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The Mumbai Drama

I have only one question why is the pictures of other 9 attackers are not shown yet

pictures are present for the attackers.You will have to search for them.

Here are some....

Its not the media you are talking to right now.. But then, going by whats turning out now, doesnt look like the media was off its mark now.. does it?

It was not just the media at the time attacks. So you mean that media predictions are coming true. Can I ask what made the media believe at the times of attack that there is some Pakistani involvement. Any phone call?? Just a thought.
pictures are present for the attackers.You will have to search for them.

Here are some....


Like kasab was claimed to be residing in Fareed Kot (by Geo TV which although proven to be wrong by media itself). Any proof of other 9 attackers being Pakistani Nationals. Since Kasab is in custody, he must have given the addresses of his co-attackers.
I hope your govt must have asked the same, when they confirmed Kasab as a Pakistani non state actor, and they must have been answered in one of the earliest Dossier's. Unfortunately this info is not in public domain so if you wanna know more details then get up, hit the streets and raise your voice to get this question answered by your govt.

BTW, ISI's key terror assets in US are singing songs so US must be having all the required details as well. Choose our options now.
this shows how big drama it was

Then ask your government to show the the picture of all millitants who killed 35000 people of pakistan then we will see which Drama is Big ?

fir dekhte hai kiske yehan barati jyada hai.

But again i dont think you government will have all the pic because they think they were ghost.
I hope your govt must have asked the same, when they confirmed Kasab as a Pakistani non state actor, and they must have been answered in one of the earliest Dossier's. Unfortunately this info is not in public domain so if you wanna know more details then get up, hit the streets and raise your voice to get this question answered by your govt.

BTW, ISI's key terror assets in US are singing songs so US must be having all the required details as well. Choose our options now.

You really want us to trust an agency who can provide a list of suspects to Pakistan, full of absurdities and names of people who are still in India or dead?

Giving names to the pictures without any other form of identity is useless.

You didn't find any floating Passport of one of them, like NY, despite fire and destruction?

For "Qasab" the jury is still out. Pakistan always said, the information is not complete and they have requested more information from India.

For Indian writing "Kasab" is the biggest problem. The Indians make this kind of errors all the time, because you can not pronounce the Arabic "QAF" or "Q" properly and instead use it as "Kaf" hence rendering of his name "Kasab" by Indians.

Pakistani wouldn't make this mistake, they will write his name as "Qasab" if it means "butcher". Now you should understand why Pakistanis are so sceptical about "Qasab" stagged interview.

First of all, the setup is all fake and it certainly is a stagged affair. No hardened criminal or an alleged "terrorist" would break down from such gentle lobbying questions like posed by the officer in the video.

Secondly, "Qasab" made so many errors in his interview which a real Pakistani wouldn't make in his conversation. You have to understand Pakistanis speak far better language than the Indians. We used different words too, but most importantly our pronunciation is correct, while Indians make howlers and speak very very bad language.

"Qasab" made all too familiar mistakes in this interview, including proclaiming the name of "bhagwan" which no Pakistani Muslim would ever do.
For Pakistani's everything that has happened and happening that points to Pakistan is a Drama, 911 Drama, Mumbai Drama, Abbottabad Drama, Karachi Drama. First the Drama's were playing outside Pakistan, now they are being played out within Pakistan. It reflects quite poorly on Pakistan's agencies competence, if so many Drama's are happening around them and they are not able to control them.
And if you are so objective and the final authority... Would you clear and explain your following points

First of all, the setup is all fake and it certainly is a stagged affair. No hardened criminal or an alleged "terrorist" would break down from such gentle lobbying questions like posed by the officer in the video.

How do you know that the set-up is Fake? Are you an expert of terrorist interrogations that you know? what you see is what got leaked only... not what happend before it, not what kind of a serum was he on, not what part of the interview was it and certainly not the whole investigations.... Plus, at the end of the day, the court cases are not run only on that one tape... even, so far as I know, Indian courts do not recognize interviews under duress (and truth serum is considered under duress)... Plus, how do you know that that young boy, fooled on the name of Jihad and virgins, didn't break down so quickly? You are naming something fake without an iota of doubt... and on the other hand, not only an Indian, but an American court is running a case on 26/11 and not a single Indian agency has been named there... Ever wondered why? And you want me to believe that you are not biased?

Secondly, "Qasab" made so many errors in his interview which a real Pakistani wouldn't make in his conversation. You have to understand Pakistanis speak far better language than the Indians. We used different words too, but most importantly our pronunciation is correct, while Indians make howlers and speak very very bad language.

"Qasab" made all too familiar mistakes in this interview, including proclaiming the name of "bhagwan" which no Pakistani Muslim would ever do.

'Real Pakistani will not do this', 'Pakistanis speak far better language than Indians', 'our pronunciation is correct' are all subjective, heavily biased claims made by you and I will be happy to be proved wrong... if there is a single authentic source pointing in that direction...

The guy in question is at best a illiterate on minimally literate and you expect him to have some strong pakistani fervour, better pronunciation and better language command and that too under the effect of truth serum ... all the best with that argument...

On him saying 'bhagwan' etc is somethng that one can easily pick up the local dialiect etc during a prolonged interrogation process...

You may believe what you want to and as per your own conspiracy theories... But, let me tell you this... If anyone in Indian or US courts (as they are your esteemed allies and the biggest proponets of the free world) was even convinced that any indian agency had anything to do with 26/11, they would have been summoned by now and public would definitely have created a huge uproar about it... But, that would need a basic understanding of how a democratic society and its courts work and I don't blame you for not having it...

