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R@ping nuns part of Christian culture claims Hindu leader

I concur, what is needed is proper investigation. But what Mr. Surendra Jain is saying:

"This is a spontaneous reaction of the local people. There are no Christians living in the village or around it where the church has been attacked. So why was a church being built there? Will the Christians allow us to make a Hanuman temple in the Vatican? Let them allow that, and we will ask them to choose any place in India for a church. We will fund it. The church was for the purpose of conversion. Local people had warned against it. But when it went unheeded, they took whatever action they deemed fit."

So basically Mr Jain is accepting that it was the work of Hindu fascists. Now tell me who is wrong here?

I don't think it was the work of Hindu fascist. The victim being a nun, he smelled the opportunity to give vent to his venom.
Absolutely no one in the EU,NO ONE,gets to keep a child if they're simply "given" one by another couple,with no papers sanctioned by the proper authorities.It doesn't matter if you're a gypsie ,a Romanian,a Spaniard or a tall,blond,viking looking Swede.Children are not pets .....WTF ?

The point is Maria was plucked from the Roma couple because the authorities could not believe that Romas could have a blonde child. Of course they found a excuse to hide their shame when it was found that Maria was a Roma child in legalities.
A HINDU leader has caused outrage by claiming that raping nuns was part of “Christian culture” as protests swelled against a brutal attack on an elderly nun at a convent school — the latest in a series of attacks against Christians in India.

Surendra Jain, general secretary of the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP), or World Hindu Council, rejected allegations that the attack on the 72-year-old nun in Ranaghat, near Calcutta, on Saturday was motivated by religious hatred, despite evidence that it was.

Instead, Mr Jain attacked the Roman Catholic church for its record on sxual abuse. “It is a Christian culture to exploit nuns. We don’t do such things.”

The school chapel was desecrated during the attack by half a dozen armed men who also looted it and destroyed religious artefacts.

The VHP has 6.8 million members in India and is part of the same family of Hindu nationalist organisations as the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of Narendra Modi, the prime minister.

In the past, the VHP and its youth wing have been linked to the murder of Christian missionaries, attacks on churches and mosques, and the “reconversion” of members of Indian minority communities to Hinduism. The VHP maintains that all Indians were originally Hindu.

Continuing his invective against the Catholic Church, Mr Jain said: “The Vatican received 5,000 complaints of sxual exploitation in five years, prompting the Pope to appeal for legalisation of g@y sx.”

Shops and schools in Ranaghat closed for business yesterday in protest at the attack, amid growing anger that police have been slow to solve the attack on the Convent of Jesus and Mary school.

“We have called for the shutdown of businesses and shops in this town to support the nun ... and the immediate arrest of the culprits,” said Samiran Paul, a spokesman for the local business association. “We can’t imagine such inhuman torture on an elderly nun who devoted her life to the service of humanity. It’s a shame to us.”

His remarks came as Mr Modi said he was “deeply concerned” about the r@pe, and the destruction of another church in Haryana, near Delhi.

On Monday night, Christian groups across India held candlelit vigils to protest against the attacks, which most attribute to Hindu extremists.

Joseph Diaz, of the Catholic Secular Forum, said there had been a “huge spike” in the number of attacks on Christians and churches since the election of Mr Modi last May.

“They are clearly targeting the Catholic Church and clergy. This is a natural culmination of the forces which have been bred by this government. Their silence and inaction is seen as a clear signal for these groups to continue.”

The nun was still in hospital yesterday (Tuesday) and medical officials said she was making a good recovery.

Mohammed Salim, an MP from West Bengal, said: “We all feel ashamed, never could this have been imagined, we have never heard of such things. And despite that after 70 hours no arrests have been made.”

About 80 per cent of India’s 1.26 billion people are Hindus while some 15 per cent are Muslims and about 2.5 per cent are Christians.

Mr Modi began his political career with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, a militant Hindu organisation. While he played down religious issues during his election campaign, several Hindu groups have viewed his victory as their chance to push their agenda.

The Times

what is " Hindu Leader"

Who made him Hindu leader ?

what is the proof that all Hindus heard abt him let alone Make him their leader ?

He is like Baghdadi a self proclaimed Caliph

if you can't answer these questions then Change the Retard Title of the Thread
Both are heinous crimes and it would be downright sickening to hold a match of mine is bigger than yours while talking about crimes such as these.

