to prevent an escalation by India, and requested urgent intervention by President Clinton."----
Bruce Riedel
Former White House Aide
Special Advisor, NATO, Brussels, Belgium (2003–2006)
Member, Royal College of Defence Studies, London, UK (2002–2003)
Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Near East and North African Affairs, National Security Council (2001–2002)
Special Assistant to the President, and Senior Director for Near East Affairs on the National Security Council (1997–2001)
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Near East and South Asian Affairs, Office of the Secretary of Defense (1995–1997)
National Intelligence Officer for Near East and South Asian Affairs at the National Intelligence Council (1993–95)
Director for Gulf and South Asia Affairs, National Security Council (1991–1993)
Deputy Chief Persian Gulf Task Force, Central Intelligence Agency (1990–1991)
Various assignments, Central Intelligence Agency (1977–1990)

Pakistanis being Pakistanis, you lot engaged in a low intensity skirmish and in turn have made us so strong today.
Our presence in Siachin and everywhere in Kargil has been fortified twice over.
Kashmir issue was gathering sympathy for the whole of 90s and you lot ruined it in one instant LOL.
You have gained notoriety since then and US challenges Pak everywhere, whereas we once were at the mercy of sanctions are now having US sell us military hardware and signing pacts like LEMOA and opening up the chance to sign even more military co-operation pacts.
Oh yeah, Pakistan soooooo won the 1999 war.


Peaceful resistance?
So our security personnel die because Kashmiri insurgents sit down and protest peacefully?
They throw grenades from between stone throwers" peacefully", use Aks to ambush "peacefully"?
Yeah right, fool someone else.

Our media may be overactive and hyperbolic, but they can take 2 different sides of the issue .
See unlike in "some countries" we don't assassinate journalists or curb media by force just coz they don't agree with our side of the dialogue, be glad that you are even getting some news from our side of the valley.

What was that now?
Militancy will only get bigger?


Completely distorted analogy, so here's a bitter pill for you to swallow.
5% take part in militancy, while 76% of the rest of the Kashmiris come out to vote and then a democratic non Pakistani state government is chosen.

You keep saying that, and yet you keep abandoning your pedestal to reply to BS, so much for taking the high road.
In the end, what maybe BS is to you is factual truth to the rest of the world.
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Not lying smartass.
You are looking at GDP(Nominal), whereas GDP(PPP) of India is a $1000 ahead of pak, the later should be the preferred barometer for developing countries.

Oh wow, some random individual facts.
India's HDI is better than Pakistan that should tell you about the living conditions of both our people.

Better than our soldiers?
That is just something your generals told your soldiers so that they would over confidently participate in their own slaughter and it seems you lot still believe it.
Get this, every other war of attrition in history has been won by a force with superior numbers, and in such wars a military with a larger force will always have more casualties that is consistent all over the world. You lot are no special either. That is just the way of the world.
You are just another kid who has been brainwashed to believe otherwise.
IN THE END VICTORY IS ALL THAT MATTERS, but Pakistanis need some consolation or they won't be able to sleep, so people like you concoct ridiculous theories about how you "could have won" or how "your numbers were smaller" or that "in another parallel universe Pakistan has actually won".
You can console yourself by these notion but that's all they are, "mental masturbations".

What we are, are a BRICS nation, with the fastest growth rate in the world projected to increase to 8%(when Pakistan lags at 4%), a $2 Trillion economy, with one of the largest military in the world, and what we are doing is slowly surrounding you with our geopolitical clout, diplomatic missions and overall money that we give to countries who oppose you and making your friends oppose you with it, coz guess what? Money does work, it always has and US' dominance is proof of this very fact.
If you weren't scared, this thread wouldn't have so many Pakistani posters replying with this much fervor, just like Bangladeshi threads don't.

1965 was no stalemate.
But you won't believe an Indian so....

