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Syrian Revolt: Picture thread


Apr 28, 2012
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United Arab Emirates
We will Liberate Syria Inshallah

Allah-hu-Akbar OOOOraahhhhhhhh!!!!





I hope they stop playing in the hands of enemies killing their own Muslims brother and sisters.

May Allah give them strength to see the real truth. May they see the light of truth

They are not getting anywhere but they are helping in bringing down another Muslim country to a level what we have in Iraq, Lebanon e.t.c .First they used their armies to kill Muslims and now they are using idiots like these to create chaos in Muslims countries.

They are nothing but paid mercenaries working for the forces who want stable Muslims countries to become destabilized.
You can be sure of two things ! One whenever the US and most of their friends take up a humanitarian cause it has nothing to whatsoever with 'humanity', 'human rights', 'democracy' or any of that ! And two, when any freedom fighter group joins hands with Al Qaeeda and other similar terrorist you can bet you arse that they're as much 'freedom fighters' as Hitler's SS were.
The "F"S"A"
here is a German report about those terrorists, its translated into Arabic, but the video might give you little info about these terrorists.
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^ look how they use houses, they are coward they can't fight without using people as their shield, if they were real fighters they fight away from the people.

Its call urban warfare. And I don't see any civilians being used as shields. However I see the Syrian Army doing that in some recent videos. And it wouldn't surprise me one bit that they are also using peoples' homes to fight in. Even during World War 2 conventional forces do it.

Band of Brothers- Battle for Carentan - YouTube

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