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Muslims, Christians sons of Ram, those who don't believe it should leave India: BJP minister

Well, if one takes a Hindu theology idea and postulates that a supreme being exists within all of us..then this supreme being is also very aware of the cosmic balance and is the origin or creator of it.. no?

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And I dont talk of a state of permanent bliss(Nirvana) i.e reaching this supreme level of self.. but the idea of bliss and pain as a cause and effect for actions.

As I explained there is no permanent bliss or permanent pain. Also karma plays out over many many lives, so it is not necessary that if you are born as an evil being now, immediately in next life you would be made to suffer pain. It could be instantaneous or over hundreds of years. So if your bliss is the feeling you feel on eating your nihari paya or the pain you suffer with a Delhi belly later on, even that can be called Karma.
Wait, I am not against Hindu 'extremism'. I am what you would call an 'extremist'. The level to which I am willing to go is what makes me different. I am as Hindu today as I was when Congress was in power and I will be if the Taliban comes to power(till I am beheaded). Hindu pacifism has resulted in its meek surrender everywhere. I don't want that. When there is injustice to Dharmics, I will do what I can to rememdy the situation.

Let me give some examples of extremists -
Extremist Buddhist/Tibetan - self immolates himself in front of Chinese embassy :(
Extremist Jain - does not open his mouth in the fear of ingesting an insect.
Extremist Hindu - says that all are children of Ram.
Extremist - Blows up people for drawing cartoons.

You are actually seeing Hindu extremism as a nascent mirror image of Islamic extremism. But for both to be equal, the dogma ie Hinduism and Islam has to be similar. And that is where the difference lies. I will urge you to study scholars of comparative religion.

Calling this as stage one is also juvenile. We are a Dharmic majority nation. If we want we can impose our writ anytime. The RSS alone numbers above 10 million, and with similar groups will reach above 40 million. Most of the Indian institutions from the defence to research to business is full of men and women who are either a part of us or support us. If we wanted we could have done anything. If we haven't know for sure, we have no such designs.

You as an individual may know where to stop, but we already have a few instances that can be considered as terrorist attacks even by the standards of Islamic terror, and some so called Hindutvawadis have been convicted for that. So please don't tell me that given an opportunity Hindu extremists cannot act similar to their Muslim counterparts just because Hindu religious texts don't have such radical outlook.

And for your last paragraph, Sangh Parivaar can probably impose its writ in parts of Northern India, but they are toothless in rest of the country, and BJP will be finished if Sangh Parivaar try to show its writ. They don't do such things for their own survival.
Not really. There is almost no parallel to Modi's rise. There have been many reports that suggested that the RSS & its sister organisations supported Modi only because they risked a massive break away from their ranks if they did not. The RSS has been extremely uncomfortable with the complete focus on Modi alone. Sister organisations like the VHP & the Bajrang Dal have been at the receiving end of Modi's stick in Gujarat. My guess is that Modi is biding his time. He did the same in Gujarat where Praveen Togadia ran almost a parallel administration & was primarily the guy responsible for the Gujarat riots acting as an alternate centre of power. Modi waited a few years & then went pretty much after Togadia's supporters and banished Togadia from Gujarat -Togadia actually feared for his life and never crossed Modi's path. One of the reasons that post 2001, there were never any riots in Gujarat. I think the same is happening here. Modi is far more ruthless now and he understands that the 2014 mandate was his alone, no matter what some organisations may think. He is likely to humour the RSS for now and get on with rebuilding the economy. If the economy picks up & chances are that it will (Modi has also been very lucky, especially with crude prices), Modi is unlikely to tolerate any distraction .

Chances are that Modi will be the one doing all the replacing, not much chance of the reverse.

You are mistaken. RSS is securely comfortable under Modi. The reason why he's kept them muted is because he's got a large majority and doesn't want to rock the boat 'as is'. If his majority begins to wane, he'll go back to the RSS line to consolidate his vote bank.

Unfortunately, there were eyebrows raised when I played this in the car with my friends heading towards the Scottish mountains "Allah tero naam, Ishwar tero naam"

Somehow, A Pakistani Bihari Muslim, a Chennai Jain, An Indian Kashmiri Muslim, two Gujrati Hindus and two Hindu girls(from Malyalam) felt rather uncomfortable. :p:

Then you indulge in the same mud slinging as them and that makes you very little superior in the eyes of the reader.

Your pulling that out of your rear. That whole story is a figment of your imagination.
You as an individual may know where to stop, but we already have a few instances that can be considered as terrorist attacks even by the standards of Islamic terror, and some so called Hindutvawadis have been convicted for that. So please don't tell me that given an opportunity Hindu extremists cannot act similar to their Muslim counterparts just because Hindu religious texts don't have such radical outlook.

