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Beautiful Post : Kashmir - SarthakGanguly's Logical Comment

Not really , thing is most of these people who talk big about secularism in pdf don't believe it themselves considering how much they claim that we are evil Hindutvadi Modi Bhakts . Either that or they choose to remain as ignorant as a drunken monkey :lol:

Though i disagree that @seiko is not a sickular he is a secular in actual thinking from what conversations i had with him
I have hardly disagreed with him on Sensitive issues :rolleyes:
We dont want your part of kashmir, all we're asking you to do is to stop meddling with Indian Kashmir's affairs. CAN PAKISTAN STAY OUT OF KASHMIR?

Sorry to say there is nothing like 'Pakistani' Kashmir or 'Indian' Kashmir .... there is 'Kashmir' & only 'Kashmir', additionally I would like to remind to Indian members that Pakistan is a party on equal grounds in the dispute of Kashmir & this not only accepted and recognized by International community, but by the Indian Government as well.
I have hardly disagreed with him on Sensitive issues :rolleyes:

Difference is, he tries to understand others point of view and just simply doesn't brand others as "Communal hindutavdi Modi Bhakts etc... etc... " Its funny how liberals are liberal until you disagree with them :lol: . In fact me and @seiko agree with each other on several other points . Which may mean you have absolutely no clue on what supposed communal evil Hindus really want and you oppose just for the sake of keeping your secular tag :lol:
kashmir belongs to the kashmiris…. lets ask the kashmiris who they are… indians or pakistanis?? lol do have the ball to hold a referendum??

Then stop saying 'Kashmir banega Pakistan' because its sounds exactly opposite of Kashmir belongs to Kashmiris. :coffee:
If Narendra Modi joins PDF tomorrow and he stands by the principles he use to follow in his speeches, it won't take seconds before he will be declared as a pseudo secular or leftist as per pdf and ultra nationalist version of secularism. No wonder he might become a TTA too as per @arp2041 :p:

Yes, I am the AUTHORITY over here to Issues Certificate - Secular, Sickular, Communal & last but not the least "MODI"

Modi himself is a certificate so i don't have to give him one.

& FYI he is the PM of India, do you think he is dying to become the TTA over here??? :lol:

BTW, Meet Me, "Hardcore Communal Hindutvadi Modi Bhakt" at your service!!!
2nd reminder:
Keep kerala out of this. :coffee:
Kerala is one of the most secular states in India.
Not that i wanna brag about my state but posts of members like @seiko @Ravi Nair @SpArK and @nair 're proof enough that we are mostly secular. :)
Isn't lord manvan also from Kerala?
PDF Has some Really Good Thinkers. This is My Effort to pull the Most Electrifying and Unique Posts.
This is a Beautiful Post. Hats Off, to the Man "@SarthakGanguly" Who Wrote This :

View attachment 99130

That unfortunately is the bottomline for the separatists and their fanboys. :D

Oh btw - do you know Mirwaiz was pelted with stones when he tried giving a speech on Army's mishandling? :D

Pakistanis often claim Kashmir as the unfinished business of Partition. That's the communal State policy ( since partition was itself was communal!)
But it was unfair that in 1947, only Muslims were asked if they wished to separate. The Hindus were not consulted if they wanted to stay united or not! If a referendum is done, let's do one for all of India and Pakistan as well by the same logic? It's not too far-fetched. East West Germany, North South Yemen etc did get united. Why not do a referendum and get over with it?

If not, then at least let all Indians (who have invested money, shed blood and cried and labored over Kashmir) also have a vote? They certainly have done more for Kashmir than Geelani and his cohorts.

On the other hand, if Muslim majority is the only logic (as it is) then why not hold a referendum in Western UP, North Kerala, parts of West Bengal, Southern Assam, Hyderabad, etc? Why should they be discriminated? They are also as Muslim as a Dar or a Butt(converted from Dhar and Bhatt) of Kashmir. They should also be given the choice of not only joining Pakistan but carry the land along as well!

The whole idea is hilarious, to say the least.

Source : Should Kashmir get a chance to decide their future through Referendum?

View attachment 99107

Now Thats the attitude i always wanted :D


Sorry to say there is nothing like 'Pakistani' Kashmir or 'Indian' Kashmir .... there is 'Kashmir' & only 'Kashmir', additionally I would like to remind to Indian members that Pakistan is a party on equal grounds in the dispute of Kashmir & this not only accepted and recognized by International community, but by the Indian Government as well.
no sir it dosent works like that specialli after shimla agreement and pakistans new found status vice versa in todays world but you can choose to live in denial at your own peril ;)
Did he say that?? :)
@Horus @Armstrong somebody sniggered at me when I said that long time back8-)

Its one of those ludicrous arguments which were they allowed to reach their logical conclusion would open up 'what if' scenarios a dime a dozen - Why not instead ask maybe we should've asked the British Indians whether they wanted to be India & Pakistan in the first place ? Maybe they would've decided differently...maybe they still would ?

If you want to ask every Muslim or Hindu from UP to Kerala what they want - Be my guest; it means nothing to me !

So far as granting Indians who've invested in Kashmir the right to vote is concerned - Sure...give it to them (after they've been vetted) along with the Kashmir Punidts.....likewise give the Kashmiris of the rest of Pakistan the same right by that same twisted logic !

