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Pakistanis ranked 4th most intelligent people globally

Dr. Naweed Syed, a specialist in the field of biomedical engineering and member of the medicine faculty at the University of Calgary, became the first scientist who managed to "connect brain cells to a silicon chip". The discovery is a major step in the research of integrating computers with human brains to help people control artificial limbs, monitor people's vital signs, correct memory loss or impaired vision.[23]
Development of the world's first workable plastic magnet at room temperature by organic chemist and polymer scientist Naveed Zaidi.[24][25][26]
Discovery of electroweak interaction by Abdus Salam, along with two Americans Sheldon Lee Glashow and Steven Weinberg. The discovery led them to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics.[27]
Development of the SMB probe to detect heavy water leaks in nuclear power plants by Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood[28]
The Ommaya reservoir - a system for the delivery of drugs (e.g. chemotherapy) into the cerebrospinal fluid for treatment of patients with brain tumours - was developed by Ayub K. Ommaya, a Pakistani neurosurgeon.[29]
A non-invasive technology for monitoring intracranial pressure (ICP) - developed by Faisal Kashif.[30]
A boot sector computer virus dubbed (c)Brain, one of the first computer viruses in history,[31] was created in 1986 by the Farooq Alvi Brothers in Lahore, Pakistan, reportedly to deter piracy of the software they had written.[32][33]
A Software simulation based on blast forensics designed by Pakistani computer scientist, Zeeshan-ul-Hassan Usmani, that can reduce deaths by 12 per cent and injuries by seven per cent on average just by changing the way a crowd of people stand near an expected suicide bomber.[34]
The Sagar Veena, a string instrument designed for use in classical music, was developed entirely in Pakistan over the last 40 years at the Sanjannagar Institute in Lahore by Raza Kazim.[35][36]
The Human Development Index was devised by Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq in 1990 and had the explicit purpose "to shift the focus of development economics from national income accounting to people centered policies".[37][38]

This enough?

thats what i was looking for :tup: thanks
That was pointed out as early as in the 9th post of the thread...still everyone's is arguing about it :rofl:

I think the source published a false news and later realized and deleted it. The website of "Institute of European Business Administration" doesn't have any information of any such surveys.

c'mon.. it's April fools day... might as well fool overselves!! :lol:
c'mon.. it's April fools day... might as well fool overselves!! :lol:

Lol you are really jealous :flame:

nop this was make u ppl realize that insted of considering urseld intelligent tell the world abt ur inventions. ppl will understand u better.

So by your logic... Everyone who hasn't made an invention isn't intelligent.
Very encouraging news indeed,now its time to check the brain drain i guess....
What a troll fest :lol:


Sorry Pakistani Bros, someone just took you for an April fool day ride :D

Lol news article is trolling hard on April Fools I guess.

The link has already been disabled by the trollers because I guess some people actually took it seriously :rofl:

If you compare our average IQ of 84 with our population we are the 39th smartest people in the world, while India is the 40th. But, if you consider our lack of education, instructure, poverty etc, we do pretty good. And above that, our IQ has grown in the past.

If we have the right leaders, who give our people good education, we can be even higher. Notice how Britian has high IQ, and Pakistanis/Indians are the biggest minorities and they are commiting big there.

If you compare our average IQ of 84 with our population we are the 39th smartest people in the world, while India is the 40th. But, if you consider our lack of education, instructure, poverty etc, we do pretty good. And above that, our IQ has grown in the past.

If we have the right leaders, who give our people good education, we can be even higher. Notice how Britian has high IQ, and Pakistanis/Indians are the biggest minorities and they are commiting big there.

let me tell u a very simpley thing. iq has no importance in real life. ppl with extremely high iq aka chinese and japanese have won only 8 and 15 nobel prizes in 70 yrs, on the other had ppl with fine iq aka the idiot americans win 8 every year. i know u will say that the reason is american monopoly in noble prize committe. but see carefully anything around u or in ur physics book has been invented by scientists from which country. from nuclear fission to teleportation americans are always the first one to master it and the world learns slowly. creativity and critical thinking overwelhms iq.

if pakistanis think iq is something to be proud of then :laugh:. iq represents nothing except ones ability to solve problem at an instance no creativity or imagination or learning capacity. for example a person with high iq can solve 2+2 faster than person with low iq. thats all although the low iq person knew much more in the field of maths and could picture the numbers in a much better way in his brain.

an average indian can take down a smart pakistani in any field of maths, physics or chem etc. u can check internation competitions like nasa spaceshuttle competition. anyways i am still waiting for a true pakistani invention that really revolutionizes everyday life and we cant live without it anymore like usb, processor, gpu, alzemers medicine, sixth sence.. nop nothing. u guys neither have a good sysytem, nor the thirst to do something nor a govt that is sane enough. its a complete mess.

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