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Iran military denies reports of U.S. drone shot down

Of course not because it didn't happen. It is no different then other claims by Iran of shooting down drones. Then reporting they will show pictures of the wreckage which never happens. These reports are meant for Iranian fan boys to bolster their moral. Iran is famous for reporting false information. And their fan base swallows it hook, line, and sinker every time without any proof.

Show me wreckage of an identifiable drone and I will change my tune.

Teacher: What would you call an american asking for visual proof for anything after OBL drama??
Student: hilarious!!!!!!
somebody made an good point.

Certainly none of us has any better information on this incident than the media is reporting. But historically speaking, it has been
the Americans that have been disingenuous in similar circumstances that Iranian officials. For example, does anyone remember
the US warship chase by Iranian speed boats that as a result the US navy and government were much embarrassed when IRGCN
showed the video? Similarly, The story of Iranian UAV that was spying on USS Ronald Regan Aircraft Carrier? That too became an embarrassing for the US navy when after a month IRGC showed the video.

My opinion is that Iran holds back on the evidence of their action until it is absolutely necessary or there is an opportune time for the proof.

I am certain that Iran has shot down two UAVs before as claimed shown to Russians and this case is no difference. We just have to wait and see how much of denials are accumulated by the US government and what is the threshold of Iran in bearing
mocking news by the US media. Iran will then embarrass the US again!

Until then, have some patience! This story has just been revealed, we have a long time to go yet!
Why do we need drones in Iran? Drones are primarily used for real-time intelligence of dynamic battlefield conditions... live pictures of moving troops and the like. Add a missile, and you can spank the targets.

Strategic assets like nuclear facilities are easily imaged with satellites that can resolve a license plate from outer space. No need to use drones.

The same people here chanting "hallelujah! It happened because Iran said so" are the same ones who screamed a few weeks ago "Without a picture of bin Laden's corpse, there's no proof!" ;)
Why do we need drones in Iran? Drones are primarily used for real-time intelligence of dynamic battlefield conditions... live pictures of moving troops and the like. Add a missile, and you can spank the targets.

Strategic assets like nuclear facilities are easily imaged with satellites that can resolve a license plate from outer space. No need to use drones.

The same people here chanting "hallelujah! It happened because Iran said so" are the same ones who screamed a few weeks ago "Without a picture of bin Laden's corpse, there's no proof!" ;)

Why do you need drones in iran? have you not heard of spying?
Didn't you read my post?

You don't need drones to image nuclear facilities. We've had satellites capable of doing that just fine since the 1970's.
The U.S. has denied an Iranian report that the country's Revolutionary Guard shot down a U.S. drone (unmanned spy plane).

Intelligence and military officials told VOA on Wednesday that the U.S. rejects the claim and has not lost a drone.

An Iranian lawmaker said the country's elite military group downed the U.S. spy plane as it was attempting to collect information about an underground uranium enrichment site.

Iran's state TV-run Youth Journalists Club on Wednesday quoted MP Ali Aghazadeh Dafsari as saying the aircraft was flying near the Fordu site around the holy city of Qom.

The report did not say when the Revolutionary Guards shot down the plane.

The report comes a day after Iran said it was installing new centrifuges aimed at speeding up its enrichment of nuclear material.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said Tuesday the new equipment will bring more speed and better quality to the process.

He also reiterated that Iran's nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

The U.S. and other Western countries believe Iran is enriching uranium to develop nuclear weapons.

The U.S., European Union and the United Nations all have imposed sanctions on Iran for refusing to suspend its enrichment of uranium, a process that can be used for civilian and military purposes

US Denies Losing Drone in Iran | Iran | English
Didn't you read my post?

You don't need drones to image nuclear facilities. We've had satellites capable of doing that just fine since the 1970's.

they collect air samples for any possible escaped radioactive particles from the facility and also a check to iran's air defence capabilities.
I can see that. It's a possibility.

But Iran has never hesitated in the past to show pictures, like the ill-fated hostage rescue attempt. All that burnt rubble and bodies... it was all over the news. And the captured British sailors:


It's simply not like Iran not to take full advantage over something like this if it actually happened.
Didn't you read my post?

You don't need drones to image nuclear facilities. We've had satellites capable of doing that just fine since the 1970's.
well then why do you need spy drones in the first place if you can just use a satelite?
I can see that. It's a possibility.

But Iran has never hesitated in the past to show pictures, like the ill-fated hostage rescue attempt. All that burnt rubble and bodies... it was all over the news. And the captured British sailors:


It's simply not like Iran not to take full advantage over something like this if it actually happened.

Give them some time.. if they dont provide evidence then sure something stinks.
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