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Porsche's Chief Designer is a Chinese??!!

From wearing a Chinese flag (and no American flag) even though he is an American?
I do not care what flag he sports. Loyalty based upon race makes one a racist. Loyalty should be based upon non-racial ideas.

Which is why despite knowing the design of a high performance turbofan, the Chinese have not been able to replicate the metallurgical process for the blades as they could not get their hands on that.
At the very least, the Chinese know that there is a unique combination of alloys with their appropriate temperature capabilities exists in order to have as good a performance engine as the American version. Getting their hands on a sample is a short cut. But actual experimentation and finances to do so is much harder and more time consuming.
At the very least, the Chinese know that there is a unique combination of alloys with their appropriate temperature capabilities exists in order to have as good a performance engine as the American version. Getting their hands on a sample is a short cut. But actual experimentation and finances to do so is much harder and more time consuming.

Isn't it fair to say that engaging in research to solve a problem is potentially better than simply taking someone else's solution even though it takes more time and effort? The Chinese could very well come up with a better design through experimentation or their efforts could yield improved understanding of a related field. The idea of forgoing original research in favor stealing intellectual property strikes me as penny wise and pound foolish.
At the very least, the Chinese know that there is a unique combination of alloys with their appropriate temperature capabilities exists in order to have as good a performance engine as the American version. Getting their hands on a sample is a short cut. But actual experimentation and finances to do so is much harder and more time consuming.

I call it the KFC problem. You can get a piece of KFC and out exactly what spices, ingredients etc are there. But you will still now know exactly how they are mixed, cured.. heated and fried. So unless you know that process, you cannot duplicate that exact taste. This is the Chinese problem with most of their reverse engineered stuff.

Like they have their hands on certain AESA modules.. they reversed the electronics by figuring the circuits out.. yet their modules are still incapable of handling the voltage and end up with a much shorter lifespan than their western counterparts.
I call it the KFC problem. You can get a piece of KFC and out exactly what spices, ingredients etc are there. But you will still now know exactly how they are mixed, cured.. heated and fried. So unless you know that process, you cannot duplicate that exact taste. This is the Chinese problem with most of their reverse engineered stuff.

Like they have their hands on certain AESA modules.. they reversed the electronics by figuring the circuits out.. yet their modules are still incapable of handling the voltage and end up with a much shorter lifespan than their western counterparts.

He who copies will always trail behind the leaders. Simple.

There is no substitute for creating the knowledge needed to do something yourself.
He says he is half White American, one quarter Vietnamese, and one quarter Chinese. :lol:

But he talks like an American Vietnamese, any traces of loyalty to China are missing.

Well, actually I am half Mexican American, not white...........

Soy un Chicano y no Gringo. Por Favor

And lol on the Chinese side is missing. I am anti-Chinese Government, not anti-China, many of ex-pat/overseas Chinese feel the same, you can love China in the meantime you can hate the current Government, same as the way I love America but I really HATED the bush administration.

It is of no secret that I left Hong Kong and China BECAUSE of the current Chinese regime, I tried living in China for 5 years and HK after turnover for 4, I did my best for try to love it, but can't, I may return to Hong Kong or even China if the current government is toppled.
Well, actually I am half Mexican American, not white...........

Soy un Chicano y no Gringo. Por Favor

And lol on the Chinese side is missing. I am anti-Chinese Government, not anti-China, many of ex-pat/overseas Chinese feel the same, you can love China in the meantime you can hate the current Government, same as the way I love America but I really HATED the bush administration.

It is of no secret that I left Hong Kong and China BECAUSE of the current Chinese regime, I tried living in China for 5 years and HK after turnover for 4, I did my best for try to love it, but can't, I may return to Hong Kong or even China if the current government is toppled.

There are plenty of Chinese members here who absolutely hate the CCP, such as Sonyuke.

But from their posts you can still see they love China and the Chinese people.

Not with you.

It is of no secret that I left Hong Kong and China BECAUSE of the current Chinese regime, I tried living in China for 5 years and HK after turnover for 4, I did my best for try to love it, but can't, I may return to Hong Kong or even China if the current government is toppled.

So why are you wearing a Chinese flag?
who are you not? you were from Lund before, now its chinese, you used to reside in USA and now in australia :lol:

dude, I still live in Scania what is the problem if I am in Australia for my education?? And do you have a problem my mother being a Chinese?? (She is an 100% ethnic Chinese from Vietnam) do you have a problem with that?

There are plenty of Chinese members here who absolutely hate the CCP, such as Sonyuke.

But from their posts you can still see they love China and the Chinese people.

Not with you.

So why are you wearing a Chinese flag?

lol how you see me is your problem, I am not here to make friend, nor to please anybody, I REALLY like China, but do you have to absolutely agree on EVERYTHING other Chinese say to "love" China?? That's really not possible.

The Chinese flag represent my heritage, my mother had (She passed some years ago) a residence in Dong Guang, and so do I, and I have been living in Shenzhen and Po'on (保安) for years. I read news from Hong Kong and China everyday, I never stop practice myself as a Chinese for 1 second, I deserved that flag. You don't like me is your problem, but this is not China, nor do you have any authority to silence my voice :) you need to got that right

By the way, my mother was 100% ethnically Chinese, who was born and lived in Vietnam, I do not have the native Vietnamese Gene in me. So I am HALF CHINESE, not quarter Chinese. You are talking about blood and gene, a Chinese will still be Chinese even if he/she was born in USA or Vietnam.
I do not care what flag he sports. Loyalty based upon race makes one a racist. Loyalty should be based upon non-racial ideas.

