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Sri Lanka snubs India, opens port to Chinese submarine again

Chinese opinion on this matters less that $hit. What a shameless nation :rolleyes:

:lol: shameless nation for being an uninvited guest to India's backyard??? Oh I totally forgot that Indians still claim that Indian Ocean is India's Ocean :rofl:. Now all SA nations saw how Indians is so easily to get piss by our sub visit to SL, next time if BD or Maldive want to piss India, they just need to invite our mighty-famous-celebrity submarine for few days than Indian government will faint again :rofl:


Pakistan is no more a threat to India. Its been neutralized, and whatever stray threats remain, will also be eliminated in a year or two.
A self boasting statement :rofl:, this just too hilarious, maybe our sub in Indian Ocean has drive Indians nut and causing trauma to some Indian's brain in order to made such lunatic statement about Pakistan...go to watch Indian in 2030 to boost your moral and bring you back to reallity..LMAO.:rofl:
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And the Chinese before that ... tit for tat. Still, Patrolling an area is not the same as launching a military offensive against another military. So, blah. Point being China DID attack India.
However much US oil boycot triggered it, it was the Japanese that actually attacked Pearl.

An armed incursion into undisputed territory is invasion. Do you understand that it counts as an act of war?
Who gives a shit about PLAN?
We are talking with our southern neighbour because they already had a history of supporting our enemies when a time arises .
We are reminding them dont repeat that again.You cant imagine our influence in SL because one of our states ethinc communties is there.
About our ships poor admiral from China demanded for seeing the CIC of INS Shivalik .Have you heard about an Indian naval Chief do that ? :haha:

Sur you dont give shit about PLAN but your government did otherwise they don't need to be so anger and overreacted about our present in Indian Ocean :lol:. SL is a souverign nation, you 're not GOD to remind, lecture or warn who it wants to cozy with, it's up to Sri Lankans to decide. And please dont brag yourself too much about influence, Sri Lanka today is not the same as yesterday and it's not your puppet as Bhutan.

Sure our admial want to see your CIC of INS Shivalik if it's truth but not for the admiration of Indian Navy but for our intelligent, every nation would do that include the so call Mighty USA, if you naval Chief is to timide to do the same than it's his problem.

Providing berth to Chinese Naval War ships is what constitutes playing the game. And Everybody sees that.
The west bullies you because they want to be you sugar daddy. China supports you because they want to be your sugar daddy. You are choosing between the devil and the deep sea and think you are being smart.

When India starts bullying, its a LOT worse than the west bullying. You just don't seem to get that
How worse it could be? you just have a big mouth without the guts...try to bully a legitimate nation, you Indians will only walk on a self destructive path...no nation around the world with sit Idlely.
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India and China cannot be equal since India is an immediate neighbour and China is NOT.

China seeks space for its string of pearl strategy that targets India and dominate Indian Ocean.

If you are going to PRETEND India and China are "equal" it is a hostile play full of deceit.

You are free to do what you want, India too will do what it wants. Unpleasant things and history will repeat itself.

:lol::lol::lol: if we go by your logic, US and China cant not be equal, Japan, Korea and Philippine should then offer China a preferencial treatment :rolleyes: and US should get the fck out of Asia Pacify since China is immediate neighbor and US is not...this total bullshit Indian logic...LMAO

You Indians just like to bully a small nations in SA, why not that one at your own size.:smokin:

Well too bad thats your insecurity to deal with not ours.. China and India are equal partners as far as SL in concerned

Yes if history repeats you need to remember unpleasant things happened to India as well.. And also remember this is not the early 80's a small prosperous island with a ceremonial armed force totally unprepared for destabilization in form of a foreign trained terrorists in the height of the cold war.. This is 2014.. A 30 year old battle hardened politically stable nation.. With a determination.. With a case of twice bitten thrice shy.. So i guess reality need to be shown both ways

Hope you're smart enough to understand that as well

...China and Pakistan will be glad to provide aid as what we have done before,we will offer Chinese version of Brahmoski Mk.4 to sink all Indians ships at the vincinity., we might not directly take part of the fight but India will gonna receive a nasty bloody noise.:lol:

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I don't see anything wrong on what SL did.Chinese are helping them on a lot of fronts whereas we Indians voted against them in UN by yielding to the pressures of tamilnadu.Srilankan army should have behaved in a humane manner.They shouldn't have killed prabhakarans son .Also hundreds civilian tamilians were killed.
There there.

