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Why are the Israelis so racist??

Theres a difference between Muslims and Islam. Muslims are human beings. Islam is a Religion.

Islam doesnt teach that any race/caste is superior. The same is not true of Judaism and Hinduism.

same can be said for hinduism.it's the people who created caste system not the religion.read vedic principles you pray to god in any form be it muslim,christian or jew
and other hand islam teaches non muslims as kafir,idle worshiper/false gods,muslim unmah itself is biggest bs dividing humans into muslims and non muslims it's where the hatred starts.except for this thing i have nothing agains't islam,it's has some awesome principles

The worst part is nobody would help them cause they are Dalits. This is a disgusting practice only practiced in one country in SA. Caste has been institutionalized by the Government. Citizens are required to be grouped by caste.

Your idocy knows no bounds. Caste cannot be wished away just like race. India is the only country which is dealing with the caste issue unlike other South Asian countries. We are the only country to have laws against descrimination and affirmative action to uplift the oppressed caste while you guys brush the ugliness under the carpet.
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Your idocy knows no bounds. Caste cannot be wished away just like race. India is the only country which is dealing with the caste issue unlike other South Asian countries. We are the only country to have laws to against descrimination and affirmative action to uplift the oppressed caste while you guys brush the ugliness under the carpet.

The troll fest on this thread by your fellow Indian posters is beyond sickening. Some guy with a hundred followers throw some fliers about some 'sharia law' , if this was an illegal act he would be in jail now. It is therefore a lawful act. It does not matter if it offends anyone or not. If he does that where folks from other religion are congregrating there maybe be an issue of 'incitement', that is not the case here. This is the legal case, which is no case at all.

Fact is these is not going to be any takeover by 'sharia law' of any wetern nation anytime soon.

Your bleeding heart brethern should be spending their precious trolling time to alleviate the pain and sufferings of the Dalits in India. It is pointless to harp about what is happening in the previous Masters Land.

1) Millions of little girls are aborted in India, not in U.K

2) Wives are frequently killed and tortured for dowry in India, not in U.K.

3) Caste sysytem exists in most of India, not in U.K.

4) 20,000 dead Sikh souls have not received any justice from the secular India. How often you guys loose sleep over it.

There are sh*t load of issues that you can spend quality time on without trolling about some nobody in a foreign land.
Ahmadiyya are not Muslims. Theres nothing about Shia-Sunni debate in the Holy Quran. And you pretend to be indian "muslim"

ya so much for your there is no discrimination in Islam. Your post basically says everything about how racist Pakistanis can be.
Theres a difference between Muslims and Islam. Muslims are human beings. Islam is a Religion.

Islam doesnt teach that any race/caste is superior. The same is not true of Judaism and Hinduism.

In post no.47 you said this : In Islam, anyone can be a Muslim

So you mean Muslims can discriminate against a fellow muslim ! But islam doesnt allow that ! Man, did you do Phd in hypocracy !!??
The troll fest on this thread by your fellow Indian posters is beyond sickening. Some guy with a hundred followers throw some fliers about some 'sharia law' , if this was an illegal act he would be in jail now. It is therefore a lawful act. It does not matter if it offends anyone or not. If he does that where folks from other religion are congregrating there maybe be an issue of 'incitement', that is not the case here. This is the legal case, which is no case at all.

Fact is these is not going to be any takeover by 'sharia law' of any wetern nation anytime soon.

Your bleeding heart brethern should be spending their precious trolling time to alleviate the pain and sufferings of the Dalits in India. It is pointless to harp about what is happening in the previous Masters Land.

1) Millions of little girls are aborted in India, not in U.K

BANGLADESH The price of poverty: woman who sold daughter for $125, now wants her back


2) Wives are frequently killed and tortured for dowry in India, not in U.K.

Dowry in Bangladesh: Compromizing Women

3) Caste sysytem exists in most of India, not in U.K.

But discrimination exists in Islam

4) 20,000 dead Sikh souls have not received any justice from the secular India. How often you guys loose sleep over it.

There are sh*t load of issues that you can spend quality time on without trolling about some nobody in a foreign land.

You have penchant for zeros . More zeros doesnt make a figure more belieavable ! It makes one mathenatically challenged!
It's amazing how ANYTHING and EVERYTHING Israel does is presented in such a way.

If Israelis [jews] were racist they would have never managed to make a country for Jews whether be it Black, White or Arab Jews.

