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WHAT IT TAKES technly, TO MAKE a J-11b (a modifyied FLANKER), TO TAKE ON MKI!

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what's the time frame you predict for induction of j-11??
also what about the MKI upgrade? have you thought about it?

I suggest PAF should go for R****L :lol:
what's the time frame you predict for induction of j-11??
also what about the MKI upgrade? have you thought about it?

I suggest PAF should go for R***e* :lol:

abbay yaar... J-11 is only offered in "DEFENCE.PK" and officially PAF has shown no interest..
PAF as said by me on an another occasions should not be a "Made in China air force".The reason behind my assessment is that we should not repeat the same mistake we did with the US making PAF into a complete "made in the US air force" which usually ends up into getting sanctioned( not that we have been by China but chances are always there with changing geopolitical scenarios and interests as their are no permanent friends only permanent interests) Whatever technology we can get from the west excluding the US, we should absorb it into the mainstream and make it a part of the PAF. I would go as to this far to say that if we can then we should go for the EF. After having a sub deal with Germany, it wouldn't be hard for us to get EF and eurofighter is superior to the rafale and anything that the Indians have to offer till 2020-25 when PAKFA turns into a reality and even that remains to be seen how much capability does it really have to offer in reality.

Sorry to batman for bringing EF. Actually i did wrote a post before on J-11 and its implications on to the PAF however some how my post could not get posted and got deleted instead:(
PAF as said by me on an another occasions should not be a "Made in China air force".The reason behind my assessment is that we should not repeat the same mistake we did with the US making PAF into a complete "made in the US air force" which usually ends up into getting sanctioned( not that we have been by China but chances are always there with changing geopolitical scenarios and interests as their are no permanent friends only permanent interests) Whatever technology we can get from the west excluding the US, we should absorb it into the mainstream and make it a part of the PAF. I would go as to this far to say that if we can then we should go for the EF. After having a sub deal with Germany, it wouldn't be hard for us to get EF and eurofighter is superior to the rafale and anything that the Indians have to offer till 2020-25 when PAKFA turns into a reality and even that remains to be seen how much capability does it really have to offer in reality.

Sorry to batman for bringing EF. Actually i did wrote a post before on J-11 and its implications on to the PAF however some how my post could not get posted and got deleted instead:(

I ONLY, can wish that, you read the thread care fully, to put your pice of knowledge & just try see, how other reply it!
its surly not that , PAF should buy this AIRCRAFT!
ITS JUST A , tactical knowledge, to put up simmilar looking plate forms!:sick:
OFFERRING , NO OFFERINGS, ITS not the dam, matter!
if you doesnt have , enough knowledge of avionics, to up grade a da,m platform , thn plz sit back!
I ONLY, can wish that, you read the thread care fully, to put your pice of knowledge & just try see, how other reply it!
its surly not that , PAF should buy this AIRCRAFT!
ITS JUST A , tactical knowledge, to put up simmilar looking plate forms!:sick:

Actually i have and i mentioned down precisely in the last part of my post that i did write about J-11 and what PAF can gain out of it somehow my comp hanged up and my post was lost and i did not felt like writing it down again.:frown:
As for the technical aspects, its actually difficult reason being because due to the relationship between the west and China, the upgradition of J-11 with western avionics will be close to impossible.Whatever systems we will get will be Chinese(Radar,EW suite etc) Also because of the copyright issue, it would be difficult to obtain from China, third the demands for the PLAAF have not been met yet alone PAF seems far fetched.
J-11 is a large jet and has added advantages because of its payload, range and because of its larger nose, a bigger more powerful radar could be opted and not to forget twin engines are always safe in case of a engine failure the jet could still be brought safely on the remaining one engine which will not be the case in single engine jets however that comes with a price and maintaining twin engines is always costly.
Actually i have and i mentioned down precisely in the last part of my post that i did write about J-11 and what PAF can gain out of it somehow my comp hanged up and my post was lost and i did not felt like writing it down again.:frown:
As for the technical aspects, its actually difficult reason being because due to the relationship between the west and China, the upgradition of J-11 with western avionics will be close to impossible.Whatever systems we will get will be Chinese(Radar,EW suite etc) Also because of the copyright issue, it would be difficult to obtain from China, third the demands for the PLAAF have not been met yet alone PAF seems far fetched.
J-11 is a large jet and has added advantages because of its payload, range and because of its larger nose, a bigger more powerful radar could be opted and not to forget twin engines are always safe in case of a engine failure the jet could still be brought safely on the remaining one engine which will not be the case in single engine jets however that comes with a price and maintaining twin engines is always costly.