Looks like a nerve was touched :)

You do care how Sri Lanka sees China. That's why you are posting here and replying to all the Lankans.

It's clear you want Sri Lanka to "choose" India and look at China as an enemy.

Fat chance of that happening.

And Chinese war machines have docked in Sri Lanka.

And they will continue to dock at Sri Lankan ports.

Because Sri Lanka does not see China as an enemy.

If you have a problem with China, take it up with China.

:lol::lol::lol: This guy is crying NON-STOP about Sri Lanka offered Chinese sub docking, and he couldn't swallow this obsession and instead he was trying to vent all his anger as how India will retaliate or make Sri Lanka suffer in his bollywood dream. Just forget this obsessive Indian and concentrate to build Sri Lanka with better future. We chinese don't care who Sri Lankans want to cozy with, we just want to be your friend (period),

India can afford many things, but India did not have to. SL came back to its senses.
Find out why East Timor separated from Indonesia. SL is nowhere large enough to influence India or exploit our fault lines. Pakistan has tried and failed. China has tried and failed.
SL should not play this game. It will end badly for SL.
Really??? we still not put our plan in action yet, maybe Sri Lankan can help us to carrying this plan to adress India's issue :coffee:

INDIA - CHINA Balkanization of India: a roadmap of Beijing? - Asia News
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The whole point of course is what are Chinese nuclear subs doing in the Indian ocean? Are you suggesting there are no territorial disputes between China and India?....

Dont make bullshit speculation...Penguin, if there's a territorial disputes, we will settle that from Tibet. :rolleyes:

New Zealand and US have good relations, yet New Zealand refuses nuclear or undisclosed ships.
If relations are so good, how does one explain SL siding with a strategic opponent of India?
What you bullshit again, Strategic oppenent? are we in war with India yet, our trade with India is far excede the entire SA combine all togheter, we chinese dont see India as trategic oppent but a whinner in SA. If Sri Lanka offer China a good will gesture by allowing our sub to dock doesn't mean we're planning to harm India...the problem with Indians is that they are over sensitive for what ever we do: either by build railway, dam in Tibet, either talking with Bhutan PM or sell trucks to Nepal...they toke that as security threat to their nation and cry all night long until opportunities to cooperate with our foes such Vietnam or Japan..then they will jump of joy and bragging as tilt for tat retaliation....LMAO
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SL's stance has always been they will not let others harm india's security interets. Just because a ship docks it doesnt mean it harms india's security. If SL supports china same way at a time of war between india and china you will have a point. At the moment there is no such threat. That is why i say your comments are immature and nearly hysterical.
I dont think in a war situtaion SL would pick any side.
Before calling others stupid learn to remember the propaganda correctly no matter where you pick them up. Otherwise your copy pasting is useless.

My comments are simple and direct. Your response is hysterical name calling.

SL is already harming Indian's security interest by allowing berth to chinese submarine who can now snoop in Indian waters and Indian ocean.

You have already harmed Indian interest by setting precedent of allowing berth to chinese vessels.

SL has already harmed Indian interest by indirectly threatening India by this act.

These kind of support to china is pushing Indo-China one step closer to war in the Indian ocean and SL is facilitating this and will be held accountable for this.

Your mindless nonsense about others being influenced by "propaganda" and you along being safe from "propaganda" is laughable.
Sur you dont give shit about PLAN but your government did otherwise they don't need to be so anger and overreacted about our present in Indian Ocean :lol:. SL is a souverign nation, you 're not GOD to remind, lecture or warn who it wants to cozy with, it's up to Sri Lankans to decide. And please dont brag yourself too much about influence, Sri Lanka today is not the same as yesterday and it's not your puppet as Bhutan.
Sure our admial want to see your CIC of INS Shivalik if it's truth but not for the admiration of Indian Navy but for our intelligent, every nation would do that include the so call Mighty USA, if you naval Chief is to timide to do the same than it's his problem.

