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I am sorry but I am not fully aware of scenario.You have negative rating to give her sir,yo would have reported her,rather than denying Rasool Allah's teaching and using such abusive words.
Remember, Rasool Allah had neighbor who threw filth at him while he was passing by?
When she become sick,Rasool Allah (S.A.W) met her and prayed for her.
Sorry but I am not getting a word from you. Which post are you referring to? There was a derogatory post which Levina thanked to. I warned her not to do that and gave her no red BTW. In-fact I am going to raise this issue formally with the admin that there must be a rule for those who thank the abusive and derogatory posts for such posters are as much abusive as are those who they thank to. Some of them are smart enough or coward enough not to go on openly with using abusive language but covertly support and encourage bad mouth posters, such as in this case.

As far as Tasleema is concerned, for me it is just a person and I give a damn about the gender in this case. This person has mocked and abused my religion and my Prophet hence I have no respect for this person. Females do not get respect out of nowhere for they have to earn it too, especially those who believe in the equality of gender. If I can call Nawaz a thief, for he is one, I can also call Tasleema a bitch, for she is one. One should talk about morals before mocking other's religions and beloved personalities, not after, for then it is just hypocrisy and nothing else.

As I have said, Mods have all the authority to delete my post and I'll always support them for doing their job. Regards.

This drama of ganging up certain Bhartis on one person should come to an end now. I cant put all of them on my ignore list and I told you last time that putting certain bad mouths on ignore list is no solution, in-fact it will encourage them, as you can see it now. Had some of these banned the first time they had ganged up on me for being promoted, it had not come to this. They'll do this to everybody from now onwards and you'll be spending good time of yours in giving explanations.
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Sorry but I am not getting a word from you. Which post are you referring to? There was a derogatory post which Levina thanked to. I warned her not to do that and gave her no red BTW. In-fact I am going to raise this issue formally with the admin that there must be a rule for those who thank the abusive and derogatory posts for such posters are as much abusive as are those who they thank to. Some of them are smart enough or coward enough not to go on openly with using abusive language but covertly support and encourage bad mouth posters, such as in this case.
I guess that there is a confusion b/w us.Let us carry out this conversation in pm.
As far as Tasleema is concerned, for me it is just a person and I give a damn about the gender in this case. This person has mocked and abused my religion and my Prophet hence I have no respect for this person. Females do not get respect out of nowhere for they have to earn it too, especially those who believe in the equality of gender. If I can call Nawaz a thief, for he is one, I can also call Tasleema a bitch, for she is one. One should talk about morals before mocking other's religions and beloved personalities, not after, for then it is just hypocrisy and nothing else.

As I have said, Mods have all the authority to delete my post and I'll always support them for doing their job. Regards.
I think that there is a confusion b/w us,let us clear this in pm.
I think it's unfair that no one gives me positive ratings. My posts are among the best posts I have read till date. Very very sad state of afairs :disagree:

You've got 3.

That's 3 more than what I feel you deserve.

Shooooo ....
Miss Levina,
I have seen that post as well. I don't find anything abusive.However,right after it was posted I saw heaps of Indians getting personal and mocking around a single poster.
I have seen Indians going worse with many Pakistani sane posters. I myself have in fact experienced personal attacks and hateful war mongering by Indians several times.I wasn't expecting you to like a provocative and hateful post.Liking option itself has worth and it must be given to selective good quality post.
Thanks for the reply.
Let me make it clear under what circumstances I gave that post a like.
1)The TTA had posted similar threads which was closed by some mod, and ofcourse for a reason.
As far as my memory goes back it was on a similar topic. I did not expect the TTA to post a low quality thread like that.
2) I 've never reported his posts.
A few days after this incident he threatened me with a -ve again. Frankly this time i dont remember the content of that thread, but it had something to do with what the politicians in India and Pakistan speak, by then I was used to him calling me hindutvawadi and an extremist.

I expect a TTA to 've more gravitas!!

We are since day one noticing a lobby working against a single poster(not you,of course).Why this poster is so important for them?
If there was such a lobby, i would've come to know about it by now. Trust me!

I like that strategy-a thread made by @syedali73 ,a provocative hateful post and group attacks by Indians and mission accomplished.
I would not deny the presence of Indian trolls on the forum. Infact many (Indians) here would agree that it is such trolls that earn us (Indians) the ire of other nationalities.
My personal experience too has been such that I 've faced worst trolls from Indian side than any other nationality, let me be very frank that it has happened both on and off the forum.
I've noticed that it so happens at times that Indian members 're provoked and pushed to the wall to post troll posts. There's always a limit to testing somebody's patience.
Ergo @Slav Defence I believe "prevention is better than cure". When a thread which doesnt have anything to troll about is posted do you think anyone would troll on it???
Let me give you an example here, this thread should have been a troll fest
Can a Muslim be an Indian?

but it did not turn into one, reasons being:
1) Horus knew the topic would get many flamebaits if posted outside senior's cafe.
2) Read the content. Its an excellent article about Partition and India-Pakistan. There's nothing worth trolling in the OP.