"The superior Indian forces, however, won a decisive victory and the army could have even marched on into Pakistani territory had external pressure not forced both combatants to cease their war efforts."---Gertjan Dijkink in National identity and geopolitical visions

"India won the war. It gained 1,840 km2 (710 sq mi) of Pakistani territory: 640 km2 (250 sq mi) in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan's portion of the state; 460 km2 (180 sq mi) of the Sailkot sector; 380 km2 (150 sq mi) far to the south of Sindh; and most critical, 360 km2 (140 sq mi) on the Lahore front. Pakistan took 540 km2 (210 sq mi) of Indian territory: 490 km2 (190 sq mi) in the Chhamb sector and 50 km2 (19 sq mi) around Khem Karan."---David Van Praagh.

In 71 we did tear you into 2, Pakistan could have dominated Bangladesh and the civil war was very close to being quashed by your forces, it was not predetermined like you say. But we intervened and rest is history.
Yes you can go into denial about what happened but it won't change the fact.
Oh and wiped off more than half your population, don't forget that, almost forgot that.
Rest of your "could be", "would be", "was more", "was less" are just conjectures.

In 99 you saw an EMPTY region that had no Indian presence(because that is what Pak does, attack where there is no challenge) and made camp on high ground, and when IA did arrive you were trounced badly.

Again, failing the objective and losing positions, classic Pakistan.
LOL point 5353? We have all the surrounding points, what can pakistan possibly do now?
Pakistan never really won anything in Kargil. You lot infiltrated and captured some over 100 peaks when there was no Indian army presence and then lost them, one after the other and now you have only 1.

Pressured you to leave? LOL it has been years since Kargil and Pakistanis are still trying so desperately to salvage their ego.

"Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif desperately sought US intercession to prevent an escalation by India, and requested urgent intervention by President Clinton."----
Bruce Riedel
Former White House Aide
Special Advisor, NATO, Brussels, Belgium (2003–2006)
Member, Royal College of Defence Studies, London, UK (2002–2003)
Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Near East and North African Affairs, National Security Council (2001–2002)
Special Assistant to the President, and Senior Director for Near East Affairs on the National Security Council (1997–2001)
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Near East and South Asian Affairs, Office of the Secretary of Defense (1995–1997)
National Intelligence Officer for Near East and South Asian Affairs at the National Intelligence Council (1993–95)
Director for Gulf and South Asia Affairs, National Security Council (1991–1993)
Deputy Chief Persian Gulf Task Force, Central Intelligence Agency (1990–1991)
Various assignments, Central Intelligence Agency (1977–1990)

Pakistanis being Pakistanis, you lot engaged in a low intensity skirmish and in turn have made us so strong today.
Our presence in Siachin and everywhere in Kargil has been fortified twice over.
Kashmir issue was gathering sympathy for the whole of 90s and you lot ruined it in one instant LOL.
You have gained notoriety since then and US challenges Pak everywhere, whereas we once were at the mercy of sanctions are now having US sell us military hardware and signing pacts like LEMOA and opening up the chance to sign even more military co-operation pacts.
Oh yeah, Pakistan soooooo won the 1999 war.


Peaceful resistance?
So our security personnel die because Kashmiri insurgents sit down and protest peacefully?
They throw grenades from between stone throwers" peacefully", use Aks to ambush "peacefully"?
Yeah right, fool someone else.

Our media may be overactive and hyperbolic, but they can take 2 different sides of the issue .
See unlike in "some countries" we don't assassinate journalists or curb media by force just coz they don't agree with our side of the dialogue, be glad that you are even getting some news from our side of the valley.

What was that now?
Militancy will only get bigger?


Completely distorted analogy, so here's a bitter pill for you to swallow.
5% take part in militancy, while 76% of the rest of the Kashmiris come out to vote and then a democratic non Pakistani state government is chosen.

You keep saying that, and yet you keep abandoning your pedestal to reply to BS, so much for taking the high road.
In the end, what maybe BS is to you is factual truth to the rest of the world.