Nope boss. Heinous they may both be, but one is a lot worse than the other.

In one, the victim is going to live and go on with her life.

In the other, 15 innocents lst their lives. 15 homes were destroyed. 15 families that have crumbled. 15 people died, but many many more will bear the grief for a long time to come.

As I said, on a scale of 1 to 10, if Pakistan gets a 10 as the maximum, India does not even open its score.

So kindly take your concern and use it fruitfully for the mess that is your own country first. And stop being a hypocrite.
Nope boss. Heinous they may both be, but one is a lot worse than the other.

In one, the victim is going to live and go on with her life.

In the other, 15 innocents lst their lives. 15 homes were destroyed. 15 families that have crumbled. 15 people died, but many many more will bear the grief for a long time to come.

As I said, on a scale of 1 to 10, if Pakistan gets a 10 as the maximum, India does not even open its score.

So kindly take your concern and use it fruitfully for the mess that is your own country first. And stop being a hypocrite.
A better answer was not expected from a radical
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The point is Maria was plucked from the Roma couple because the authorities could not believe that Romas could have a blonde child. Of course they found a excuse to hide their shame when it was found that Maria was a Roma child in legalities.

Because it is very,very rare for them to have blonde children and because there are documented occurences of them stealing children.The authorities handled it very well.They didn't hide anything but followed the law,if you give children to whome you please in your country like they're puppies,it's your business ,this is not allowed in here.
Brother they have been doing it for yrs n we certainly don't require to follow the paths of churches over such a sad incident.... Keep the victims age(of our grandma) might shake our hollow humanity from inside....
I see this entire thing from humane perspective before anything else ....
Kisi dusre ki galti ko sudhaarne k liye jaruri nhi Ki main bhi vahi galti karu..... Plz try to understand.....
No if BJP hadn't had full majority in the LS, opposition would have demanded for vote of confidence already on basis of such attacks.
Ryan International School endorse Swatch Bharat campaign, but main stream media twist the issue based on a whatsap message that the school is running BJP membership drive and teachers are not being paid their salary for not joining BJP.

What kind of cr@p is that? There comes a point when such nonsense needs to be confronted head on. It's about time such presstitude confronted head on.
Translation: The foaming at the mouth Hindu hating Jihadist does not have a comeback.
By habitually insulting and taking cheap shots at those who happen to disagree with your lunacy, you are only doing those a favor who want this forum to see without Hindutvadi rabids such as you.

@Jango @Emmie @Slav Defence @Horus This Hindutvadi radical is sparing no chance of taking cheap shots. Please take a note of this.
Inde bro you are good poster here n our disconnect is not about the how evangelism uplifted the ppl morally but about a person(I would call him a moron in the given context) who is justifying the rape of 71yr old lady of grandmother age... Don't we have courage to condemn a such inhumane acts n the remarks of this moron? By condemning these kind of ppl we actually send a msg that we are way better than those churches which covered up the rapes ....
Its a request a buddy....

When and where did you found VHP justifying this rapist act ? It was Seculars who wanted to turn it into Hindu bashing . With out any proof !!!!

And so VHP replied by quoting the United Nation statement . On Vatican and many other churches in the world has brought laws which literally allow Christians priest to hav Christmas treat by sexually Abusing small boys , nuns ( young / old ) and what not ? Abuse rape and killings ... Am just quoting few media reports on crimes committed by churches. Which is exactly quoted by VHP ...

Now why and what is wrong with that ?

In fact people should support VHPs statement after doing there own assessment via Internet ... just Google

" Sexual abuse by pope or churchs" in Google search bar .

You will get 10000s of reports and evidence if not millions of them . And this is not just decade old issue. These home sexual arrestment been going on from pre Christian era of ROME and the WEST ... Rapes are so common in western countries unlike India which had Civilisation 10000s of years old which put women first before God himself !

People need to realise it . Christianity was created after 400 years of jesus death/alive what ever ... The new bible was written during 350-420 AD . What kind of truth are you expecting about some one lived 400 years before these kings ? And main purpose was to group these European small countries , traders , criminals , non be livers and be livers of God together so they can built a empire out of it .

