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INS Vishal might be nuclear-powered aircraft carrier : Naval Design Bureau

indian Navy has placed order for 9 NLCA MK1 to be followed by 36 NLCA MK2
these fighters will operate from INS Vikrant
No matter what anyone says
NLCA will not match up to the Mig29Ks which India already has
The only reason why the Navy will induct the NLCA is because of commonality with IAF, which will induct 120+ LCA MK1/2
otherwise its an inferior platform

INS Vishal will be inducted around 2027
it will be a 65000 ton catobar carrier
i expect either Rafale or Naval PAKFA to serve onboard Vishal
The fact that IN is supporting N-LCA for technology demonstration/development purpose ( so that next time ADA could come up with something more potent ) does not mean that Navy is going to put it on Aircraft carrier where space is at premium.

Navy aviation is not like Airforce ( where more is better ). An Aircraft carrier could carry between 20-40 Aircraft at max. Quality in Naval Aviation matters more than quantity. If you put inferior Aircraft on your carrier, you would neither have Aircraft, nor carrier left, at the end of the day.

It is not just Engines. No IRST, Crappy radar, low payload , low range. In short, it was designed as point defence fighter, not a multi-role fighter.

After improvement, it would become a good land based fighter, but it would still not be capable enough to be fielded from Aircraft carrier.

The AESA radar that is being developed will be as good as the one in the french rafale
India is building both. It is timeline of their maturation that is worrying.
Do not worry, smart Indian engineers will solve all the problems, the development of stealth fighter is the future trend.
indian Navy has placed order for 9 NLCA MK1 to be followed by 36 NLCA MK2
these fighters will operate from INS Vikrant
No matter what anyone says
NLCA will not match up to the Mig29Ks which India already has
The only reason why the Navy will induct the NLCA is because of commonality with IAF, which will induct 120+ LCA MK1/2
otherwise its an inferior platform

Navy has enough Migs to operate from both STOBAR carriers.

N-LCA would only serve training purpose, and Navy would put LCA on AC only if Ruskies put a knife in our back.( though some may be put on AC for flag showing/propaganda purpose ).

INS Vishal will be inducted around 2027
it will be a 65000 ton catobar carrier
i expect either Rafale or Naval PAKFA to serve onboard Vishal

I think Russians would be developing PAK-FA as STOBAR aircraft.

If US gives us EMALS, then we would have to buy F-35C as part of package, else Rafale would be put up on Vishal.

The AESA radar that is being developed will be as good as the one in the french rafale

1. You cannot say as to when DRDO would be able to finish it's AESA project.

2. You cannot say whether it would be as good as Rafale's AESA.

3. Given that nose radius of LCA is less, any AESA on it would be inferior for same quality.
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65,000 tons is the size of the new UK carriers.

US Navy ships:
Nimitz class are officially 97,000 tons, but can run up to 100-104,000 tons, the US has 10 of these active.
The US also has around 10 "amphibious assault" ships. These run about 40-45,000 tons. They have a detachment of Harriers and a bunch of helicopters. In any other navy they would be helicopter carriers. In the Navy's defense, they also carry a substantial number of Marines and their landing craft, so they really can invade someone.

Well; that is precisely what I was pointing at. The last US Carriers of 60-65000 was quite a while ago. Little wonder that the USN's carriers are called Super-Carriers.
indian Navy has placed order for 9 NLCA MK1 to be followed by 36 NLCA MK2
these fighters will operate from INS Vikrant
No matter what anyone says
NLCA will not match up to the Mig29Ks which India already has
The only reason why the Navy will induct the NLCA is because of commonality with IAF, which will induct 120+ LCA MK1/2
otherwise its an inferior platform

INS Vishal will be inducted around 2027
it will be a 65000 ton catobar carrier
i expect either Rafale or Naval PAKFA to serve onboard Vishal

I think the navy is interested in using the aircraft otherwise they would not have given funds for the project, So they are gonna use it for sure.
The fact that IN is supporting N-LCA for technology demonstration/development purpose ( so that next time ADA could come up with something more potent ) does not mean that Navy is going to put it on Aircraft carrier where space is at premium.

Navy aviation is not like Airforce ( where more is better ). An Aircraft carrier could carry between 20-40 Aircraft at max. Quality in Naval Aviation matters more than quantity. If you put inferior Aircraft on your carrier, you would neither have Aircraft, nor carrier left, at the end of the day.

IN is keen on the N-LCA because it is FAR better than the Sea harriers they operate today.

They are not foolish enough to waste money on Tech demonstrators, If they have spent money its becuase they want that aircraft to fly off the deck of their AC.

I am sure you think you know more than the service chiefs, but you don't. There is something that matter more than theoretical capabilities in REAL LIFE. That is Availability, Reliability and low Risk. All of which naval LCA provides.

It is not just Engines. No IRST, Crappy radar, low payload , low range. In short, it was designed as point defence fighter, not a multi-role fighter.

After improvement, it would become a good land based fighter, but it would still not be capable enough to be fielded from Aircraft carrier.

Sure, everybody would like to have Aishwarya Rai as their wives. But most people settle with Savitri and devyani.

Right now John is happy with Jane. Right now the IN feels N-LCA is capable enough for the role it has envisioned for it. You can change it when you become the IN Chief. deal ?
Do not worry, smart Indian engineers will solve all the problems, the development of stealth fighter is the future trend.

True, But the problem lies in the fact that the DRDO and ADA are disorganised and inefficient. As long as this remains the case development would be slowed. Furthermore, India need to develop new powerful engines to be able to build a good stealth fighter.
Its Air arms could comprise of Indigenous Aircrafts like Naval AMCA, Naval Tejas MK2 and DRDO AURA.
Well; that is precisely what I was pointing at. The last US Carriers of 60-65000 was quite a while ago. Little wonder that the USN's carriers are called Super-Carriers.
Money... supercarriers wont fit into our Indian conscience... give it couple of decades.
Its Air arms could comprise of Indigenous Aircrafts like Naval AMCA, Naval Tejas MK2 and DRDO AURA.

I think the DRDO Aura is just a speculation, nothing is known about it and it is unlikely that it would be built by this decade.

Money... supercarriers wont fit into our Indian conscience... give it couple of decades.
with a budget of a few hundred billions
IN is keen on the N-LCA because it is FAR better than the Sea harriers they operate today.

Harriers belong of different class. They are STOVL planes and and could not be replaced by non-STOVL planes. They would be retired with Vishal, and India is not planning any STOVL carrier in future.

They are not foolish enough to waste money on Tech demonstrators, If they have spent money its becuase they want that aircraft to fly off the deck of their AC.

Money is being wasted on N-LCA ,so that ADA could get experience in Carrier based Aircrafts ,so that they could make N-AMCA on time, rather than 20 years past it's utility.

I am sure you think you know more than the service chiefs, but you don't. There is something that matter more than theoretical capabilities in REAL LIFE. That is Availability, Reliability and low Risk. All of which naval LCA provides.

It is extremely unlikely that India would piss off Russia, USA, and France at same time.Indian supply lines are secure.

And regarding three parameters you are talking about. LCA has American Engine. FYI, Engine of any fighter need to changed every 1500-5000 hours of flight depending on usage. That itself makes LCA dependent on USA, not to mention other foreign parts in LCA.
I think the DRDO Aura is just a speculation, nothing is known about it and it is unlikely that it would be built by this decade.

So, let it fly next decade. You in a hurry ?

with a budget of a few hundred billions

You need 200 Billion $ to build a super carrier ? :lol: ..... what do you want it to do ? fly into space and do a wrap 7 ?

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