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Study Finds Pakistanis Among World's Most Carnivorous Nations

What I found interesting was the way Pakistan's HTL(human trophic level) as progressed over the years. There is a dip between the years 1960-1980. I wonder what could have caused it. Droughts, wars, famines?

Trends in the human trophic level by country


In comparison to that, Indian HTL(just for comparison, not tryna start a dick measuing contest) has more or less made a pretty steady progress.


@Roybot Now I know which uni you went to. :lol: You might wanna save the image and upload it to tinypic or something. Very few people would have PNAS access here.

:lol: Sneaky!


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The guy's probably high on marijuana.

Well, the diet of Pakistanis explains why they are usually filled with hot air. Amirite.

Is the vegetarian diet associated with the spinelessness and feminine physiques across the border?

That is herbivorous. Go and eat Bheja, that is carnivorous...........:-)

He meant paye not pie i.e. goat's, sheep's or cow's feet/hooves. Pretty carnivorous. Though I prefer bheja or brain masala over paye.

Only food worth mentioning in Pakistan's Punjabi cuisine is daal and Halva-Poori. Muhajirs from India introduced you to good dishes in Pakistani cuisine. :sarcastic::sarcastic:

Obviously you don't know jack about Pakistani cuisine, and i don't blame you, I mean do you have enough strength in your stomach to digest a sajji, rayshmi kababs, hareesa, chapli kababs, karahi, dumpukht, paithay ka halwa, who am I kidding please go eat your daal and bhaji. Next, all the cuisine that you see with meat in it is a gift from all the different muslims living in all the different lands of the Indian subcontinent. Furthermore, half of what your people sell abroad labeled as Indian food is Pakistani cuisine. One more; you people don't know what spicy food is. I just thought that I should let you know...

You too misinformed, please refrain from writing when you don't know. Most of best Pakistani dishes have origin in India cities like Delhi, Lucknow and Hyderabad which was introduced in Pakistan after partition by Muhajirs.

Of course, before that people here ate grass and stones.

On topic:

Our food is pretty meaty. Even when we cook vegetables it can't be without meat. It's surprising how obesity is still, virtually, no where to be seen in Pakistan. Genetics and living style I guess.
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What can we say? We like our meat...Wow a 2012 thread got bumped!! :angel:
If all Arabs were wealthy trust me they would be at the top. Arabs that can afford meat eat meat all day everyday.

It's only because of poverty most can't afford to eat meat.

This is probably why our Prophet(SAW) told us our nation would have an average lifespan of 60 years...all this cholesterol man...:D
hitting in forehead may be to stun the animal so that it bears less pain unlike halal/kosher which is blood bath and a cruel thing to witness(and may affect the mental state of kids or weak hearted). I know, in Christian/Hindu areas they kill by hitting hammer or by Jhatka(less seen though) in Kerala. but, where I live unfortunately halal is the only option.
In a way, hitting by hammer is not different compared to below:

Animal slaughter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

May be that is a method.But somehow I cant accept that.
Speaking of meat consumption , i doubt any one on this forum consumes as much as me in a week. On an average i eat 5 kg chicken , 2 mutton and 1 of beef , beat that any one:)
Speaking of meat consumption , i doubt any one on this forum consumes as much as me in a week. On an average i eat 5 kg chicken , 2 mutton and 1 of beef , beat that any one:)
Sire, are you into body building or a Pahalwan? I wonder what is your workout pattern after eating so much of meat!
Sire, are you into body building or a Pahalwan? I wonder what is your workout pattern after eating so much of meat!
Used to be some what of a goon hence my diet, and i used to eat a lot more about 10 yrs back . Now i am 38 so have slowed down :)
But my diet is all protein , i run 7 kms daily and do 50 push-ups and sit ups .
What I found interesting was the way Pakistan's HTL(human trophic level) as progressed over the years. There is a dip between the years 1960-1980. I wonder what could have caused it. Droughts, wars, famines?

Trends in the human trophic level by country

View attachment 13627

:lol: Sneaky!

Livestock revolution enabled Pakistan to significantly raise agriculture productivity and rural incomes in 1980s. Economic activity in dairy, meat and poultry sectors now accounts for just over 50% of the nation's total agricultural output. The result is that per capita value added to agriculture in Pakistan is almost twice as much as that in Bangladesh and India.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan Leads South Asia in Agriculture Value Addition
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