thanks, for a better response, but most of the 5th gen , plateforms are having twin engines, so thn paf shouldnt be going for them?:azn:
also,plz check it out! its J 11bs
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sory, dear
i am getting fad up now!
so plz start a new thread, instead & convince, the TOP brass of PAF, if you can?:hitwall:

only answer that seems to seems to satisfy you might be "lets take it to F-22 standard" :lol:
thanks, for a better response, but most of the 5th gen , plateforms are having twin engines, so thn paf shouldnt be going for them?:azn:

Not are but the design suggests will have as no 5th generation actually exists other then the F-22(twin engine) and F-35(single engine).
As for not going for twin engine, well i didnt say that infact i think we should and EF is a twin engine jet which i mentioned in my previous post.

also,plz check it out! its J 11bs.

i am sorry did not understand what you are referring to? I used the word J-11 in generalized terms and not specifically the variant if that is what you meant.
Not are but the design suggests will have as no 5th generation actually exists other then the F-22(twin engine) and F-35(single engine).
As for not going for twin engine, well i didnt say that infact i think we should and EF is a twin engine jet which i mentioned in my previous post.

i am sorry did not understand what you are referring to? I used the word J-11 in generalized terms and not specifically the variant if that is what you meant.

yap, J11bs is the best most & the nearest thing to MKIs!:tup:
Not are but the design suggests will have as no 5th generation actually exists other then the F-22(twin engine) and F-35(single engine).

sorry for an unrelated question ...
what GEN was F117 ??
Su 30 is based on Su 27 though a lot has changed...

The confirmed version of J-11 is still sporting the ancient N001 series radars whereas the ones on Su 30 are a league apart...one thing to massively improve would be the radar which would need much more accuracy, range, high processing power enabling the simultaneous tracking and engagement of multiple targets...

The answer lies in a question about the ability of the Chinese to reverse engineer an entire plane and come out of the dependency on the Russians for integrating the locally manufactured avionics and weaponry to the J-11.
The ability to integrate modern western systems shall also be required in order to take J-11 to a new level and on par with Su30.

I do not have detailed information on the confirmed capabilities of the J-11B but i do believe that China has claimed a lot of major improvements...

If the Radar, Engines, intakes,Cockpit design and key avionics especially the targeting systems are improved upon and composites are introduced...the J-11 will give Su30 a run for its money...

This can be more easily facilitated by integration of the best systems available in the market...the options will be limited for J-11 since already Russia will be hard with China and thus will block the sale of any Russian systems...China will have to turn to the west and most willing maybe Israel...which is not bad actually...so things are not all down...however all depends on what the Chinese have learned so far and knowing them i can expect a lot...

The PAF was wise with JF-17 and have made it into a very modular system which can be integrated with a lot of western systems...in this manner the JF-17 has a lot of potential to be able to integrate with the best products and remain in the game...so PAF's doctrine is not to limit itself and keep all options in hand...

If J-11 can be made into a similar platform from scratch by China and dependence on Russia is eliminated.. i do not see any issue with PAF considering it in 3-6 squadrons, especially for naval role and deep strike missions against heavily guarded key military installations...however there a lot of Ifs...much depends on what China is willing to risk...

Any thing between 50 to 100 modified J-11s will be enough for PAF, hypothetically speaking of course...the endurance they shall offer is very different from what FC-20 can offer...
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