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A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

It is no chaku talwar muqabla these days,we know how to do it.

There must be a limit that should not be crossed. I'm no fan of your opinions but to speak so dismissively of killing or otherwise dealing with such a large number of people is frankly very obnoxious. Even ranting here must have limits.
While I am not entirely sure of what was actually said & who said it, I think you might be confusing a couple of things. The Panchayat person that you are speaking about is probably from the caste panchayat, not a government person. It would be very much like a Sunni leader saying something. The punishment sought to be imposed is being done by non-governmental person, saying the usual nonsense that gets said by members of the parties who were rioting. I have seen a video of a Muslim MLA(of the BSP) flanked by Muslim leaders of the SP,the Congress and a fellow MLA from the BSP egging the crowd on & threatening to kill all Hindus. While he is certainly a political person, it would still not be correct in inferring that it was a government decision. These are people indulging in the basesest form of communal politics but to takeaway from that, a government sanctioned communal punishment is completely without basis. Jalianwalla was government forces indulging in meting out punishment, not so in this case. I assume that you have been confused by the term "panchayat" .

Yes. But then there was this police SSP and an administration official who also addressed the caste panchayet jalsa. Though they may not be doing it on behalf of the government - but who cares. This is how things get governed and delayed and punishments meted out. So unwritten and yet not so clean as they may seem to be.
No it is nothing like the bamiyan buddha,just plain vanilla masjids and our lost temples are everything for us.

I dont know why the Talibs destroyed the bamiyan buddha statues,but we want to reclaim our temples.

I have no hate,only pragmatism.

All this mess just for temples? seriously dude?

Are you a girl or a boy? Just asking'....
What a hypocritical thread this is. In PDF itself i see so many people hate other religions and foul mouthing them. There is so much of hate against Hindus, Christian and Jews from Pakistanis and just because of one comment everybody looses their mind? WTF is that? I personally do not hate any religion or do i believe in any religion but this is just absurd seeing some of the people commenting here.
No it is nothing like the bamiyan buddha,just plain vanilla masjids and our lost temples are everything for us.

I dont know why the Talibs destroyed the bamiyan buddha statues,but we want to reclaim our temples.

I have no hate,only pragmatism.

masi i am sick with ur hatred toward muslims. after the mighty china ur india is next in line

to become an atheist country :ashamed:
It is no chaku talwar muqabla these days,we know how to do it.

Good lord young lady - thora meetha ziyada khaya karo. It may take away the bitter taste that you never personally felt but felt through the pain of your elders.

It is the same feeling here. But here we eat a lot of mithaee.
And what would you people do after destroying those mosques and building temples over them.

Iqbal said:

Masjid to banadi shab bhar mein, iiman ki hararat walon ne

Man apna purana paapi hai, barson mein namazi ban na saka

Yes we will build temples on them,also give land for the muslims and help them build their mosques.

PS: And Iqbal,he was a great poet but he was a pandit convert,i dont have any respect for him.

People like him slaughtered kashmiri pandits for being that.

masi i am sick with ur hatred toward muslims. after the mighty china ur india is next in line

to become an atheist country :ashamed:

no,we have our own gods.
Yes. But then there was this police SSP and an administration official who also addressed the caste panchayet jalsa. Though they may not be doing it on behalf of the government - but who cares. This is how things get governed and delayed and punishments meted out. So unwritten and yet not so clean as they may seem to be.

Not cut & dry. I believe that the government officials were pressurised to come to the Panchayat, I'm not aware of any speech made by them or contents thereof. There is simply no way that what you are suggesting happened. The caste politic of U.P. will not allow for that. The Muslims are a big support base of the ruling SP, there is no way that the government will allow a major retaliation against Muslims. Not there, not in SP ruled UP.
What a hypocritical thread this is. In PDF itself i see so many people hate other religions and foul mouthing them. There is so much of hate against Hindus, Christian and Jews from Pakistanis and just because of one comment everybody looses their mind? WTF is that? I personally do not hate any religion or do i believe in any religion but this is just absurd seeing some of the people commenting here.

So, what is your reason for hating the Pakistanis and the Muslims. You don't seem to be a Pakistani fan out here as well.
Yes we will build temples on them,also give land for the muslims and help them build their mosques.

PS: And Iqbal,he was a great poet but he was a pandit convert,i dont have any respect for him.

People like him slaughtered kashmiri pandits for being that.

no,we have our own gods.

How about a better deal? For every mosque, get 500 Hindus to convert to Islam? They can be lower class or something...
The F?!!!!

Where is that prophecy? o_O

Shaykh Hamza Yusuf (1500 years, i.e. around 70 years left)

Sh. Hamza Yusuf discusses on this hadith at the 2 hour and 6 minutes mark (2:07:00) in this video (a great video by the way): Hamza Yusuf – The Antichrist (Dajjal) and The New World Order | Halal Tube

“Question: Imam Mahdi will appear during Ramadan where a sun and moon eclipse will occur in the same month. It’s research indicates this is in the year 2004?”

Answer: There are some hadiths that indicate…that, nobody can say for sure. You can’t give any dates. Anybody gives you any dates we just can’t take them. Imam as-Suyuti said the ajal of the ummah would end sometime in the 15th century. He based it on a hadith that indicates this ummah lasts half of the life of the Jewish ummah and they lasted 2,000 years and so the ummah would only last 1,000 years. Which is why we had our own millennial fever 400 years ago, because people really thought it was coming to an end. And Imam as-Suyuti was born in the 10th century and lived into the 11th century so he obviously passed the thousand year mark and wrote a fatwa called “Kishf an ummata”- insight into the fact the ummah will last more than 1,000 years because he actually said, “Look we’re all alive, and its been over a thousand years.” But he said it was only 1,000 years but there was a dua of the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wasalam) in which he said, “Oh Allah, give my ummah an extra half-day.” And somebody asked him how long will that be? And he said, “500 years” because a day with Allah is a thousand years. And so he said it wouldn’t go past 1,500 years, which means we have about 70 years left. And Allah knows best. Thats not the sa’a, because the ummah is finished and the sa’a comes on the worst people

So from this saying of Ibn Hajr it is derived :

1) The time period of the Jews is equivalent to the age of the Christians and Muslims combined, so in other words

Age of the Jews = Age of the Christians + Age of the Muslims

2) The time span of the Christian age was 600 years and this has been stated in an authentic report from Bukhari who transmitted from Salman Farsi radiallaho 3anh that : “The length of time between Esa (as) and Muhammad (saws) is 600 years.”

3) So the age of the Muslims = Age of the Jews – the Age of Christians

Since the age of the Jews from the time of Musa(as)/Torah till the advent of Sayidina Muhammad sallahu 3laye wasalam is somewhat of a 2000 years or more, so putting the numbers in the equation we get

Age of the Muslims = 2000 years (approx.) – 600 years

= 1400 years (approx.)

So from these calculations the estimated age of the muslims is derived a little more than 1400 years.
There must be a limit that should not be crossed. I'm no fan of your opinions but to speak so dismissively of killing or otherwise dealing with such a large number of people is frankly very obnoxious. Even ranting here must have limits.

Thats the problem with people like you,when you stand on the ground facing violence u grow cold and numb.

Thats why the ever sensitive lot like you never make an effort to gauge the wounds that you cause by appeasement.

Here you are,crying wolf cause someone showed you the reality.

Funny that you come from the very place where Tipu slaughtered the Kaffirs for being Kaffirs.
They are everything for us,our temples.

I am a woman,are u blind?

I agree, he must surely be blind. How could he not see you, sitting on the other side of his laptop, so many hundreds if not thousands of miles away.
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