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Israel jittery after Brotherhood victory in Egypt


Feb 11, 2012
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Associated Press= JERUSALEM (AP) — The Muslim Brotherhood victory in Egyptian presidential elections, announced Sunday, has raised fears in Israel that its strategic 1979 peace agreement with its southern neighbor could be in danger.

In contrast, in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, ecstatic residents flocked into the streets, fired guns in the air and handed out candy in celebration.

Israel's peace agreement with Egypt, its first with an Arab country, is a cornerstone of Israeli security. The agreement ended decades of hostilities, with to five wars and thousands of deaths.

While relations have never been warm, Egypt has upheld the deal, keeping its bordering Sinai peninsula largely demilitarized, allowing the Israeli military to focus on other hostile borders with the Palestinians, Syria and Lebanon.

In a statement, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he respected the results of Egypt's democratic process and hoped the peace agreement would remain intact.

"Israel expects to continue cooperation with the Egyptian government on the basis of the peace agreement between the two countries, which is of interest to the two peoples and contributes to regional stability," he said.

With the Egyptian military still the ultimate power in Egypt, senior Israeli defense officials who maintain contacts with Egypt said Sunday that they do not expect any immediate changes in relations. Over the long term, they warned, the Brotherhood may seek to cancel the peace agreement. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were discussing a sensitive security assessment.

The Muslim Brotherhood, founded in Egypt in 1928, is a pan-Arabic movement that favors creation of a Muslim state that encompasses the entire Middle East. It has never given up that goal, but as it gains official power in Egypt, winning parliamentary elections and now the presidency, it has indicated pragmatic willingness to accept the existence of Israel.

Addressing his nation Sunday evening, Morsi declared he had a "message of peace. We will respect all international agreements," he said, without mentioning Israel.

Although some Brotherhood leaders have said they will never meet with an Israeli official, they have been careful to say they would not cancel the treaty. Like many other Egyptians, they favor amendments — primarily to allow more Egyptian troops into the Sinai. Israel has already permitted an increase of troops there, demanding that Egypt bring violent extremists under control.

Armed gangs are believed to control wide swaths of territory, smugglers have helped thousands of African migrant workers sneak into Israel and various Arab militant groups, some believed to have ties to al-Qaida, operate freely.

Eli Shaked, a former Israeli ambassador to Egypt, said the Egyptians would "have a lot to lose" if they canceled the peace, including Western investment and billions of dollars in U.S. aid. Even so, he warned, the treaty was not safe.

In the Gaza Strip, tens of thousands of joyous Palestinians took to the streets across the territory after the result was announced.

Gunmen fired automatic weapons in the air, and mosque loudspeakers reverberated with prayers. Some revelers handed out candy on street corners.

The celebrations were marred when one person was killed and six others wounded by celebratory gunfire.

Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood's ascent to power in Egypt has raised hopes that Gaza's relations with its powerful southern neighbor will improve.

"Today is new era for us in Gaza. The days of suffering due to the Egyptian authorities are over, said Rawhi Talab, 51, a food store owner.

Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar told a rally in downtown Gaza that "the heart of Jerusalem has started to beat again," adding, "We are not asking Egypt to fight on our behalf." Hamas does not recognize Israel.

Mubarak collaborated with Israel in a blockade of Gaza. The blockade, first imposed after Hamas-linked gunmen captured an Israeli soldier in 2006, was tightened the following year when Hamas violently seized power in the seaside strip.

Israel said the blockade was needed to prevent arms shipments to Hamas. Under heavy international pressure, Israel lifted some limits two years ago and Egypt eased travel restrictions after Mubarak's ouster.

Morsi has not yet said what plans he has for dealing with Gaza, which shares a 15-kilometer (nine-mile) border with Egypt, which ruled Gaza from 1948 to 1967.

Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh phoned Morsi to congratulate him on becoming Egypt's first Islamist president. "This is a victory for all Arabs and Muslims, and this is God's promise to his believers," the Hamas leader said.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, a secular leader who governs in the West Bank, also congratulated Morsi. "The president expressed his respect for the choice of the great Egyptian people," according to a statement from the official Wafa news agency.