More Indian propaganda, not worth my time. Come up with something better and I might reply properly.
More Indian propaganda, not worth my time. Come up with something better and I might reply properly.

Come up with something?
You are the one "coming up with something", I did nothing more than state facts. Facts that the world knows and Pakistanis deny.
You have been spewing nothing but propaganda and rhetoric, which you lot are force-fed from textbooks to media, and now neutral sources are propaganda.

Not worth your time?
Don't worry about your time or a reply, time is not worth people like you and your lack of a proper riposte means you never had one to begin with.
Come up with something?
You are the one "coming up with something", I did nothing more than state facts. Facts that the world knows and Pakistanis deny.
You have been spewing nothing but propaganda and rhetoric, which you lot are force-fed from textbooks to media, and now neutral sources are propaganda.

Not worth your time?
Don't worry about your time or a reply, time is not worth people like you and your lack of a proper riposte means you never had one to begin with.

No, you stated BS. And if you think our textbooks are bad, check your own. By the way, I am yet to actually read a Pakistani textbook that is as bad as you lot say. But I don't expect to, as you only spew propaganda.
No, you stated BS. And if you think our textbooks are bad, check your own. By the way, I am yet to actually read a Pakistani textbook that is as bad as you lot say. But I don't expect to, as you only spew propaganda.

So a statement by Bruce Riedel the then an aide to President Bill Clinton is BS?
Reputable journalists like Stanley Wolpert are BS?

Suddenly the whole world is wrong just because they don't adhere to Pakistani textbooks?
Curriculum of hatred

Suddenly the truth about Kashmiris coming out to vote in large numbers is propaganda?

In the end I provided links and data, you are just spouting hearsay and rhetorics you heard from some other pdf posters.
And you do understand that what is repeated continuously(usually exaggerated and/or false) but can't be backed up with facts actually is propaganda?

Or maybe you just don't care, you are so busy trying to save face and nursing that inferiority complex that truth just bounces off you.
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So a statement by Bruce Riedel the then an aide to President Bill Clinton is BS?
Reputable journalists like Stanley Wolpert are BS?

Suddenly the whole world is wrong just because they don't adhere to Pakistani textbooks?
Curriculum of hatred

Suddenly the truth about Kashmiris coming out to vote in large numbers is propaganda?

In the end I provided links and data, you are just spouting hearsay and rhetorics you heard from some other pdf posters.
And you do understand that what is repeated continuously(usually exaggerated and/or false) but can't be backed up with facts actually is propaganda?

Or maybe you just don't care, you are so busy trying to save face and nursing that inferiority complex that truth just bounces off you.

Also, very hypocritical of you to call our textbooks bad, ever read your own? Better yet, have you seen how rude other Indians are to Pakistanis?

Yes info from Western sources are usually BS, they hate Muslims and rarely speak of us in a positive light. Enemies of Muslims are angels in their eyes.

The curriculum of hatred you posted has no proof what so ever about our textbooks, neither does any source claiming our textbooks are bad. Again, look at what the people say and you will see who knows hatred. Just because Kashmiri's vote does not mean they support India, it means they support choosing their leadership.

Please stop, your wasting my time with nonsense.

Also, very hypocritical of you to call our textbooks bad, ever read your own? Better yet, have you seen how rude other Indians are to Pakistanis?

Yes info from Western sources are usually BS, they hate Muslims and rarely speak of us in a positive light. Enemies of Muslims are angels in their eyes.

The curriculum of hatred you posted has no proof what so ever about our textbooks, neither does any source claiming our textbooks are bad. Again, look at what the people say and you will see who knows hatred. Just because Kashmiri's vote does not mean they support India, it means they support choosing their leadership.

Please stop, your wasting my time with nonsense.

Can you actually give one proof of every rhetoric you just spouted?
I gave you several for the truth that ACTUALLY IS.

Somehow Indians being rude to poor ol Pakistanis equates to Pakistanis doctoring their textbooks?

