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Israel launches air strikes on Syria

Israel's demise is near : 1948 Israelis victory
1967 preemptive strike
1973 hardly a victory
2006 stalemate

???? near furture , end of the jewish nation
1948 - 5 countries attack Israel.
1967 - 3 countries attack Israel.
1973 - 2 countries attack Israel.
1982 - 1 country challenges Israel.

Since 1982 no country dares to mess with Israel. Only through coward proxy terrorist attacks.
1948 - 5 countries attack Israel.
1967 - 3 countries attack Israel.
1973 - 2 countries attack Israel.
1982 - 1 country challenges Israel.

Since 1982 no country dares to mess with Israel. Only through coward proxy terrorist attacks.

The US saved your a$$ many times and there were some traitors among us something everyone knows. but this time expect us we will reach you in numbers...... Once Assad fall....mark my words. :sniper:
1948 - 5 countries attack Israel.
1967 - 3 countries attack Israel.
1973 - 2 countries attack Israel.
1982 - 1 country challenges Israel.

Since 1982 no country dares to mess with Israel. Only through coward proxy terrorist attacks.

You don't have to take such stance on him seriously. He doesn't know which is which. Yes, after making peace with the Egyptians no regional war broke out ,as far as my knowledge is concerned. Israel like any other nation in this world doesn't prefer to go to war ,but I still find your rhetoric very harsh tbqh.
The US saved your a$$ many times and there were some traitors among us something everyone knows. but this time expect us we will reach you in numbers...... Once Assad fall....mark my words. :sniper:

Always whining and making excuses for why you lost, never accepting your own faults.

You're an Arab so i assume you believe in Allah. Tell me, if Allah did not wish for Israel to win, why did he make it so? I'll answer: Because in Allah's eyes, you deserved to lose and suffer while Israel won and prospered.

You can't deny that it was Allah's wish. Once Assad falls, you will continue to be the best Arab friend Israel has.
Fellow Zionist. ;)
Always whining and making excuses for why you lost, never accepting your own faults.

You're an Arab so i assume you believe in Allah. Tell me, if Allah did not wish for Israel, why did he not make it so? I'll answer: Because in Allah's eyes, you deserved to lose and suffer while Israel won and prospered.

You can't deny that it was Allah's wish. Once Assad falls, you will continue to be the best Arab friend Israel has. Fellow Zionist.

There were some Jewish nations and settlements in history which happened to be strong where Jews thought they were strong and immune, they lived in prosperity for a while, sure more than just 65 or 100 years, nevertheless, they woke up on a horrible nightmare, chained, destroyed and humiliated. If you use your mind and logic with serious contemplation on Israel future just for once, you will realize that a country like Israel will not survive for long like this, and no country has ever survived like this in history. The world is changing. Either Israel accept peace and live as well in peace and harmony with it's neighbors, yet time would heal everything, or just live nervous and anxious until the worst happens.
Always whining and making excuses for why you lost, never accepting your own faults.

You're an Arab so i assume you believe in Allah. Tell me, if Allah did not wish for Israel, why did he not make it so? I'll answer: Because in Allah's eyes, you deserved to lose and suffer while Israel won and prospered.

You can't deny that it was Allah's wish. Once Assad falls, you will continue to be the best Arab friend Israel has. Fellow Zionist.

from a religious prospective yes,its the fulfillment of the our prophecies. Now Pack up and get ready, you will be sent back your mother country soon, what was taken by force will be brought by force.
Always whining and making excuses for why you lost, never accepting your own faults.

You're an Arab so i assume you believe in Allah. Tell me, if Allah did not wish for Israel to win, why did he make it so? I'll answer: Because in Allah's eyes, you deserved to lose and suffer while Israel won and prospered.

You can't deny that it was Allah's wish. Once Assad falls, you will continue to be the best Arab friend Israel has.
Fellow Zionist. ;)

BTW, we were told 1400 years ago that there will be a Jewish state in Palestine and they will gain might and strength, we were told as that Muslims will be many although weak while Jews few. Imagine, 1400 years ago..:pop:
Always whining and making excuses for why you lost, never accepting your own faults.

