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Story of three Slave Nations

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3 Slave nations ? Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Fauji ka Pakistan :rofl:
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One wealth that no one can take away is knowledge and experience.Japan and Germany were industrial powers before World War II.
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slave nation is where the people are genetically slaves after thousands of years of breeding for obedience

they will never fight back against oppression by their own kind or foreign and

hence they will be forever destined for authoritarian rule

proly the best example is north korea (and soon west korea under terrorlord xi)

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Germany and Japan had professional and patriotic armies that fought valiantly and lost fair and square. After the war they did not take over their countries and reduce them to poverty and filth.

Pakistan inherited the British Indian Army made up of colonial sepoys who were traitors to their own people. They were trained to crush the population and that’s what they’ve been doing.
Ultra High IQ Japanese and German


Ultra low iq North Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladesh.

Not that hard to figure out
Japan and Germany both had very advance industrial base and skilled people albeit damaged during the wars. Japan had a well setup organisations system whilst Pakistan had little industry and no governance , Pakistan's first government had it's meeting on the footpath in Karachi. In fact Pakistan has made great strides and colossal achievements to be in the position that it is in. Here is a bit about the Japanese business organization:-



Japanese business organization
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Last Updated: Jun 6, 2023 • Article History
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zaibatsu, (Japanese: “wealthy clique”), any of the large capitalist enterprises of Japan before World War II, similar to cartels or trusts but usually organized around a single family. One zaibatsu might operate companies in nearly all important areas of economic activity. The Mitsui combine, for example, owned or had large investments in companies engaged in banking, foreign trade, mining, insurance, textiles, sugar, food processing, machinery, and many other fields as well. All zaibatsu owned banks, which they used as a means for mobilizing capital.
The four main zaibatsu were Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, and Yasuda, but there were many smaller concerns as well. All of them developed after the Meiji Restoration (1868), at which time the government began encouraging economic growth. The zaibatsu had grown large before 1900, but their most rapid growth occurred in the 20th century, particularly during World War I, when Japan’s limited engagement in the war gave it great industrial and commercial advantages.
In 1946, after the end of World War II, the Allied occupation authorities ordered the zaibatsu dissolved. Stock owned by the parent companies was put up for sale, and individual companies of the zaibatsu empires were freed from the control of parent companies. The management of the individual companies, however, was not radically changed, and to some extent the coordination and control of the previous organization remained.

After the signing of the peace treaty in 1951, many companies began associating into what became known as enterprise groups (kigyō shūdan). Those created with companies that were formerly part of the big zaibatsuMitsubishi group, Mitsui group, and Sumitomo group (qq.v.)—were more loosely organized around leading companies or major banks; they differed most significantly from the old, centrally controlled zaibatsu in the informal manner that characterized each group’s policy coordination and in the limited degree of financial interdependency between member companies. The cooperative nature of these groups became a major factor in Japan’s tremendous postwar economic growth, because, in the pooling of resources, the investments made by these groups in developing industries were large enough to make these industries competitive worldwide.

Also UAE came into being in 1971, look how it looks after it's animals in contrast to how India looks after it's people:-

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You cant compare Pak to Germany or Japan lol. We dont have the IQ needed to recover from Disaster to Disaster like Japnese have done. Different environments breed different genetics, here in the tropics, IQ and the ability to work together wasnever really a selection pressure. The cousin marriage pheninom will further erode the national IQ by 10 or so more points. And then there is the culture of honor and respect in Japan, they never really beg, even after natural disasters, its something thats really looked down on. They upold the code of their ancestors and handle their business.
It looks pretty silly to the outside world that after 75 years we still get flooding, deaths and disease in the monsoon rains, when they happen ever year. Even if govt is corrupt, in a high IQ society, the members would have come up with some sort of contingency, or a rudimentary system to lessen the impact. (Jews built a damn ventilated tunnell to escape the nazis.)
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Germany and Japan had professional and patriotic armies that fought valiantly and lost fair and square. After the war they did not take over their countries and reduce them to poverty and filth.

Pakistan inherited the British Indian Army made up of colonial sepoys who were traitors to their own people. They were trained to crush the population and that’s what they’ve been doing.

All Pakistan has on offer are US and British trained colonial sepoys. Nothing else.
Question is how loyal leaders were killed by Generals.
in pakistan if talented son or daughter is born then higher ups will do everything to stop their progress or talent whilst germany, japan the leaders will do anything to raise them higher.
You mean shereeks from family. Lol
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