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Muslims, Christians sons of Ram, those who don't believe it should leave India: BJP minister

Well, that is possibly because they all point to the same origin and same message.. and all you have is the repetition of the same message through history.

Actually, Gandhi was wrong. All religions are not the same. They do not have the same message. People's affinity towards good though is the same since we are all part of the same cosmic force and divine beings. I believe, the Eastern religions/Dharmas are static forces, the preservers so to speak. The Western religions/Abrahamic religions are evolutionary forces, the destructive forces. It is the entanglement between these two which keeps the world going. The pull and push between entropy and evolution.

Hinduism never talks of a final God or only God or final prophet

When critics make fun of the millions of deities in Hinduism
they forget that Hinduism gives people plenty of choice to worship
any deity they like

It is only about freedom of choice ; Hinduism gives complete freedom
to its followers

There is nothing compulsory ; nothing is forced
Whether you want to go to temples or not ; or follow any ritual ;
or say your prayers or shlokas (ie hymns in praise of the Almighty ) or not
or pray in which ever manner you want

You might have seen Deewar movie
where Amitabh Bachchan refuses to take " prasad "; because he hates God

Prasad is sweets offered to God which are
then distributed to devotees at the temple

His brother solves the dispute between him and his mother by saying
" Mother gives you prasad but you dont consider it as prasad but as a sweet and eat it
Both are happy

That is how flexible Hinduism is

People are judged by God on the basis of karma ie rewarded or punished
both in this birth and the next
It will surely happens tomorrow or day after...Congress of Karnataka can't leave their 8-10% strong ''special''vote bank so easily...
Tipu is our ''Kannadada hemmeya putra''(Proud son of Kannada)..

Its in fact more than 8-10%, You must ask for a Kannadiga's opinion....Had Congress really thought of appeasing their "8-10% special" vote bank, then they would have done the same in other states where muslims constitute more than 8-10% since Tipu Sultan is loved and respected by majority of muslims all over India...
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an ancient religion, much/all of the symbolism is esoteric.. kiske 12 hands me kya hai, kis rang ka hai, kitney skulls hai belt mein, son of the sun, daughter of the planet.. all of it is mostly lost in translation, much like muhammed's flying horse or whathavyou 'nonsense' in the abrahamic faiths

old software for the soul, still works but... not really o_O

buddhism is a relatively newer OS, notice how its generally more streamlined with not as much garbage as the older faiths

everyone should go do a vipassana course once, you'll just get a clearer idea of what the old faiths are trying (and failing miserably) to convey

Hinduism never talks of a final God or only God or final prophet

When critics make fun of the millions of deities in Hinduism
they forget that Hinduism gives people plenty of choice to worship
any deity they like

It is only about freedom of choice ; Hinduism gives complete freedom
to its followers

There is nothing compulsory ; nothing is forced
Whether you want to go to temples or not ; or follow any ritual ;
or say your prayers or shlokas (ie hymns in praise of the Almighty ) or not
or pray in which ever manner you want

You might have seen Deewar movie
where Amitabh Bachchan refuses to take " prasad "; because he hates God

Prasad is sweets offered to God which are
then distributed to devotees at the temple

His brother solves the dispute between him and his mother by saying
" Mother gives you prasad but you dont consider it as prasad but as a sweet and eat it
Both are happy

That is how flexible Hinduism is

People are judged by God on the basis of karma ie rewarded or punished
both in this birth and the next
Deewar comment Was Epic:D:D
No need to get defensive. Now it seems you are the one putting English as a prerequisite. He has used a teleprompter whenever he has spoken in English, not that there is anything wrong with that.

I did not assume that being a Hindu saint equates to being an imbecile. However being a Hindu saint does not necessarily qualify you to be a minister. Religion and governance are two different things and should be kept separate.

She was made a minister because of 2 reasons:-
1) She belongs to a MBC(more backward caste) in UP-Nishad
2)She has worked very hard to expand the presence of the BJP & the Sangh Parivaar among her castemen & other MBCs & OBCs.
And unfortunately whether you or the others like it or not, there are many such Sadhus, saints & RSS people who are waiting to be rewarded & will be rewarded by the Modi Sarkaar.

Modi will give you development, good governance & will crack down on corruption. Don't worry about them:).