And you know what the Kashmiris are thinking? How very clairvoyant of your propaganda ridden media.
Kashmiris voting for an Indian party means just that, that Kashmiris are finally waking up from the yoke of the propaganda spread by their Pakistani overlords.
Just because you say so doesn't mean Kashmiris want to stay with Pakistan either.

So Info from Pakistani textbooks are correct whereas everyone else is wrong,(where would you suggest impartial info be taken from, oh I know your beautiful mind) even when the news comes from a period(check the date of the events itself mentioned in the links) where western powers were largely PRO-Pakistani and Anti-India.

Here's your proof.
Written mostly by Pakistanis or have comments by Pakistanis.

Your children are taught about wars and that too the distorted version while they are as young as in the 5th grade, hell I didn't knew about any other war but the Kargil war when I was a kid(and that too only because every adult was talking about it) as we are not even taught about the wars. I learnt about the earlier 3 wars only after I was in my 11th grade,

I get it you were taught to hate us, and that you lot were always superior to Hindus but in the end when you came to the real world you were laughed at and shown that the actual truth was the other way round, so NOW you argue only for that internet victory and nothing else.
But don't worry you will be schooled even more so if not by me then someone else, so hold on to your bias for as long as you can that is.
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Can you actually give one proof of every rhetoric you just spouted?
I gave you several for the truth that ACTUALLY IS.

Somehow Indians being rude to poor ol Pakistanis equates to Pakistanis doctoring their textbooks?

And you know what the Kashmiris are thinking? How very clairvoyant of your propaganda ridden media.
Kashmiris voting for an Indian party means just that, that Kashmiris are finally waking up from the yoke of the propaganda spread by their Pakistani overlords.
Just because you say so doesn't mean Kashmiris want to stay with Pakistan either.

So Info from Pakistani textbooks are correct whereas everyone else is wrong,(where would you suggest impartial info be taken from, oh I know your beautiful mind) even when the news comes from a period(check the date of the events itself mentioned in the links) where western powers were largely PRO-Pakistani and Anti-India.

Here's your proof.
Written mostly by Pakistanis or have comments by Pakistanis.

Your children are taught about wars and that too the distorted version while they are as young as in the 5th grade, hell I didn't knew about any other war but the Kargil war when I was a kid(and that too only because every adult was talking about it) as we are not even taught about the wars. I learnt about the earlier 3 wars only after I was in my 11th grade,

I get it you were taught to hate us, and that you lot were always superior to Hindus but in the end when you came to the real world you were laughed at and shown that the actual truth was the other way round, so NOW you argue only for that internet victory and nothing else.
But don't worry you will be schooled even more so if not by me then someone else, so hold on to your bias for as long as you can that is.

You haven't given any truth, just more Indian BS about Kashmir. When you have argued about something over a million times, maybe you will understand why I won't respond to any more of the nonsense. I will debate this textbook thing though since I've never done it before.

Those textbooks say some bad things, but other parts of them are correct, but they put things a little bluntly/exaggerated. I was personally never taught to hate India, and my parents and family have never said these things were in their textbooks. I have looked at textbooks my family in Pakistan have, they don't say anything bad either. So it's obvious that either this claim is BS, or only a minority of people read them. Probably the latter.

You have also once again proved who is hateful, by saying that Hindus are superior to Muslims, so who is the one taught to hate now? Your not the only one either, you only have to explore the internet to see how much more violent and aggressive Indians are to Pakistanis than vice versa. It's clear Indians are taught to hate even more. I am sure your textbooks contain just as bad, if not worse things. read the opening paragraph of this link for proof of that:

lol woh indians bhi baatay kar rahay hain, jin ki ghar main bhi nahi suni jati hain... kashmir per aisay suggestion dai rahay hain keh sala solution in kay hi pass hai

The best possible solution is to keep the status quo and don't indulge in anti-India activities. Else other solution is to India take back pakistan occupied kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan and merge it into Indian Union. Ofcourse, second option is far more difficult and will cause loads of causalities.
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