At the very least, the Chinese know that there is a unique combination of alloys with their appropriate temperature capabilities exists in order to have as good a performance engine as the American version. Getting their hands on a sample is a short cut. But actual experimentation and finances to do so is much harder and more time consuming.

lol Gambit. you are arguing into the ground with some Chinese diehard fans who will jump to defend CCP honor in second. For them they don't know what is loyalty and trying to brand any other traitor if they have a different view than them, does not matter if they share the same genetic history. That is why I left China in the first place.........
didnt he had swedish flag and location, i thought he was american swedish before

he claims to be photographer, and then he is also military professional

its very confusing TBH

lol how confusing.............
My mother was ethnic Vietnamese-Chinese (Not the Mountain People) and my dad was an Mexican American. They meet during he height of Vietnam war.

Then my dad was evac'ed after wounded in battle and my mum stayed behind in Nam.

My mother was then forced out of Vietnam because Chinese Invaded Vietnam in 78-79 and in response all Vietnamese Chinese was expelled out of Vietnam

Then my dad decided to apply my mother to the US, while my mother launch an asylum bid to Australia without knowing what my dad's doing.

I was born in the US after my mum travel to the US and meet with my Dad.

Then my mother was granted Asylum in Australia.

I grow up in between China and Hong Kong. Which my mother used to have a Fabric Business in Kowloon City.

Then in the years after turnover I left HK for USA, feeling sick with the government.

Then I ended up joining the US military to pay for my education

Then I met my SWEDISH wife when she work as a lawyer in the Swedish Military in Afghanistan

Then we got married and moved to Lund where she is doing a PhD in University of Lund

Then I got bored of Sweden and apply for a MIB in Sydney and was accepted.

I try to support myself by working as a photographer part time for a magazine which I have a lot of passion since I was a wee-kid.

Is it THAT confusing??
lol how confusing.............
My mother was ethnic Vietnamese-Chinese (Not the Mountain People) and my dad was an Mexican American. They meet during he height of Vietnam war.

Then my dad was evac'ed after wounded in battle and my mum stayed behind in Nam.

My mother was then forced out of Vietnam because Chinese Invaded Vietnam in 78-79 and in response all Vietnamese Chinese was expelled out of Vietnam

Then my dad decided to apply my mother to the US, while my mother launch an asylum bid to Australia without knowing what my dad's doing.

I was born in the US after my mum travel to the US and meet with my Dad.

Then my mother was granted Asylum in Australia.

I grow up in between China and Hong Kong. Which my mother used to have a Fabric Business in Kowloon City.

Then in the years after turnover I left HK for USA, feeling sick with the government.

Then I ended up joining the US military to pay for my education

Then I met my SWEDISH wife when she work as a lawyer in the Swedish Military in Afghanistan

Then we got married and moved to Lund where she is doing a PhD in University of Lund

Then I got bored of Sweden and apply for a MIB in Sydney and was accepted.

I try to support myself by working as a photographer part time for a magazine which I have a lot of passion since I was a wee-kid.

Is it THAT confusing??

no actually pretty convincing :lol:
You are talking about blood and gene, a Chinese will still be Chinese even if he/she was born in USA or Vietnam.

No, if she was born in Vietnam she is Vietnamese.

If an ethnic Chinese is born in Malaysia and is a citizen there, they are Malaysian.

If an ethnic Chinese is born in America and is a citizen there, they are American.

This is pretty simple stuff. Is Barack Obama a Kenyan? No. He is an American.
Something is seriously wrong with my internet connection.......

No, if she was born in Vietnam she is Vietnamese.

If an ethnic Chinese is born in Malaysia and is a citizen there, they are Malaysian.

If an ethnic Chinese is born in America and is a citizen there, they are American.

This is pretty simple stuff. Is Barack Obama a Kenyan? No. He is an American.

Chinese is not Chinese "The nationality" it's the Chinese "Heritage"

Simply because you born and raise in one country will not change your heritage.

I mean if you want to be political correct is your business. However, I still hold HKSAR passport so, nationality wise, I am also a Chinese, quasi Chinese if you may but still..........

I am of mixed Mexican-Chinese race. That's why I say I am half Chinese.

So, Yao Ming's daughter was born in America, will you call her a Chinese or will you call her an American?? Or you will simply call her an American Chinese??
lol Gambit. you are arguing into the ground with some Chinese diehard fans who will jump to defend CCP honor in second. For them they don't know what is loyalty and trying to brand any other traitor if they have a different view than them, does not matter if they share the same genetic history. That is why I left China in the first place.........

There are plenty of anti-CCP members here like Sonyuke, faithfulguy and Okemos. But I get along with them very well and respect them a lot.

Even one of my closest friends in HK hates the CCP, and he is a die-hard supporter of the pro-democracy camp and universal suffrage.

But these guys, they all love China and the Chinese people, and it is very easy to see.
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