BUT, he will give the RSS, VHP & other Sangh Parivaar affiliates what THEY want(provided they not interfere with the above which I am sure they will not).
And Don't forget Ashok Singhal's statement:- " For the first time in 800 years, a proud Hindu is ruling Delhi " :)
Tipu Sultan is not a freedom fighter. He never fought for 'Indian' independence. Plus, he was a bigot. By that yardstick the Moplah rebellion was a freedom movement.

It is, according to NCERT and Bipin Chandra ( His book India's struggle for Independence).

BTW. Bipin Chandra wrote NCERT books during UPA regime.
You as an individual may know where to stop, but we already have a few instances that can be considered as terrorist attacks even by the standards of Islamic terror, and some so called Hindutvawadis have been convicted for that. So please don't tell me that given an opportunity Hindu extremists cannot act similar to their Muslim counterparts just because Hindu religious texts don't have such radical outlook.

And for your last paragraph, Sangh Parivaar can probably impose its writ in parts of Northern India, but they are toothless in rest of the country, and BJP will be finished if Sangh Parivaar try to show its writ. They don't do such things for their own survival.

Perhaps in WB the Parivaar is weak, but not in the rest of the nation. :)

We are strong in Gujarat(only the VHP & those in the parivaar who are against Modi are weak), MP, Rajasthan, Chattisgarh & Maharashtra. We are NOT & were NEVER confined to North India.

LOL the RSS was BORN in Maharashtra, not in North India.

There are also RSS Shakas in Karnataka,Odisha Telangana,Kerala & AP(my great-uncles from AP were RSS karyakartas :) )
Over time our presence in these states will steadily grow.
[FACT:- 1)Ever heard of Venkaiah Naidu, he was influenced by RSS.
2)Revanth Reddy- the only leader(from TDP) who is taking on KCR in Telangana is also an ex-RSS guy]

We are also spreading our wings in TN, Punjab ,Goa & we will also spread in your state & NE-India.
Our karyakartas & favorites (Rajnath Singh, Gadkari, Fadnavis, Khattar, Parrikar[yep], Chouhan......etc) are in high places.
Yes they won't do our bidding all the time(which is good), but we can convince them to do what we want on many issues . Infact many of them even share our views on many issues.

And don't forget even our PM is a RSS man ;)
(" Once you join the RSS, you can never leave it" :-said by Rajnath Singh)
And mark my words, if the Parivaar & it's cadre-base dumps the BJP . BJP will find it very hard to even win 100 seats.

Yours Sincerely,
A person who supports the RSS & has an idea of it's importance for the BJP

It is, according to NCERT and Bipin Chandra ( His book India's struggle for Independence).

BTW. Bipin Chandra wrote NCERT books during UPA regime.

Yep the Keralite govt. even gave them the title of 'martyrs' & publicly honoured the Mopillas.

Dude, he became CM of Gujarat ONLY BECAUSE OF RSS. He rioted primarily to please RSS. What weird things are you saying man? After the Riots ABVP had made up his mind to get Modi sacked, it was the RSS that intervened and stopped him.
Not just RSS, even Advani intervened to save him.

:P Even Balasaheb Thackeray had stood by him and asked Advani not to kick him out(from what I heard).

He will have some difference of opinion with the RSS on some issues & will not tolerate any opposition from them, but he will give them some liberty & freedom & take their views on some issues.
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All of us have descended from this, anybody not agreeing should leave earth and bloody hell this is scientifically proven....I think

Seems like the tongues of Adithyanath's, Sadhvi's etc are slipping more than often nowadays...

Adityanath's diatribe in parliament was orchestrated ,and was requirement of that time. Congress has the gall to sought debate on communal issue ,when it's MLA was busy massacring Sikhs in Saharanpur. That hypocrisy of congress needed to be blown out of water.

Sadhvi's statement was one of unwanted loose statement which should have been avoided.
Perhaps in WB the Parivaar is weak, but not in the rest of the nation. :)

We are strong in Gujarat(only the VHP & those in the parivaar who are against Modi are weak), MP, Rajasthan, Chattisgarh & Maharashtra. We are NOT & were NEVER confined to North India.

LOL the RSS was BORN in Maharashtra, not in North India.