You're an Arab so i assume you believe in Allah. Tell me, if Allah did not wish for Israel to win, why did he make it so? I'll answer: Because in Allah's eyes, you deserved to lose and suffer while Israel won and prospered.

You can't deny that it was Allah's wish. Once Assad falls, you will continue to be the best Arab friend Israel has.
Fellow Zionist. ;)

Bro i dont know anything about the rest of your post, but the bold part...Inshallah!!!
From all Arab armies that have fought Israel, the best performance goes to Hezbollah.
You don't have to take such stance on him seriously. He doesn't know which is which. Yes, after making peace with the Egyptians no regional war broke out ,as far as my knowledge is concerned. Israel like any other nation in this world doesn't prefer to go to war ,but I still find your rhetoric very harsh tbqh.

There will be no place for moderates and peace loving nations nor people anymore, if Israel keep denying others rights and violate their holy places. Those moderates will not change but rather they will be more and more embarrassed as their approach and belief in peace didn't work, so they will be excluded and forced into the extremists camp who are in rise BTW.
Egypts army has done more impressive stuff in 1973 with anti tank missiles and their air defences.

Not at all.

U.S. report: Hezbollah fought Israel better than any Arab army

A new report from the U.S. Army War College warns that the American military must learn the lessons of the Second Lebanon War, in which Hezbollah operated more like a conventional army than a guerrilla organization.

The report, "The 2006 Lebanon Campaign and the Future of Warfare: Implications for Army and Defense Policy," warns against placing too heavy an emphasis on classic guerrilla warfare, and raises the possibility of further non-state actors following the Lebanese militant group's example.

"Hezbollah's 2006 campaign in southern Lebanon has been receiving increasing attention as a prominent recent example of a non-state actor fighting a Westernized state," the authors of the report state. "In particular, critics of irregular-warfare transformation often cite the 2006 case as evidence that non-state actors can nevertheless wage conventional warfare in state-like ways."

The authors of the report, Dr. Stephen D. Biddle and Jeffrey A. Friedman, state that changes made by the U.S. Army in conducting urban warfare against guerrilla fighters in Iraq could compromise the military's ability to deal with other enemies in the future.

The authors give a high grade to Hezbollah's performance in the 2006 war, describing it as more effective than that of any Arab army that confronted Israel in the Jewish state's history, and that Hezbollah militants wounded more Israelis per fighter than any previous Arab effort.

Unlike a traditional guerrilla force, however, Hezbollah emphasized holding territory and digging in to bunkers, instead of the usual tactic of hiding among civilian populations. Likewise, the militant organization's discipline and coordination highly resembled those of conventional armies.

This combination of conventional and guerrilla tactics, the report claims, places new challenges before the U.S. Army. It calls for preparing the military for asymmetrical urban warfare, while at the same time working closely with civilian populations. It also calls for reducing military activity likely to harm the image of the U.S.

The report indicates that no army can be ideally prepared to deal with both kinds of enemy, conventional and guerrilla, simultaneously, and that in light of the discrepancies between the lessons of the Second Lebanon War and the current U.S. experience in Iraq and Afghanistan, serious challenges confront military planners.

While fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan demands the ability to defeat guerrilla forces, the example of Lebanon may inspire enemies of the U.S. to adopt more conventional methods.

U.S. report: Hezbollah fought Israel better than any Arab army - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

1 is a guerilla force the other is a conventional force, uncomparable wars, in the end who fought better is an opinion, Hezbollah facing any Arab army would not last long if they would actually try conventional warfare, so attempting to say that Hezbollah as a military organization is superior to other Arab militaries is a mistake.
1 is a guerilla force the other is a conventional force, uncomparable wars, in the end who fought better is an opinion, Hezbollah facing any Arab army would not last long if they would actually try conventional warfare, so attempting to say that Hezbollah as a military organization is superior to other Arab militaries is a mistake.

I never claimed that Hezbollah is superior to any Arab army. Although, relatively, they are probably.

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