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Post Ratings Review Board.

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Just came to know about this thread, whould like post my review request for few negative ratings that i have received.

@WebMaster @Horus @waz @Chak Bamu @blain2 @Deino @Emmie @Manticore @Oscar @WDN @T-Faz @TaimiKhan etc.
Kindly look at following post
EX PAF Heli Pilot chosen to train for one-way Mars mission
and then read the given below link for explanation of that post and then do the review
EX PAF Heli Pilot chosen to train for one-way Mars mission | Page 2

Similarly not sure whats wrong in this...
Hurriyat leader meets Pakistan envoy after talks called off | Page 3

Thanks for taking your time out to review and I hope you will look things in the context..
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@WebMaster @Horus @Slav Defence @waz @Irfan Baloch @Oscar

This guy, a TT of yours, responds to a post of mine with this personal atack:

"A better answer was not expected from a radical Hindutvadi."

R@ping nuns part of Christian culture claims Hindu leader | Page 13

To which I responded ....

"Translation: The foaming at the mouth Hindu hating Jihadist does not have a comeback."

R@ping nuns part of Christian culture claims Hindu leader | Page 13

He then goes on to give me a negative rating for that. Could you kindly look into it please and tell me whether a TT (or any member) can

1) Get away with first personally attacking a member

and then

2) Utilize his position for personal gain unfairly against the same member when he reacts to the provocation.
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@WebMaster @Horus @Slav Defence @waz @Irfan Baloch @Oscar

This guy, a TT of yours, responds to a ost of mine with this personal atack:

"A better answer was not expected from a radical Hindutvadi."

R@ping nuns part of Christian culture claims Hindu leader | Page 13

To which I responded ....

"Translation: The foaming at the mouth Hindu hating Jihadist does not have a comeback."

R@ping nuns part of Christian culture claims Hindu leader | Page 13

He then goes on to give me a negative rating for that. Could you kindly look into it please and tell me whether a TT (or any member) can

1) Get away with first personally attacking a member

and then

2) Utilize his position for personal gain unfairly against the same member when he reacts to the rovocation.

I have raised this issue of usage provocative statements in social threads by some TTs and using the privilege for personal advantage.Hoping your issue be sorted.

As far as I see both are personal remarks and both deserve a negative rating.
I have raised this issue of usage provocative statements in social threads by some TTs and using the privilege for personal advantage.Hoping your issue be sorted.

As far as I see both are personal remarks and both deserve a negative rating.

He started it. Unprovoked, might I add.

I reacted. Provoked.

@SpArK and Mods

I guess this would also be a good time to add that all four of my negative ratings are directly linked to this one TT.

3 of them given by this TT. 1 by a pompom boy of his (for a post that had already been negatively rated by him in the first place).

I see a trend, and have chosen now to bring it up. Please look into this.

Viny man, without any prejudice to your cause but simply for logic's sake …
you list Horus in those you ask to review your negative ratings while he is one
of those who gave you such on that very post???

No disrespect but that makes little sense!
At least check who and why you get these -ive ratings before complaining?

Just saying' and good luck with that and good day to you, Tay.
@WebMaster @Horus @Slav Defence @waz @Irfan Baloch @Oscar

This guy, a TT of yours, responds to a post of mine with this personal atack:

"A better answer was not expected from a radical Hindutvadi."

R@ping nuns part of Christian culture claims Hindu leader | Page 13

To which I responded ....

"Translation: The foaming at the mouth Hindu hating Jihadist does not have a comeback."

R@ping nuns part of Christian culture claims Hindu leader | Page 13

He then goes on to give me a negative rating for that. Could you kindly look into it please and tell me whether a TT (or any member) can

1) Get away with first personally attacking a member

and then

2) Utilize his position for personal gain unfairly against the same member when he reacts to the provocation.
the reason for this thread is to avoid such situations which you have highlighted

no one can abuse the system because of his position. if you feel strongly about something then you highlight it and it can be revoked and yes in case of an ongoing grudge match with someone who has the ability to rate your posts it can be seen as unfair.

in general you must stop immediately in engaging any further argument and raise the issue as you eventually did
the reason for this thread is to avoid such situations which you have highlighted

no one can abuse the system because of his position. if you feel strongly about something then you highlight it and it can be revoked and yes in case of an ongoing grudge match with someone who has the ability to rate your posts it can be seen as unfair.

in general you must stop immediately in engaging any further argument and raise the issue as you eventually did

Sirji is that all?

