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Israel jittery after Brotherhood victory in Egypt

You're about as civilized as the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. In fact, you could join their ranks, i'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms.

Did you know that the whole story regarding Muhammad al-durrah was a blood libel?

Not only was the IDF falsely accused but it has been proven to be another attempt at delegitimization of Israel.

"France 2's communications director, Christine Delavennat, later said Abu Rahma denied having accused the Israeli army of firing at the boy in cold blood, and that this had been falsely attributed to him.[32]"

Not only did Israeli bullets not kill al-Durrah, there is even evidence suggesting that the entire event was staged. While this conclusion is not widely accepted, what is clear is that Israel has been unjustly vilified, and this continues in spite of the evidence.

Yeah, the way they staged the USS Liberty drama, right? Now, who could be the grand masters in this art of drama?
I don't know anymore, if this is a military forum or a playground for kids. :rofl:
I say just troll the Israelis, they're not serious half the time, one said they were stronger than the US and could take over and keep control of the Arab world

Happy is he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.
I say let them play against the zionazi fanatics and their allies![/QUOTE]

India is not an ally of Israel...
It's in the OT
Then give reference.
Remember, O LORD, what the Edomites did on the day Jerusalem fell. "Tear it down," they cried, "tear it down to its foundations!" O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us - he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

Are you aware what Babylon was and who destroyed it for what reasons?
Rape in the Bible

Anyways, let's not argue over religion
There are thousands of such sites, millions about the Quran. Easily disproven statements, though yes, let's not get into that messy discussion.

They must have revised it in a later edition as they do it every now and then...:)
Of course, you who has no knowledge about the strategic relations and friendship Israel and India share. I'll take your wise words under consideration. :)

There are simply too many statements from our indian friends on this forum contradicting your claim. Anyway, whatever floats your boat!

India is a democratic country, every person has a right to voice their opinion...
There are thousands of such sites, millions about the Quran. Easily disproven statements, though yes, let's not get into that messy discussion.

Of course, you who has no knowledge about the strategic relations and friendship Israel and India share. I'll take your wise words under consideration. :)

And yet the Indian government doesn't overtly exhibit that friendship... Guess why?
India is a democratic country, every person has a right to voice their opinion...

And yet the Indian government doesn't overtly exhibit that friendship... Guess why?
People like you, they need your vote. But as one diplomat has said "only an inch of the strategic relations between Israel and India is known to the public".
I hope Egypt will continue it's peace treaty with Israel and work for a two state solution for the problem .

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