There are also RSS Shakas in Karnataka,Odisha Telangana,Kerala & AP(my great-uncles from AP were RSS karyakartas :) )
Over time our presence in these states will steadily grow.
[FACT:- 1)Ever heard of Venkaiah Naidu, he was influenced by RSS.
2)Revanth Reddy- the only leader(from TDP) who is taking on KCR in Telangana is also an ex-RSS guy]

We are also spreading our wings in TN, Punjab ,Goa & we will also spread in your state & NE-India.
Our karyakartas & favorites (Rajnath Singh, Gadkari, Fadnavis, Khattar, Parrikar[yep], Chouhan......etc) are in high places.
Yes they won't do our bidding all the time(which is good), but we can convince them to do what we want on many issues . Infact many of them even share our views on many issues.

And don't forget even our PM is a RSS man ;)
(" Once you join the RSS, you can never leave it" :-said by Rajnath Singh)
And mark my words, if the Parivaar & it's cadre-base dumps the BJP . BJP will find it very hard to even win 100 seats.

Yours Sincerely,
A person who supports the RSS & has an idea of it's importance for the BJP

Yep the Keralite govt. even gave them the title of 'martyrs' & publicly honoured the Mopillas.

Not just RSS, even Advani intervened to save him.

:P Even Balasaheb Thackeray had stood by him and asked Advani not to kick him out(from what I heard).

He will have some difference of opinion with the RSS on some issues & will not tolerate any opposition from them, but he will give them some liberty & freedom & take their views on some issues.

I am not talking about where RSS will spread its wings in future, that time will tell, right now RSS is powerful only in a particular part of the country that you and I both agreed.

And about BJP winning in RSS's strength; how many times BJP managed to be in power in last 67 years? Where was RSS then? Vajpayeeji's government came into power because of the leadership crisis in Delhi and his personal carishma, he was the tallest leader of his time, similarly Modi's government came into power because of the spectacular failure of the previous government and Modi's personal carishma, do you think BJP would have come to power if MMS did well? Then why BJP failed in 2009, what RSS was doing then? Indian democracy is maturing with time and people have learned to punish political parties in elections, you are just over-estimating RSS's political influence in India.

In fact I would say that RSS needs BJP much more than the opposite, and Modi is not going to be a yesman of any organisation, he has strong autoctatic tendencies and once he consolidates his position by delivering good results in the government, RSS will have to dance to his tunes or have to meet the fate of VHP in Gujrat.

Btw, why don't RSS fight the elections on their own, just to have a reality check?
Its in fact more than 8-10%, You must ask for a Kannadiga's opinion....Had Congress really thought of appeasing their "8-10% special" vote bank, then they would have done the same in other states where muslims constitute more than 8-10% since Tipu Sultan is loved and respected by majority of muslims all over India...
Tipu sultan is loved and respected even by Malayali Muslims,though he mass murdered their own Malayali Hindus and Christian brethrens like rats...Thats the power of ''RELIGION""..It crosses linguistic and ethnical bondings...
I am not talking about where RSS will spread its wings in future, that time will tell, right now RSS is powerful only in a particular part of the country that you and I both agreed.

And about BJP winning in RSS's strength; how many times BJP managed to be in power in last 67 years? Where was RSS then? Vajpayeeji's government came into power because of the leadership crisis in Delhi and his personal carishma, he was the tallest leader of his time, similarly Modi's government came into power because of the spectacular failure of the previous government and Modi's personal carishma, do you think BJP would have come to power if MMS did well? Then why BJP failed in 2009, what RSS was doing then? Indian democracy is maturing with time and people have learned to punish political parties in elections, you are just over-estimating RSS's political influence in India.

In fact I would say that RSS needs BJP much more than the opposite, and Modi is not going to be a yesman of any organisation, he has strong autoctatic tendencies and once he consolidates his position by delivering good results in the government, RSS will have to dance to his tunes or have to meet the fate of VHP in Gujrat.

Btw, why don't RSS fight the elections on their own, just to have a reality check?
RSS is powerful in the entire country. Go once to a RSS shakha near you and you will know. In Bengal we are not often in the open for obvious reasons, but we exist and are growing rapidly.

Tipu sultan is loved and respected even by Malayali Muslims,though he mass murdered their own Malayali Hindus and Christian brethrens like rats...Thats the power of ''RELIGION""..It crosses linguistic and ethnical bondings...
Tipu Sultan is loved by all Muslims and even many secular(truly secular) people, inspite of him being an A class bigot.
RSS is powerful in the entire country. Go once to a RSS shakha near you and you will know. In Bengal we are not often in the open for obvious reasons, but we exist and are growing rapidly.

Anything that grows rapidly is called cancer. :D
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