I hope you got the drift of it. The TTA should've refrained from posting threads with troll-able content....repeatedly!!
To prove my point let me show you a thread posted by the same TTA
India: Land of Hypocrisy, Deceit, Poison, Disease & Death! - Ashok T. Jaisinghani
The thread is closed now. Pls note that in the OP title is much smaller than the first (provocative) line of the article. A perfect example of making a thread a troll bee-hive!!

Many have abused my religion and country several times but I have never filed complain against them.Instead I fought back in the same tone.Either I have ignored or push report button.
Been there! Done that! :)

If you hate a topic/poster then why don't you put him/her on ignore list.
I 've never taken my internet life so seriously that I would end up hating a person. But yes I've put many members on my ignore list (most of the time temporarily, as I usually 've ended up being friends with 'em again).
And nope, I dont hold any personal grudge against @syedali73.
I would not say I like his posts, but I respect everyone who is patriotic, and thats the reason I avoid making personal attacks on anyone.
But I really want him to tone down his posts, he sounds very aggressive towards the Indian members here. Pulling blanket statements against any nationality is not fair.
Not all Indians on this forum 're trolls or hindutvawadi, but we would definitely not take anything said against our country lying down.
This very same poster was favoring you Miss Levina when you were victim.
Sorry, but which poster 're we talking about?

We strongly discourage hateful post and are keeping sharp eye at our TTAs as well.However at the same time we are observing lobby against a single poster since day one.
I wish you could be a little more clear, because then I would be able to understand which user we are talking about and may be then i'll be able to give a plausible reason (or my my opinion about it).

There're many pugnacious members as well as sane members on this forum, my expectations of TTA is someone who can rise above the normal posters, who doesnt give-in to provocations easily and contributes to this forum with quality posts and not somebody with belligerent attitude.
Just my humble opinion!!!

syedali73 said:
Sorry but I am not getting a word from you. Which post are you referring to? There was a derogatory post which Levina thanked to. I warned her not to do that and gave her no red BTW. In-fact I am going to raise this issue formally with the admin that there must be a rule for those who thank the abusive and derogatory posts for such posters are as much abusive as are those who they thank to. Some of them are smart enough or coward enough not to go on openly with using abusive language but covertly support and encourage bad mouth posters, such as in this case.

I've cleared under what circumstances I gave that post a like.
Had I been coward i would not 've posted here!!!
Read my entire post above your's.
I have given examples.
I give a damn about verbose and examples. You and your gang is picking on me from day one. You better come up with concrete reasons and links to the posts and not stories and examples. @Horus
syedali73 said:
You and your gang is picking on me from day one.
My gang?
Who else???

You better come up with concrete reasons and links to the post and not stories and examples. @Horus
I've given some concrete examples, where you can not deny how you tried to provoke the members of the forum.
Do you think there's smoke without fire??
I give a damn about examples.
In short, you're not ready to change. Did I read it right?
I don't have anything more to say, because you refuse to budge.
My gang?
Who else???

I've given some concrete examples, where you can not deny how you tried to provoke the members of the forum.
Do you think there's smoke without fire??

In short, you're not ready to change. Did I read it right?
I don't have anything more to say, because you refuse to budge.
@Horus @WebMaster @Slav Defence : Now you get it?
My gang?
Who else???

I've given some concrete examples, where you can not deny how you tried to provoke the members of the forum.
Do you think there's smoke without fire??

In short, you're not ready to change. Did I read it right?
I don't have anything more to say, because you refuse to budge.
I am so sorry but what was so provokative in that?
In fact I saw Indians ganged up against him and went personal.
I am so sorry but what was so provokative in that?
In fact I saw Indians ganged up against him and went personal.
Thats exactly what I'm saying!!
He did it to himself, he should've refrained from posting threads which attracted trolls. Quality of his thread is what I was talking about.
Thats exactly what I'm saying!!
He did it to himself, he should've refrained from posting threads which attracted trolls. His quality of the thread is what I was talking about.
C'mon Levina
This means that no one should ever talk about any steps taken by Indian regime to discuss, or else trolls will get personal.
It wasn't a rape thread,it wasn't anti India thread,it wasn't any blog written by zh.If it says something abusive or out of information then mods would have closed themselves.All the responses were:
2-Self interpretation Dependant

So,tommorrow if I open up any random thread, what I will be seeing,this?


I dont see why you're trying to raise false alarm!!!
No he is not wrong.I am evident myself.You can check announcement thread and unwelcomed posts by few posters.
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