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The delusion of identity

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Dec 11, 2011
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Hardly would there be any other nation so short-sighted, having messed up its identity so badly, experiencing a complete disconnect from its real past and living in dangerous delusions.

Leave aside the multitudes of illiterates or semi-illiterates; do the highly-educated people of our nation have the minutest of an idea who they really are; which stock they really belong to; what are the wonders that their ancestors have done in so many fields over thousands of years? But here arises a question: Who were their ancestors? Were they Al Khwarizmis, Al Berunis or were they Mahaviras, Ashokas, etc.?

Ours may be the only nation where the sense of ancestry is sickeningly mistaken, thanks to our unbounded hatred towards everything that is Indian. Intense propaganda through distorted curricula and censored media, coupled with intellectual and moral barrenness over decades, has given rise to this sorry state of affairs. Consequently, there is a complete blackout of history spanning several millennia from the Indus Valley Civilisation to the conquest of Sindh by our textbook hero, Muhammad bin Qasim.

A marvellous treasure of preserved history containing records of wonderful philosophies, civilisations, religions, empires, belonging to the same racial stock that predominantly inhabits Pakistan and having originated from the same territories that now constitute Pakistan, has been buried far away from our collective intellect. Due to ill-perceived danger to the religion of Pakistanis, they, since the inception of the young state, have not been allowed the luxury oflearning about their own history. They have been deprived of the pride of the countless glories of their past just because they belong to the period preceding the advent of Islam. A few couplets of our highly revered poet, with which it is not very fashionable to disagree, successfully diverted the genealogical lineage of all the inhabitants of the new state, including that of the poet’s own (as his own forefathers were Kashmiri Brahmins before converting to Islam) from India to Central Asia or Middle East. And that imaginary transmigration of ancestry actually did take place in the minds of fellow countrymen without any historical or genealogical basis. The irony gets even worse, when one tastes the sense of racial superiority and arrogance of the Middle Eastern and Central Asian progeny of our imaginary forefathers.


This grossly mistaken identity is the root cause of all our confusions which have been compounding for decades. The range of confusions includes the basic questions about our own selves, the objective of our existence as a nation, the purpose of the creation of our new state, to the most recent questions encountering us like how to deal with militancy? How to inculcate principles of tolerance and coexistence to counter militancy? How to interact with our neighbours especially India, the Muslim world and the international community? All these emanate from this crisis of identity. We need to understand what is it that has plagued us when scores of other states that started off along with us in almost similar circumstances are thriving.

Our failures as a state on many counts are enough to indicate that the basic premises on which our state is erected are faulty. As they say, it’s never too late to make amends. It is time we take up the gauntlet to resolve our identity crisis before it’s really too late.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 19th, 2014.

Source - The delusion of identity – The Express Tribune
Most Pakistanis here seem very proud of their roots and their connection to the "Cradle of Civilization" known as the IVC, which existed almost entirely within the borders of modern-day Pakistan.
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Most Pakistanis here seem very proud of their roots and their connection to the Cradle of Civilization known as the IVC, which existed almost entirely within the borders of modern-day Pakistan.

Indians will forever be butt hurt. I have seen Indians fighting Pakistanis who claim to be Rajputs saying they are lying while also fighting Pakistanis who claim foreign roots. Damned if you do and don't with these clowns.
Leave aside the multitudes of illiterates or semi-illiterates; do the highly-educated people of our nation have the minutest of an idea who they really are; which stock they really belong to; what are the wonders that their ancestors have done in so many fields over thousands of years? But here arises a question: Who were their ancestors? Were they Al Khwarizmis, Al Berunis or were they Mahaviras, Ashokas, etc.

Most Indians don't know and don't care as who were our ancestors in the past and where did the came from has no relevance in present and future world. Only idiots like the ones who think the belong to some superior and master race and love to dwell in past glory are bothered about such useless stuff. Majority of Indians just don't care anything other in this world than somehow earning their livelihood and in doing that their ancestry doesn't help even a bit.

Most Pakistanis here seem very proud of their roots and their connection to the Cradle of Civilization known as the IVC, which existed almost entirely within the borders of modern-day Pakistan.

On the other hand those Pakistanis also support Aryan Invasion Theory :rofl:
Most Pakistanis here seem very proud of their roots and their connection to the Cradle of Civilization known as the IVC, which existed almost entirely within the borders of modern-day Pakistan.

Pakistanis accept IVC because its a non-Hindu history.
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Indians will forever be butt hurt. I have seen Indians fighting Pakistanis who claim to be Rajputs saying they are lying while also fighting Pakistanis who claim foreign roots. Damned if you do and don't with these clowns.

Rajput is not a race or ethnicity which you can hold on to after changing the religion. Its a caste, part of Hindu Vedic caste system and once you leave Hinduism you cannot be a Rajput and if you guys still want to use that term than stop claiming Islam doesn't has or allows caste system.
Indians will forever be butt hurt. I have seen Indians fighting Pakistanis who claim to be Rajputs saying they are lying while also fighting Pakistanis who claim foreign roots. Damned if you do and don't with these clowns.

I had been told by many Pakistanis here that Gandhara never had a Hindu history and there were even threads claiming Hinduism was never popular in Punjab-Sindh.
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Most Indians don't know and don't care as who were our ancestors in the past and where did the came from has no relevance in present and future world. Only idiots like the ones who think the belong to some superior and master race and love to dwell in past glory are bothered about such useless stuff. Majority of Indians just don't care anything other in this world than somehow earning their livelihood and in doing that their ancestry doesn't help even a bit.

Small mercies that these so called idiots you claim are only a majority in PDF not in the real world.. Just looking at the number of half baked jingoistic ridiculous threads about so called "Indian" super humans that's appearing these days in the forum.. Doesn't make a very good intellectual reading
Most Pakistanis here seem very proud of their roots and their connection to the "Cradle of Civilization" known as the IVC, which existed almost entirely within the borders of modern-day Pakistan.

What do you mean by almost entirely. :girl_wacko:
Most Pakistanis here seem very proud of their roots and their connection to the "Cradle of Civilization" known as the IVC, which existed almost entirely within the borders of modern-day Pakistan.

Ok then what about the civilisations between IVC and Muhammad bin Qasim?

Pakistanis accept IVC because its a non-Hindu history.

There is not much material to prove its non Hindu !
Because the Aryan Invasion theory is real. Ask any Real historian.

The so called Aryan invasion theory comes with lots of fake theory and certainly there is no proof of this 'invasion' or 'war'. The theory was proposed after finding a linguistic similarities among Indo-European languages.
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