But Kashmir is an Internationally recognized dispute where the right of self-determination was promised to them by Mr.Nehru himself before any of the dozens of UN Resolutions and dozens of Solutions on the issue came about - We did not recognize that Right....your Founding Father did nor did we Internationalize it....you did by taking it to the UN !
Its one of those ludicrous arguments which were they allowed to reach their logical conclusion would open up 'what if' scenarios a dime a dozen - Why not instead ask maybe we should've asked the British Indians whether they wanted to be India & Pakistan in the first place ? Maybe they would've decided differently...maybe they still would ?

If you want to ask every Muslim or Hindu from UP to Kerala what they want - Be my guest; it means nothing to me !

So far as granting Indians who've invested in Kashmir the right to vote is concerned - Sure...give it to them (after they've been vetted) along with the Kashmir Punidts.....likewise give the Kashmiris of the rest of Pakistan the same right by that same twisted logic !

But Kashmir is an Internationally recognized dispute where the right of self-determination was promised to them by Mr.Nehru himself before any of the dozens of UN Resolutions and dozens of Solutions on the issue came about - We did not recognize that Right....your Founding Father did nor did we Internationalize it....you did by taking it to the UN !

Sir Ji, Thats why We all PDF Indians Love The Word : "Status Quo"
Difference is, he tries to understand others point of view and just simply doesn't brand others as "Communal hindutavdi Modi Bhakts etc... etc... " Its funny how liberals are liberal until you disagree with them :lol: . In fact me and @seiko agree with each other on several other points . Which may mean you have absolutely no clue on what supposed communal evil Hindus really want and you oppose just for the sake of keeping your secular tag :lol:
No. It does not mean so. The fundamental problem of this whole argument is that you are assuming yourself on the extremist end which perhaps, you are not and neither I, have personally ever considered you to be. The people whom I consider utter bigot and totally illiterate about Indian History do not share your opinion about Seiko or any other people whom you might consider true secular as per this forum standard. You can revisit the threads where the true secular lot has been literally cursed and abused with the lowest standard by people who are communal and evil in all sense. So, please. Do not put yourself down that lot. I have not seen you degraded to that level.

As far as, listening to others voices is concerned, show me one pseudo secular on this forum (including me) who has tagged you communal, Modi bhakt (even after listening to your views). Yesterday just because I did not agree with the mob lynching got me the pseudo secular tag once again. That is bigotry, Star Wars and if you have capacity to condemn the seculars here, grow some more courage to condemn this bigotry too.

FYI he is the PM of India, do you think he is dying to become the TTA over here???
As far as, listening to others voices is concerned, show me one pseudo secular on this forum (including me) who has tagged you communal, Modi bhakt (even after listening to your views). Yesterday just because I did not agree with the mob lynching got me the pseudo secular tag once again. That is bigotry, Star Wars and if you have capacity to condemn the seculars here, grow some more courage to condemn this bigotry too.

The entire term "Modi Bhakt " is used usually in a plural sense on those people who support Modi , So the term itself is more on used as general stereotyping on Modi's supporter base or in a sense deragatory as the world Bhakt itself implies blind loyalty which isn't the case. As for others my view on secularism does not really differ from the views of other Modi supporters . Which actually means secularism isn't really the point of contention here since everyone agrees on what secularism means and what should be practiced . The problem is several people simply refuse to see how much a particular community Hindus(Institutionalized caste system , certain religions given more lee way than others , Seculars not accepting uniform civil code(which is hypocritical) , Only Hindu temples being controlled by the govt. and many other issues ) have been abused over the decades and what those decades of abuse can do to a person when he finally gets the ability and the power to lash out at people whom they perceive were responsible or support those who were responsible . Though i would have no problem condemning them i don't because the best way to usually deal with the problem is to understand their problems and work from there . This confrontational and sarcastic attitudes seen on the forum only creates a divide and not to mention defensive mindset ...
@SarthakGanguly You've gone soft, I am disappointed.

@Ravi Nair I take a small sabbatical and all of you noobs started singing kumbaya and distributing flowers, unfortunate, truly unfortunate, get back in the trenches!

Sabbatical my arse; as if we don't know that Bhabi left you for a Pakistani & you were sulking in a hole somewhere crying your heart out & cursing your fate ! :undecided:
No. It does not mean so. The fundamental problem of this whole argument is that you are assuming yourself on the extremist end which perhaps, you are not and neither I, have personally ever considered you to be. The people whom I consider utter bigot and totally illiterate about Indian History do not share your opinion about Seiko or any other people whom you might consider true secular as per this forum standard. You can revisit the threads where the true secular lot has been literally cursed and abused with the lowest standard by people who are communal and evil in all sense. So, please. Do not put yourself down that lot. I have not seen you degraded to that level.

As far as, listening to others voices is concerned, show me one pseudo secular on this forum (including me) who has tagged you communal, Modi bhakt (even after listening to your views). Yesterday just because I did not agree with the mob lynching got me the pseudo secular tag once again. That is bigotry, Star Wars and if you have capacity to condemn the seculars here, grow some more courage to condemn this bigotry too.


@Star Wars I have not seen @scorpionx Dada branding anyone as communal or. Modi bhakts.... He is as neutral as anyone can be..He often refuted many new historical "findings" from some people here which got him the tag pesudo secular and I can vouch about the abuses and insults he mentioned..these guys didn't even spared my mother..

P.S.: i feel like a V.I.P when u guys discuss about me...

P.S.S:: @arp2041 is a closet secularists....do not believe him..
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