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A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

Not funny. There are liquidation lists for potential hostiles being maintained since NDAA.And last time when depression and world war , the german and japanese citizens of usa were locked away in camps.

You should keep your mouth in control as USA is in depression already and Allah(swt) knows what they plan next.There are rumors of FEMA camps springing up and the way the situation is across the world,its scary.

Haha..I don't think just bunch of internet rantings will get me there...Allah malick hai yar...jo hoga dekha jaye ga!!!

It means, Allah knows best..we'll see what happens...
Thats the problem with people like you,when you stand on the ground facing violence u grow cold and numb.

Thats why the ever sensitive lot like you never make an effort to gauge the wounds that you cause by appeasement.

Here you are,crying wolf cause someone showed you the reality.

Funny that you come from the very place where Tipu slaughtered the Kaffirs for being Kaffirs.

Funny that I realise that history doesn't start where it is convenient for you to start an argument. I have little appetite for the communal behaviour that you are displaying. I neither grow cold or numb. Facing violence, I would be more than okay with entire rioting mobs being dispatched to sort out issues with whatever God/s they believe in. Their religious affiliation means squat to me. Rioters chose to be rioters, the victims do not choose that fate. I'm crying no wolf but rabidity is a danger that needs a harsh dealing with. You are no different from the people you claim are on the opposite side. I have no sympathy whatsoever with your position. Your behaviour has been constantly obnoxious & your communal hatred a demonstration of the pits that human behaviour can sink to. Your complete tarring of an entire community & people, including women & children with your bile is hardly something I can appreciate. If that makes me sensitive, so be it. Regardless of whose ancestors did what, we are not our ancestors. Copy paste is such a waste of human evolution.

Btw, you know very little of Tipu & how he is seen in the Mysore-Bangalore region. Whatever he was known as elsewhere, a bigot is not how he is looked as at here nor was he one in this region.
Please go and read yourself .And yes ,I know it. You quoted the wrong quote of mine.

And are you not seeing the sad state of islamic nations.We are not been superpowers or major powers today. If some of big powers decided to destroy we are defenseless against their WMD stockpiles.

trust me west doesnt give a damn about any religion :P ur fear is meaningless
Haha..I don't think just bunch of internet rantings will get me there...Allah malick hai yar...jo hoga dekha jaye ga!!!

It means, Allah knows best..we'll see what happens...

A marine was detained for 2 months for his facebook postings:

Facebook Terrorism? Ex-Marine arrested, 9-11 conspiracy posts ruled 'terrorist in nature' | ComputerWorld

This is a christian american citizen they are detaining.In event of a major war with islamic nations do you not understand that USA could detain you as you are muslim and would be classified a potential hostile.Read the NDAA bill for once.You will understand.
Not cut & dry. I believe that the government officials were pressurised to come to the Panchayat, I'm not aware of any speech made by them or contents thereof. There is simply no way that what you are suggesting happened. The caste politic of U.P. will not allow for that. The Muslims are a big support base of the ruling SP, there is no way that the government will allow a major retaliation against Muslims. Not there, not in SP ruled UP.

Again, it was discussed on one of the Indian channels and that is my best source.
trust me west doesnt give a damn about any religion :P ur fear is meaningless

Believe yourself, but my sufi master told that the 21st century will see the destruction of Islam . I am already witnessing all kinds of civil wars and disturbances in islamic world. So ,please now go.
Believe yourself, but my sufi master told that the 21st century will see the destruction of Islam . I am already witnessing all kinds of civil wars and disturbances in islamic world. So ,please now go.

:what: u mean peer baba. grow up dude
Believe yourself, but my sufi master told that the 21st century will see the destruction of Islam . I am already witnessing all kinds of civil wars and disturbances in islamic world. So ,please now go.

you cannot destory a thought/belief by destorying people. if jews in tiny numbers could not be destroyed in world war, how can muslims be destoryed... any weapon that will destroy all muslims will also destroy this planet as muslims are everywhere.

So relax, americans are not going to bomb anybody ..:lol:
@bronxbull is an obnoxious moron. Dunno why ppl take him (well apparently it's her now) seriously.
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:what: u mean peer baba. grow up dude

Yes.How about you look around yourself for once. And the prophecies of the sufi master have been right till now. He had warned me when Libya is attacked ,consider the end of islam near. Its already.Almost all islamic nations are in state of turmoil ,civil wars,unrest.

Open your eyes. Even the Bible code,great remote viewers and clairvoyants indicate that 2013-2019 is the period of global mass genocide.
Yes we will build temples on them,also give land for the muslims and help them build their mosques.

PS: And Iqbal,he was a great poet but he was a pandit convert,i dont have any respect for him.

People like him slaughtered kashmiri pandits for being that.

oops, didn't know Iqbal killed Kashmiri Pandits, being one himself. Next time I will refer a poet who have never been to India. All this to avoid your anger, of-course.

My question was, what will you do after building those 300 temples on destroyed mosques which were earlier built on destroyed temples which may have been built on destroyed Buddhist religious sites.
oops, didn't know Iqbal killed Kashmiri Pandits, being one himself. Next time I will refer a poet who have never been to India. All this to avoid your anger, of-course.

My question was, what will you do after building those 300 temples on destroyed mosques which were earlier built on destroyed temples which may have been built on destroyed Buddhist religious sites.

what do you think about proposed ram hindu temple in ayodhya.. should it be built?
oops, didn't know Iqbal killed Kashmiri Pandits, being one himself. Next time I will refer a poet who have never been to India. All this to avoid your anger, of-course.

My question was, what will you do after building those 300 temples on destroyed mosques which were earlier built on destroyed temples which may have been built on destroyed Buddhist religious sites.
Iqbal was not a Kashmiri Pandit. His grandfather was.

Only 300? :what:
Destroying monasteries and building on top of them is not our thing.
you cannot destory a thought/belief by destorying people. if jews in tiny numbers could not be destroyed in world war, how can muslims be destoryed... any weapon that will destroy all muslims will also destroy this planet as muslims are everywhere.

So relax, americans are not going to bomb anybody ..:lol:

Look at whats happening in the islamic world. There is a old proverb:- Whom the Gods seek to destroy,they drive them mad.' The kinds of fatwas being passed by mullahs today have never been passed in the past 700 years. The kind of schisms ,islam is undergoing and the civil wars on that basis just,what should I say.

And the funny thing ,even statistics is indicating a major war cycle peak in 2019. Too much coincidence.

Great economic cycles and war cycles are related. The breeding ground for Nazism was economic depression and extreme privation in Germany in the time preceding Hitler's rise to power. The 2nd World War followed on after The Great Depression etc. Someone recently produced a long-term war cycle chart (I think it was Weiss Research) showing a major war cycle peak in 2019.
Believe yourself, but my sufi master told that the 21st century will see the destruction of Islam . I am already witnessing all kinds of civil wars and disturbances in islamic world. So ,please now go.

kon jeeta hai teri zulf ke sar honay tak.

It can happen between now and 2099.
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