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Chinese Media Stirs up Debate Over China Becoming SAARC Member

Hareeshu IA MBT

Oct 31, 2014
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Chinese Media Stirs up Debate Over China Becoming SAARC Member
Beijing: Ahead of the SAARC summit in Nepal this week, China's official media today stirred up a debate about whether the country should elevate its role in the eight-member group from an observer to that of an active member to expand its influence in South Asia.
As the 18th South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit gets underway in Kathmandu, debate over China's role has intensified, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

"Nepal's politicians and foreign affairs experts almost unanimously propose that China be given a more influential role to play in the SAARC. They even say it is an insult to keep restricting China to its observer status," the report said.

Nepal's Foreign Minister Mahendra Bahadur Pandey was quoted as saying by the state media that Nepal will have no problem if all the SAARC countries agree to turn China into a member state.

Nevertheless, some politicians and experts argued it was not the right time to invite China as a member state in the SAARC.

Bhesh Bahadur Thapa, Nepal's foreign affairs expert and former foreign minister, said it would be premature. "Time (for inviting China as a member state) may come but it is too early to talk of this issue," the Xinhua report quoted him as saying.

The SAARC summit is due to be held in Nepal on November 26 and November 27. Representatives from the eight member countries, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, along with observers from nine other nations will take part in the meet.

Story First Published: November 23, 2014 22:29 IST
Should India allow China to be a SAARC member ?

That's not up to India to decide, China has boundaries with Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, India and even Afghanistan, we're more than entitle to be part of SAARC. India don't hold the monopoly on this issue, if it doesnt like we can alway form another SAARC exclude India.

Nothing wrong in it...I think it is just a matter of time that China has to play a role..but again If China then why not Japan? India should act smart than being defensive..
You in invite even Aliens if you want, noone care
That's not up to India to decide, China has boundaries with Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, India and even Afghanistan, we're more than entitle to be part of SAARC. India don't hold the monopoly on this issue, if it doesnt like we can alway form another SAARC exclude India.

You in invite even Aliens if you want, noone care

Unfortunately...India still plays its cards in South Asia as we speak....Yes, India is not China, but if you think China can create another SAARC by passing India...It is a over estimation of Chines ability...Anyway...to be honest...this SAARC is an useless organization in my point of view...If 100 beggars and powerless people unite with each other, it does not help any one to improve their life style..Its better India should also abandon this SAARC fiasco....
Unfortunately...India still plays its cards in South Asia as we speak....Yes, India is not China, but if you think China can create another SAARC by passing India...It is a over estimation of Chines ability...Anyway...to be honest...this SAARC is an useless organization in my point of view...If 100 beggars and powerless people unite with each other, it does not help any one to improve their life style..Its better India should also abandon this SAARC fiasco....

SAARC with China is difference, with Chinese propose silk road, we can improve trade and the living standard of SA people including Chineses.
SAARC with China is difference, with Chinese propose silk road, we can improve trade and the living standard of SA people including Chineses.

Of course...I do not deny the fact, that it is better to have a powerful nation in your group than all beggars united with each other...But my point is that India is still so relevant in South Asia politics that China can not avoid it....Otherwise...as i mentioned earlier...SAARC is an useless organization...
Of course...I do not deny the fact, that it is better to have a powerful nation in your group than all beggars united with each other...But my point is that India is still so relevant in South Asia politics that China can not avoid it....Otherwise...as i mentioned earlier...SAARC is an useless organization...

I dont deny that India is relevant, my reply was direct to @Hareeshu IA MBT (post #3)
That's not up to India to decide, China has boundaries with Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, India and even Afghanistan, we're more than entitle to be part of SAARC. India don't hold the monopoly on this issue, if it doesnt like we can alway form another SAARC exclude India.

You in invite even Aliens if you want, noone care
Yes last option left for u is to form ur own UN I which you and pak are members lol. Everyone varied on Chinese intention . And badly as it's sounds for you india rules saarc that too with recent boost by our PM
Of course...I do not deny the fact, that it is better to have a powerful nation in your group than all beggars united with each other...But my point is that India is still so relevant in South Asia politics that China can not avoid it....Otherwise...as i mentioned earlier...SAARC is an useless organization...
Kaniska I am really shocked to see your reply. All beggar countries ? Tell me why India is a beggar nation and China is powerful ? Please explain
Yes last option left for u is to form ur own UN I which you and pak are members lol. Everyone varied on Chinese intention . And badly as it's sounds for you india rules saarc that too with recent boost by our PM

Tell me beside Bhutan how many SAARC countries like Inida? vitually except Bhutan and India all are China's friends, we just give India some face saving not to push too hard over this membership issue. If Afghanistan is not even have boundary with India or any other SA countries beside Pakistan can be legitimately be a member, China has boundaries with 5 out of 8 members of SAARC and we are not allow to be the member..what is the logic?
In which world China is south asian ? Next what for China roped in to European union also ? Hehe :D

Diplomacy is not always goes by facts...The point is most of India's neighour does not like INDIA...And there are problems from ourside too...In particular. if relationship with BD and Sri Lanka is bad, it is our foreign policy disaster rather than their problem..So to tame India, those nations like to bring China into picture..

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