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A Pakistan Girl on indian movie Phantom

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We will fulfil your wish soon son. Make fun of Ghazwa e hind as much as you can but it is there in Hadees. Soon a day will come when we will chain your leaders and will make you our slaves. Wait till that day and we will do the same to you what you are doing to this girl.

In Pakistan, the next batch of "Social workers" seems to be ready! :)
pls pls give me Pakistani Citizenship
What say it again. We have Zarvan here.
This comparison don't make sense because large number of rape cases are not reported in India unlike in western countries

Same goes for Asian and African countries in general....what are Pakistan's reported cases number anyway?

India Has A Rape Crisis, But Pakistan’s May Be Even Worse

The Stigma of Reporting a Rape in Pakistan | Outlawed in Pakistan | FRONTLINE | PBS

Zero-conviction rate for rape: Senator proposes constitutional changes - The Express Tribune

Going by:

2,576 cases of rape were registered in Punjab

Thats already 16 rapes per million in Pakistan (not including any other province), compared to 5 per million in India.
Its stupid to say that western countries have more rapes because they keep good record of reporting/registering rape/sexual harassment cases and investigate them properly
Its stupid to say that western countries have more rapes because they keep good record of reporting/registering rape/sexual harassment cases and investigate them properly

OK. Then how does Pakistan compare to India in "keeping good record of reporting/registering rape/sexual harassment cases and investigate them properly"? Given that Pakistan rape rate seems to be more than 3 times that of India?
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