My negative ratings are still there.

The grudge match is still on.

And one side in bowling beamers at the other who's hands are tied behind his back.
Viny man, without any prejudice to your cause but simply for logic's sake …
you list Horus in those you ask to review your negative ratings while he is one
of those who gave you such on that very post???

No disrespect but that makes little sense!
At least check who and why you get these -ive ratings before complaining?

Just saying' and good luck with that and good day to you, Tay.

Thanks for your suggestions.
Sometime there are misunderstandings, which can always be corrected.
Since there is no personal enmity, there is no harm in asking @Horus or others to review back there ratings :)
@doppelganger I'm looking at the thread now.


Thanks buddy. I appreciate your fairness and the grace you bring to your position. Respect is always earned, never demanded, moreso on a platform where most of us have never met each other. You have mine.

I am quite disappointed though that the remaining negative ratings have not been overturned.

They have been given by the same TT, as a continuation of his longstanding feud with an outspoken Indian and a proud Hindu who refuses to take his bigoted nonsense and will continue to pay back in the same coin.

Know this @syedali73. Mi Maratha aahe. Samajh ja.

@Slav Defence after your earlier exhortations to "Please quit your dramay baazi and tamashay. Kindly posts me the clear evidence of his violations." I did not hear a peep out of you when I took your advice and did. Wonder why. Was definitely expecting the Vice Chairman of the Think Tank to discipline his flock when they strayed.

And stray they did. Repeatedly. Hope you keep an eye.
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hey i usually post in Arab Defense Forum but now the new thread button disappeared and it says at the end of the page
(You have insufficient privileges to post here) what's wrong i cant post any where now i only can comment ?
I got negative rating from horus and also he deleted my post. I had compared him or called him Hafiz Saeed of PDF for his extreme anti Indian views. He is a senior member but always posting inflammatory posts. He even does not have any negative rating.

Negative rating is still OK but he deleted my post as well. All by himself for something against him. Please review if it is fair?

Message I got -
Hey nik22,

We follow 3 strike procedure to ban users. This is one of the strikes.

Location of violating the forum rule.

India Warns China over SCS : Will use Naval Might !!! to secure our interests.

I'm a sworn foe of the Indian state, i have never hidden that fact nor ever apologised for it. The sole reason is the hubris India harbors to my people.

* Stop bringing religion into the debate.
OK, Mr Hafiz Saeed of PDF. Good luck to you and your fans who admire you and give likes for anything you post.

My country has withstood from enemies, invasion for centuries. We will exist until end of this world (if there is one).

EDIT: was missing some character to my profile. This Negative Rating has made a beginning.

@waz ,@Chak Bamu , can you guys please review above post of mine? If needed you can review my other posts as well on thread. Please also review posts of horus from same thread.
I feel negative rating given to me is not fair. It looks like abuse of power to me.
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I got negative rating from horus and also he deleted my post. I had compared him or called him Hafiz Saeed of PDF for his extreme anti Indian views. He is a senior member but always posting inflammatory posts. He even does not have any negative rating.

Well sir, personal attacks are very much against the forum rules, especially personal attacks against the site Administrators.

I was thinking about giving that post a negative rating too, but I let it slide because I don't usually see you flaming like that.
Well sir, personal attacks are very much against the forum rules, especially personal attacks against the site Administrators.

I was thinking about giving that post a negative rating too, but I let it slide because I don't usually see you flaming like that.
yes, I don't. That is my first negative rating. But as a site administrator are his posts OK? check the things he has been posting.

About Hafiz Saeed, that was an analogy. I did address as Mr Hafiz Saeed. Mr Horus does not himself have negative views about Hafiz Saeed, so what could be offensive? Like Hafiz Saeed does, spreading hatred against India in Pakistan, same is happening on forum.

I won't have mind as much if someone else gave negative rating but him. If I had the power and someone saying "I am sworn foe of Indian state", I would have qualified that for negative rating.
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