Just think of a countries with no rules no laws . Full power to Roman soldiers . They can do what ever they want . So they did raped , abused brutality whatever they can . This Is the society created this religion . If you don't belive me try to Google search and read few articles on atrocity comited by Romans .

The Dec 25th is actually not the day Jesus born . But it was date of birth of the pre Christian religion 2000-3000 bce older than Christianity . Which is called pagan religion . The God was a Sun god ! More like Hindu culture ! His DOB is been celebrated on 25th December . Is it coincidence ? Or since the motive of creating new religion is to reach the masses and unite them they have declared jesus was born on 25th December. So he BECAME SON OF GOD !!!! There are lots many other bibles , old testimons by the guts those who roam around with jesus. In these book no one claimed he was a god or son of God . That's why new bible was written to create a whole religion . With mix of Vedic culture. For example the jesus was not born in Shepherd shed and his mother many not be a virgin after all . How it's possible to be a old lady at the time rapes , unlawness , no rules , soldiers who ever had more powers can to anything they want. No one will ask the army men even if they kill some one .

So think all this story is recipe of Krishna Story . Many coincidence ? AGAIN ?

I really belive . We need to come out in open talk these things straight looking to their eyes.
Because it is very,very rare for them to have blonde children and because there are documented occurences of them stealing children.The authorities handled it very well.They didn't hide anything but followed the law,if you give children to whome you please in your country like they're puppies,it's your business ,this is not allowed in here.

So all this is so rational. There was no racial profiling at all. So how come you find it so hard to believe that Christian priests have a high incidence of raping nuns regardless of the country they are in and it is based on their repeated occurrence this statement has been made? There is no hiding anything at all here. Everything that was stated was a fact. If you have churches and society covering up rapes of nuns and children in your society like they are some toys rather than human beings, it is your business, this is not allowed in here.
So all this is so rational. There was no racial profiling at all. So how come you find it so hard to believe that Christian priests have a high incidence of raping nuns regardless of the country they are in and it is based on their repeated occurrence this statement has been made? There is no hiding anything at all here. Everything that was stated was a fact. If you have churches and society covering up rapes of nuns and children in your society like they are some toys rather than human beings, it is your business, this is not allowed in here.

There is no "high incidence".Those are isolated incidents which are sensationalised.It was never the norm despite all of the propaganda.Btw,i'm not the one defending giving children away,you were,to late to go back on that road.It seemed that it was acceptable to you,you regarded it as normal,it was unacceptable to me.

These incidents seem many because in Western societies people confront these problems,9 out of 10 incidents get discovered,in India is the other way around,9/10 never get discovered.It's useless comparing stats because yours aren't real.
There is no "high incidence".Those are isolated incidents which are sensationalised.It was never the norm despite all of the propaganda.Btw,i'm not the one defending giving children away,you were,to late to go back on that road.It seemed that it was acceptable to you,you regarded it as normal,it was unacceptable to me.

These incidents seem many because in Western societies people confront these problems,9 out of 10 incidents get discovered,in India is the other way around,9/10 never get discovered.
Until today, Indian elite prefers to send their kids to boarding schools run by Christian missionaries. If we go by what certain posters are alleging the clergymen for, entire generations of those who studied in Missionary-run convents and boardings were raped or molested yet nothing ever came to light.
By habitually insulting and taking cheap shots at those who happen to disagree with your lunacy, you are only doing those a favor who want this forum to see without Hindutvadi rabids such as you.

@Jango @Emmie @Slav Defence @Horus This Hindutvadi radical is sparing no chance of taking cheap shots. Please take a note of this.

You started it.

If you call someone a "radical Hindutvawadi" be prepared to be called out for what you are - "a foaming at the mouth Hindu hating Jihadist"

Fairs fair.

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Until today, Indian elite prefers to send their kids to boarding schools run by Christian missionaries. If we go by what certain posters are alleging the clergymen for, entire generations of those who studied in Missionary-run convents and boardings were raped or molested yet nothing ever came to light.

In my 2 years on PDF i've never seen so much disgusting posts like in the last 3-4 weeks from some Hindutva fanatics.It's actually quite shocking.

I probably never paid attention because it seemed a Hindu-Muslim affair but i started reading when i saw Christians mentioned (yeah,hypocritical,i know).My jaw literally dropped.
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