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A Solution to Kashmir

You haven't given any truth, just more Indian BS about Kashmir. When you have argued about something over a million times, maybe you will understand why I won't respond to any more of the nonsense. I will debate this textbook thing though since I've never done it before.

Those textbooks say some bad things, but other parts of them are correct, but they put things a little bluntly/exaggerated. I was personally never taught to hate India, and my parents and family have never said these things were in their textbooks. I have looked at textbooks my family in Pakistan have, they don't say anything bad either. So it's obvious that either this claim is BS, or only a minority of people read them. Probably the latter.

You have also once again proved who is hateful, by saying that Hindus are superior to Muslims, so who is the one taught to hate now? Your not the only one either, you only have to explore the internet to see how much more violent and aggressive Indians are to Pakistanis than vice versa. It's clear Indians are taught to hate even more. I am sure your textbooks contain just as bad, if not worse things. read the opening paragraph of this link for proof of that:


Of course you won't debate the kashmir issue even when this whole thread is about it, you have been thoroughly schooled and you have no proof of whatever you claimed in the last few pages. But sure, for Pakistanis, denial goes a long way.
I have given proof both by neutral parties and by Pakistanis, but sure you won't comment or have proof but still claim my riposte as BS.

As for textbooks, it is offtopic as per this thread and I'd rather not specifically argue about it, and get banned by mods, just because you have no words left to stick to the topic or regurgitate Pakistani rhetoric about lost wars and Kashmir.

Why should I believe you?
You are just some random poster in pdf, when more learned and reputable Pakistanis than you are saying that your textbooks are in fact biased, why should I believe your empty rhetorics about what you claim you have learnt or not learnt. You have clearly shown that your only reply to a just riposte is "it is BS coz I said so", so why would anyone take you seriously?

I bet you only read the first line and got so happy.
From your own link:

Pakistani educationist and scholar, Ms. Rubina Saigol. Also, education should teach the student to respect the `other' as the `other' is, not how the other should be. The `other' should not be seen as the mirror image of our own but unfortunately this is what our textbooks teach us to think. We always judge the `other' from our own viewpoint and accept or reject him/her. We hate those who do not fit into our own mould. Thus our textbooks tend to create intolerance and rejection of the `other' rather than acceptance.''

Nusrat Jaweed, a Pakistani journalist, writes in The News: ``The Pakistan Muslim League of Nawaz Sharif surely represents the conservative values of the patriarchal right. Women must be `protected' and `controlled' by this type. Rage comes out in the name of defending family honour. Killing in the name of `our honour' and `our values'... exposes the Taliban-type loathing of women, which dominates the PML(N) mindset''.

What is surprising is that the class V Social Studies textbook lays the entire blame for the Bangladeshi movement on the Hindus of the then East Pakistan: ``After the war of 1965, India with the help of Hindus living in East Pakistan, incited the people of East Pakistan against West Pakistanis. In December 1971, the Indians themselves attacked East Pakistan. As a result of this conspiracy, East Pakistan separated from us. We should all receive military training so that we can foil the designs of the enemy in the future.'' The conclusion drawn is extremely dangerous inasmuch as it promotes militarism instead of equity and justice and respect for the demands of oppressed ethnic groups. There is no reference to the role of Mujibur Rehman and his Awami League.

The Hindus are projected as the eternal enemy in the Pakistani textbooks. ``Although both Muslims and Hindus participated in the war of independence together, the Hindus through sheer cunning convinced the British that only Muslims participated in it.''

This is a travesty of truth. Pakistan did not come into existence for these reasons. The main struggle was political and the main question was a power-sharing arrangement which could not be satisfactorily worked out between the Congress and the Muslim League. Jinnah was hardly bothered about theological questions. Also, everyone knows how status conscious the Pakistani society is. Ethnic and sectarian conflicts have also proved, if proof is needed, that religion alone cannot be a viable basis for nationhood. Secular nationalism based on equity and justice are more viable than religious nationalism based on the hegemony of any ethnic group as is witnessed in Pakistan.

Do read the rest of it.
Convert LOC into IB, promote people to people contact and get done with it, kashmir obsession is harming both sides.
Of course you won't debate the kashmir issue even when this whole thread is about it, you have been thoroughly schooled and you have no proof of whatever you claimed in the last few pages. But sure, for Pakistanis, denial goes a long way.
I have given proof both by neutral parties and by Pakistanis, but sure you won't comment or have proof but still claim my riposte as BS.

As for textbooks, it is offtopic as per this thread and I'd rather not specifically argue about it, and get banned by mods, just because you have no words left to stick to the topic or regurgitate Pakistani rhetoric about lost wars and Kashmir.

Why should I believe you?
You are just some random poster in pdf, when more learned and reputable Pakistanis than you are saying that your textbooks are in fact biased, why should I believe your empty rhetorics about what you claim you have learnt or not learnt. You have clearly shown that your only reply to a just riposte is "it is BS coz I said so", so why would anyone take you seriously?

I bet you only read the first line and got so happy.
From your own link:

Do read the rest of it.

I won't debate the Kashmir issue because it's tiring to discuss the same thing over and over, it's the definition of insanity. No point doing so when you can't understand what's truth and Indian propaganda.

I read the entire article, but I was specifically referring to the first line which proves me right in saying India has just as bad (if not worse) propaganda than Pakistan.

Excuse me, but you are also just some random poster on PDF, who also just refused to discuss an issue. Don't be a hypocrite.

If you don't want to talk about textbooks either, then this conversation is over.
I won't debate the Kashmir issue because it's tiring to discuss the same thing over and over, it's the definition of insanity. No point doing so when you can't understand what's truth and Indian propaganda.

I read the entire article, but I was specifically referring to the first line which proves me right in saying India has just as bad (if not worse) propaganda than Pakistan.

Excuse me, but you are also just some random poster on PDF, who also just refused to discuss an issue. Don't be a hypocrite.

If you don't want to talk about textbooks either, then this conversation is over.

If you have no intention to stick to the topic, then you have no reason being in this thread, open another thread if you want to troll about textbooks, as I see it this thread is about Kashmir and I will continue to burst bubbles of people to afraid to see the reality.
But we both know why you can't talk about Kashmir, its because you were thoroughly schooled.
Truth maybe relative but just because you are repeating what some other random people say doesn't make it the truth, and propaganda is rhetoric just like yours.

I maybe a random poster but atleast I have proof of what I'm saying, you just say and have zero proof.

If you are new to the forum go check the rules section, but no one is going to talk about a different subject in a thread made specifically for another subject.
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