The leaders of Kuwait and Bahrain sent cables to Morsi congratulating him, according to statements carried by their official news agencies.


Barzak reported from Gaza City, Gaza Strip. Ian Deitch and Blake Sobczak in Jerusalem, Mark Lavie in Cairo, Mohammed Daraghmeh in Ramallah, West Bank, and Adam Schreck in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, contributed to this report.

Israel jittery after Brotherhood victory in Egypt | World news | The Guardian
Jews use to believe that re-constructing the Solomon's Temple, we could rule the World again. LOL :P
Israel has moved tanks into the Sinai. It may try to destabilize Egypt led by an Islamist.
The Camp David treaty will be abolished sooner are later and USA & Israel can only prolong the process of annulment .
Egypt declaring war on Israel is equal to relinquishing Sinai.

What do you mean by relinquishing Sinai? Annulment of accord does not lead to the war.Ground Situation in the Middle East is very different in the second decade of 21st century.
What do you mean by relinquishing Sinai? Annulment of accord does not lead to the war.Ground Situation in the Middle East is very different in the second decade of 21st century.

He has simply voiced israel's and Egypt's secular generals' secret plan. The other day Tantawi said that Egypt was ready for a battle. These Egyptian traitors are planning once more to lose Sinai to the Israelis to prove what a patriot the ousted despot was. Israel will be making a big mistake if it plans to start another war with Egypt. It is not 1973 anymore!
Egypt declaring war on Israel is equal to relinquishing Sinai.

I'd say that's rather a delusion than a deja vu. Israel's statehood could be in danger if another ME war break out.
I'd say that's rather a delusion than a deja vu. Israel's statehood could be in danger if another ME war break out.

The problem is the israeli warmongers don't think so. They are pretty desperate to bring their despotic Arab allies back to power.
I'd say that's rather a delusion than a deja vu. Israel's statehood could be in danger if another ME war break out.
The only delusions here are yours, friend. Egypt could not win when all the odds were against Israel then and now all the odds are in favor of Israel. If Egypt declares war on Israel and attacks, they will be relinquishing Sinai and continue rotting in their country while Israel gains 2 times of the territory it has.

If the Islamist president isn't mentally challenged, he will not try to start a war.
Egypt declaring war on Israel is equal to relinquishing Sinai.

Brotherhood has been saying.The peace treaty with Israel will stand, but Egypt would no longer be a client state of the U.S. and Israel

Mohammed Morsi have tried to reach out to women. Nearly half the membership of the Brotherhood is women. Mohammed Morsi, the president-elect, obviously could not have won without the votes of millions of women.

Morsi is not some wild-eyed radical. He is a California-educated engineer. He is a veteran parliamentarian who survived as an independent MP because the Brotherhood was banned under the dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak.
Brotherhood has been saying.The peace treaty with Israel will stand, but Egypt would no longer be a client state of the U.S. and Israel

Mohammed Morsi have tried to reach out to women. Nearly half the membership of the Brotherhood is women. Mohammed Morsi, the president-elect, obviously could not have won without the votes of millions of women.

Morsi is not some wild-eyed radical. He is a California-educated engineer. He is a veteran parliamentarian who survived as an independent MP because the Brotherhood was banned under the dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak.

Yeah, must be why he just said, today, that he would like to have much closer relations with IRI. That speaks volumes about his non-radicalism.
The only delusions here are yours, friend. Egypt could not win when all the odds were against Israel then and now all the odds are in favor of Israel. If Egypt declares war on Israel and attacks, they will be relinquishing Sinai and continue rotting in their country while Israel gains 2 times of the territory it has.

If the Islamist president isn't mentally challenged, he will not try to start a war.

It's israel which is going to declare war on Egypt's Islamic govt.
Yeah, must be why he just said, today, that he would like to have much closer relations with IRI. That speaks volumes about his non-radicalism.

What is radicalism, to denounce the killing of innocent civilians by Israeli forces, daily killing of Palestinian by Jewish settlers( land grabbers). Come on and take the lesson from Hitler's end.

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