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Israel jittery after Brotherhood victory in Egypt

Yeah, must be why he just said, today, that he would like to have much closer relations with IRI. That speaks volumes about his non-radicalism.

As i said No more client of Israel.
We will see how Islamic they are and if they will protect their muslim brothers over the border (Gaza) from zionists.
There is no such thing as a peace loving Islamist. Look at him, just yesterday the new President said that he would honor the peace agreement and today he said he wants to "reevaluate" it. Well, on the upside, Sinai will be a very nice vacation spot in a decade or two if Islamists start feeling lucky.
There is no such thing as a peace loving Islamist. Look at him, just yesterday the new President said that he would honor the peace agreement and today he said he wants to "reevaluate" it. Well, on the upside, Sinai will be a very nice vacation spot in a decade or two if Islamists start feeling lucky.

Why cannot any new Government revive, evaluate or annul any treaty that was signed by the previous government. Why you always thing that people should do what you want them to do.
There is no such thing as a peace loving Islamist. Look at him, just yesterday the new President said that he would honor the peace agreement and today he said he wants to "reevaluate" it. Well, on the upside, Sinai will be a very nice vacation spot in a decade or two if Islamist start feeling lucky.

I guess we will see how the Egyptian will deal with their property being stolen by peace loving Israel.
The only delusions here are yours, friend. Egypt could not win when all the odds were against Israel then and now all the odds are in favor of Israel. If Egypt declares war on Israel and attacks, they will be relinquishing Sinai and continue rotting in their country while Israel gains 2 times of the territory it has.

If the Islamist president isn't mentally challenged, he will not try to start a war.

Israel now is much weaker than it was in 1967, and Arabs are much stronger than they were at that time. GCC, Jordan, Egypt, Algeria, Lebanon and Morocco military are nothing like before . So, the time has changed. If you are willing to put an end to your state then dare to attack Egypt.
There is no such thing as a peace loving Islamist. Look at him, just yesterday the new President said that he would honor the peace agreement and today he said he wants to "reevaluate" it. Well, on the upside, Sinai will be a very nice vacation spot in a decade or two if Islamists start feeling lucky.

If Egypt scraps the treaty signed by a despot, Egypt is no longer peace-loving, but those who are stealing the Arab lands, are peace-loving, right? Go on with your wicked ways, it will only earn you contempt and ridicule. With all your high tech weapons you earn nothing but the curse of the world.
There is no more Soviet Union to continually supply the Egyptians with equipment, and the Americans have strings when it comes to their hardware in the Egyptian army. Plus nukes play a role now. The war option is off the table for the Arabs.
Actually T-Rex, G-D curses those who curse Israel. It's in the Bible.

Explains why your country and most of the Muslim world is in the pathetic state that they are in.
Hundreds of millions of uneducated, starving, hate-filled creatures, blaming all their woes on big bad Israel.
Genesis 12:3.

"I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

Keep going on your way, you're on the right path.
There is no such thing as a peace loving Islamist. Look at him, just yesterday the new President said that he would honor the peace agreement and today he said he wants to "reevaluate" it. Well, on the upside, Sinai will be a very nice vacation spot in a decade or two if Islamists start feeling lucky.

Didnt know the word ''peace'' existed in jewish dictionary.
The concept of peace also originated from the Torah, so was Justice. Justice would have been to consume all those that tried to destroy Israel so many times, when they were at our mercy but mercy also is taught by the Torah. So alas, they lived and continued to fill their heart with hatred.

So you see? You should go to your local synagogue and kiss the Torah for teaching the Jews to be merciful and peace loving Just nation.

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