Yeah yeah I'm Indian so I'll always take Israeli's side and blah blah blah
The troll fest on this thread by your fellow Indian posters is beyond sickening. Some guy with a hundred followers throw some fliers about some 'sharia law' , if this was an illegal act he would be in jail now. It is therefore a lawful act. It does not matter if it offends anyone or not. If he does that where folks from other religion are congregrating there maybe be an issue of 'incitement', that is not the case here. This is the legal case, which is no case at all.

Fact is these is not going to be any takeover by 'sharia law' of any wetern nation anytime soon.

Your bleeding heart brethern should be spending their precious trolling time to alleviate the pain and sufferings of the Dalits in India. It is pointless to harp about what is happening in the previous Masters Land.

1) Millions of little girls are aborted in India, not in U.K

2) Wives are frequently killed and tortured for dowry in India, not in U.K.

3) Caste sysytem exists in most of India, not in U.K.

4) 20,000 dead Sikh souls have not received any justice from the secular India. How often you guys loose sleep over it.

There are sh*t load of issues that you can spend quality time on without trolling about some nobody in a foreign land.

You can refute posts without blatantly lying and twisting facts, you know like you usually do.

Now that you stated about caste system in India, you have to tell me how the Indian government or the constitution has been unfair to lower castes. What is your solution to caste system and what has your enlightened country done to solve it and other inequalities in your society.

About the problems in my country, don't worry we are more than capable and willing to face it and solve it. Try facing the ugliness in your country honestly instead of finding refuge behind India's miseries.
Kafir = non-muslim.

In Islam, anyone can be a Muslim. It doesnt matter if he/she is a Pakistani, Indian, Chinese, African, or European. And anyone can be a Imam who studies Islam well.

We Muslims believe all human beings are born equally, and Islam is the truth. Islam is for all mankind.

Not like you people, only if you are born a Brahmin you are respected while being born a Dalit you are like animals.

yes all muslims may be equal according islam but kafirs are given a different treatmen according to islam,the mughals and before that hindus,buddhists,jains,sikhs,etc were killed because they were kafirs
dont see where was the respect in that
Shame on you Israel. This is the type of reason why you are so isolated

Give me a freakin brake, these two guards don't represent the entire nation of Israel.

You want me to start posting racist incidents that involves Arabs severely thrashing foreigners, our own Pakistanis are discriminated everyday by Arabs. Stop being so naive, i would say Israelis are far far better than Arabs when it comes to tolerance. Arabs are allowed to build mosques and practice their own faith in Israel, can i say the same happening in Saudi Arabia. Have you forgotten that recent incident where a Saudi Prince beat his servant to death whom was from Nigeria, torture by Arabs of their servants is not unheard off. At least the poor guy received medical help in this case, if he was in Saudi Arabia he probably would have bled to death.
do Israeli have Anti blashphemy law ?

I think you haven't seen the video i shared!!!

Maybe they don't have anti blasphemy law but they are extremist even without blasphemy law!!!

And i have another video for you!!!

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Its not because Israel and India are closed together in terms of military cooperation that you must support Israel in whatever this country does and this does not mean that Israelis love Indians. Indians are mostly dark skin people, this is a fact and skin bleached actors in Bollywood films are not the reality. If this Sudanese was an Indian national, he would have faced the same racism act by this Security guard. Israelis are mostly white people and if you are an Indian you will face the same racism, arrogance by the Israelis or even French etc that dark colored or African jews are facing. Australia and India are closed allies but just ask the Indian students in Australia what they have to bear in terms of racism and other discrimination, likewise ask the Indians studying in Russia what they have to bear etc.
If this Sudanese was a white French, he would not have faced the same treatment likewise in Australia or Russia, White Europeans or Caucasian foreigners do not have to bear the same racism treatment in these countries irrespective again if their countries are allies or adversaries. This is the reality man, so stop supporting Israel like this, if once a day you have the chance or the misfortunate to go there, you would receive the treatment the color of your skin and face would deserve as soon as you reach the airport, except if you could put enough whitening cream and powder on your face and body and to have a passport photo taken under full white spotlight.
Of course we should not generalize but it is a fact that Israelis and white people are more prone to racism when facing dark or colored people, irrespective of their nationality, it could be Indians, Sudanese etc. India being the new ally of Western countries does not mean that Indians have become white people. They are pale skin only in Bollywood films not in their daily life. :tdown::tdown::tdown:

hahahaha... i like the bollywood part! :rofl:

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