How worse it could be? you just have a big mouth without the guts...try to bully a legitimate nation, you Indians will only walk on a self destructive path...no nation around the world with sit Idlely.

SriLanka can play but how much ?
We can see the regular warnings issued by warning ministry of self proclaimed PRC .:haha:
Of Course .SL is a sovreign nation.But dont use their sovreignity to threaten other neighbouring nations
Like Chinese products Chinese words is also unreliable.That is why PLA dance at the border when your own President Xi visit our nation.What shameless Army .Embarass your own president in another nations.So like unreliable honour.
So we just remind SL about it twice before they interfere in our nation.Once they did then we gave them 33 years of civil war .But this time we didntvdo that .
But supporting our enemies during emergency time is an act of threat.
insecure, thug and bomber are not name calling. Go and learn what name calling is. Insecure is when person acts madly when he feels unneccassarily troubled. The exact manner how you are behaving here. It is not name calling the perception you create here. And yes by threatening SL you are acting like a street thug. That is not name calling.

India can take any decision and action to safeguard its interests. The same way SL too will.

If you read from the beginning neither of SLns here didnt pick a side between india and china. It was failure in your part to understand that for SL to ignore china, india has to cooperate more. So to safeguard its interests that is the best india can do.

India threat assessment is not based on SL's world view. It is based on its own world view so stop pretending to speak for India again.

I am an individual and do not represent the govt. of India you idiot so any nonsense about my "threat" is your wild fears.

SL has already picked a side by allowing chinese war machines to berth in SL. There is not going back on that. You are either blind to that or just too stupid to realize the obvious.

If you are saying that unless India "cooperates" more, SL will continue to host china war machines. IT IS BLACKMAIL.

You think Indians do not recognize Blackmail when it sees one ? or do you think Indian govt. takes kindly to Blackmail ?

Attempts to Blackmail is NOT an act of an friendly nation. It is an act of an potential ENEMY. Do you understand that ? India's response will be in view of this reality, not the reality you fantasise.

:lol: shameless nation for being an uninvited guest to India's backyard??? Oh I totally forgot that Indians still claim that Indian Ocean is India's Ocean :rofl:. Now all SA nations saw how Indians is so easily to get piss by our sub visit to SL, next time if BD or Maldive want to piss India, they just need to invite our mighty-famous-celebrity submarine for few days than Indian government will faint again :rofl:


A self boasting statement :rofl:, this just too hilarious, maybe our sub in Indian Ocean has drive Indians nut and causing trauma to some Indian's brain in order to made such lunatic statement about Pakistan...go to watch Indian in 2030 to boost your moral and bring you back to reallity..LMAO.:rofl:

Chinese opinion on this matters less that $hit. Now take a hike troll :coffee:
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SriLanka can play but how much ?
We can see the regular warnings issued by warning ministry of self proclaimed PRC .:haha:
Of Course .SL is a sovreign nation.But dont use their sovreignity to threaten other neighbouring nations
Like Chinese products Chinese words is also unreliable.action to

And how much India will bet on that Sri Lanka can't play???:coffee: as for China, at least we dare warn India directly but you could cowardly put pressure on Sri Lanka instead of facing China directly...LMAO

Sure our product are not reliable but we have trade surplus with India because your people believe on our junks :coffee:
:lol::lol::lol: if we go by your logic, US and China cant not be equal, Japan, Korea and Philippine should then offer China a preferencial treatment :rolleyes: and US should get the fck out of Asia Pacify since China is immediate neighbor and US is not...this total bullshit Indian logic...LMAO

You Indians just like to bully a small nations in SA, why not that one at your own size.:smokin:

...China and Pakistan will be glad to provide aid as what we have done before,we will offer Chinese version of Brahmoski Mk.4 to sink all Indians ships at the vincinity., we might not directly take part of the fight but India will gonna receive a nasty bloody noise.:lol:


I repeat, Chinese opinion on this matters less than $hit.
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