And for your last paragraph, Sangh Parivaar can probably impose its writ in parts of Northern India, but they are toothless in rest of the country, and BJP will be finished if Sangh Parivaar try to show its writ. They don't do such things for their own survival.
First, you underestimate the Sangh. :devil: We are everywhere. :D We are very strong in Kerala and growing in Assam and Bengal.
Secondly, given an opportunity Hindu extremists cannot act similar to their Muslim counterparts just because Hindu religious texts don't have such radical outlook. :P

Hindus have always resisted as well as they could. Extremists like Rani Padmini killed herself by jumping in the fire(along with her entire group of friends) and Pratap left the comfortable quarters and lived in forests. Such was their fanaticism. So there is a line between fanatical self defence and offensive action.
You probably don't know how a teleprompter works. For starters, you don't have to look "down" on it. If people could tell so easily that you were reading from a teleprompter, that would defeat the whole purpose of using it over a piece of paper. When he has an already written speech, he would read it as it is especially if it's in a language he is not most comfortable with. Your point that he was using a teleprompter but did not read from it is absurd. Again please don't get defensive over it, many world leaders including Obama use teleprompters all the time.

"Speaking extempore, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the Australian Parliament on Tuesday calling for closer bilateral security cooperation and a comprehensive global strategy to tackle the menace of terrorism."
In Parliament address, Modi vows to put Australia at centre of Indian thoughts

That he did not look down or at any screen was mentioned by the Australian newspapers, not something I imagined and created. Nor did I say he was not "reading" from the teleprompter. That is entirely your conjecture.

Please don't compare Parrikar who is an IITB graduate or Fadnavis who is a Law graduate with this lady in question.

It is not the IITB or the law degree which provided these gentlemen with their administrative skill. Both these degrees are not equivalent of IAS. Your logic fails there.
The BJP has just started its term. The old rot runs deep and uprooting it is too humongous a task to be left to the govt alone. The govt is competent and will do its job, but extra help is always welcome.

Also, we have learnt from our previous experience with BJP govt to never depend solely on the govt. We are no bhakts as you would assume. We prefer to keep the polity engaged.

That extra help you are talking about is unconstitutional and dilutes the writ of the elected government. Only an incompetent government that lacks confidence and strength would allow that, are you sure Modi government would prove to be such a government?
Yes. the point is noted. The sadhus didnt visited my home but said that in a public gathering. Fair enough as its tough for the sadhvi that too a minister to come down to kerala and to my home.

What would be your reaction ...if say in last government a Christian minister in his speech in some christian gathering says" All hindus muslims are sons of jesus".. will you apply same logic like its democracy and has every right to do that.???

Christians have been saying that like forever. I hope you inhabit the same Earth that I do. If you did, you would not have failed to notice it.

That extra help you are talking about is unconstitutional and dilutes the writ of the elected government. Only an incompetent government that lacks confidence and strength would allow that, are you sure Modi government would prove to be such a government?

Nope. There is nothing unconstitutional about any Hindu organizations in this country or any of their actions. As citizens of this country and the votary of this govt they have a right to help or not help, express their views, suggestions, just like people do all over the world.

This govt has been elected by these people and it is duty bound to listen to their concerns and help them out where the govt can. If anything, that is an indication of the govt's competence.
Not going to happen. The Government is trying, true. But we won't let it happen.
It will surely happens tomorrow or day after...Congress of Karnataka can't leave their 8-10% strong ''special''vote bank so easily...
Tipu is our ''Kannadada hemmeya putra''(Proud son of Kannada)..
I agree, it was a mistake and should have been avoided. But look above the hatred being spewed. And the self hate on display here makes me want to puke. But anyway, leave it.

Are you giving gali to me? :D
"Speaking extempore, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the Australian Parliament on Tuesday calling for closer bilateral security cooperation and a comprehensive global strategy to tackle the menace of terrorism."
In Parliament address, Modi vows to put Australia at centre of Indian thoughts

That he did not look down or at any screen was mentioned by the Australian newspapers, not something I imagined and created. Nor did I say he was not "reading" from the teleprompter. That is entirely your conjecture.

He did not speak extempore, that firstpost article is wrong and no Australian newspaper said that, if they did you would have linked it by now. He spoke from a written speech which was also distributed to the members. No one speaks extempore while addressing a parliament in a foreign country. Some read from a paper some use teleprompters, get over it.

Here is the video, one can easily see that he is reading from a teleprompter if one knows how it looks.

It is not the IITB or the law degree which provided these gentlemen with their administrative skill. Both these degrees are not equivalent of IAS. Your logic fails there.

Let me put it this way. If this lady was as educated as them she wouldn't be making this offensive haramzade comment. If you think education has no role in general character building and intellectual upbringing then I have nothing else to say to you.
Well, if one takes a Hindu theology idea and postulates that a supreme being exists within all of us..then this supreme being is also very aware of the cosmic balance and is the origin or creator of it.. no?

The supreme consciousness is the creator of everything, so no question that principles of karma were created by this intelligence too. This cosmic consciousness though does not interfere in this system and this motion it has set in place.
You are mistaken. RSS is securely comfortable under Modi. The reason why he's kept them muted is because he's got a large majority and doesn't want to rock the boat 'as is'. If his majority begins to wane, he'll go back to the RSS line to consolidate his vote bank..

We obviously disagree. I don't think anyone is "comfortable" with Modi, he is just not that type of a chap. He didn't care too much for the RSS in Gujarat, unlikely he is much changed. His majority is going nowhere and for now has concentrated on gaining complete control of the BJP. We'll just have to wait & see. As long as the economy is having a good run, Modi is unlikely to allow distractions.
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