At the end of it... it has been admitted by so many pakistani officials that non-state actors beyond the control of theirs were involved... you counter arguing that because a guy said 'bhagvan' is at best a childish attempt to try and stir up a meaningless discussion... rest, I am sure my mail will not deter you from your path of finding the truth (Sarcasm intended)!

Please do read the news ... let me rephrase it for you... THE COURT DID NOT SAY ANYTHING LIKE THE HEADLINE MAKES IT OUT TO BE.. the court is yet to decide

What it states is a testimony from Headly that 'leadership of ISI was not involved'... Everybody here has vehemently said that Headly is not to be trusted and now you suddenly spring up his words as gospel? take one side please and that will help everyone...

However, if you still believe him, he says and i QUOTE... "The leadership of Pakistan’s ISI agency was not involved in planning the deadly 2008 Mumbai attacks, self-confessed plotter David Coleman Headley testified Tuesday" and then goes on to say However, "Headley’s testimony supports Pakistan’s assertion that the ISI’s involvement was limited to a handful of rogue agents"... which is very interesting as it infers that 'Pakistan's assertion is that some elements of ISI WERE INVOLVED' and consequently.... your point and the point of so many posters here was? Disproved... i guess?

So, the news has a wrong head line and it states that Pakistan's assertion is that 'some elements of ISI were involved'... which make me ask this question that any more questions on 26/11 being a drama? and it's not an Indian source nor a western source... Dang!
And if you are so objective and the final authority... Would you clear and explain your following points

How do you know that the set-up is Fake? Are you an expert of terrorist interrogations that you know? what you see is what got leaked only... not what happend before it, not what kind of a serum was he on, not what part of the interview was it and certainly not the whole investigations.... Plus, at the end of the day, the court cases are not run only on that one tape... even, so far as I know, Indian courts do not recognize interviews under duress (and truth serum is considered under duress)... Plus, how do you know that that young boy, fooled on the name of Jihad and virgins, didn't break down so quickly? You are naming something fake without an iota of doubt... and on the other hand, not only an Indian, but an American court is running a case on 26/11 and not a single Indian agency has been named there... Ever wondered why? And you want me to believe that you are not biased?!

I am not an expert on interrogations, no doubt. Now let’s look at your own comments. You said, you don’t know on what kind of serum was he on?

Then you say the confession or statements made under medical sedition is not recognised by the Indian courts.

I agree, so now the logical question is why these interrogations in sedated state were leaked? And by whom? When these supposed interrogations had no probate value in your legal system?

Therefore, how convenient it is to drug someone, then place him in a nice tidy room with a hospital bed and a nicely attired, clean Indian Police inspector sitting with a pad and a pen, asking leading questions in soft tone and gentle manner.
And one of the biggest alleged “terrorist” is singing like a bird.

Then law be hold, this part of the “supposed interrogations” is leaked to the entire world. And you think this is not a fake set up?

Should I show you pictures after pictures and videos after videos how nice and gentle your police are with ordinary Indian people?

Ok, here we go Indian police interrogation extraordinaire on Brazilian TV.

And even with a little girl

And another interrogation extraordinaire,

Here you go some vivid examples of your police with your own citizens.

And you want us to believe that they were every so nice with an alleged “Pakistani Terrorists”?
Why you guys are so keen on making fools of yourselves?
If you want to debate with me; debate with me when your faculties are in tact.
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So wait, are you protesting that Ajmal Kasab's human rights were violated, or are you saying that there was no Pakistani involvement in Mumbai attacks?

Because of all the things that you have written, none actually negates whatever has been claimed. If you are saying that his human rights have been violated, then my answer is, who cares? If the bloody idiot can go ahead and kills 160 people, he automatically abdicates his human rights IMO.
For Pakistani's everything that has happened and happening that points to Pakistan is a Drama, 911 Drama, Mumbai Drama, Abbottabad Drama, Karachi Drama. First the Drama's were playing outside Pakistan, now they are being played out within Pakistan. It reflects quite poorly on Pakistan's agencies competence, if so many Drama's are happening around them and they are not able to control them.

No, we are generally the hardest critics of our Government, I surely am. But when we can smell the rat, we have to point out.

About 911 drama, Pakistanis have not written much, read American alternative media, blogs, comments, TV shows etc. Vast majority of educated Americans admit it was a drama and false flag operation.

In this age of information revolution are you sleeping in a cave, that you are not aware of the reality in this world, or opinion of educated and informed people?

I am exposing "Abbotabad Drama" in another thread. If you think my analysis is wrong, why don't you try your hand and brain in that particular thread and engage with me?
So wait, are you protesting that Ajmal Kasab's human rights were violated, or are you saying that there was no Pakistani involvement in Mumbai attacks?

Because of all the things that you have written, none actually negates whatever has been claimed. If you are saying that his human rights have been violated, then my answer is, who cares? If the bloody idiot can go ahead and kills 160 people, he automatically abdicates his human rights IMO.

I don't know if you are addressing me or someone else. But let me deal with your post anyway. Your colleague wrote, the Indian court wouldn't admit confession under medical sedation. Please tell me, would your court admit confession under duress and brutality? Is confession taken by using violence and torture admissible in Indian Court?
Please tell me, would your court admit confession under duress and brutality? Is confession taken by using violence and torture admissible in Indian Court?

There's a difference between medical sedation and brutality, although neither of them is admissible in court.

Are you saying that whatever Kasab said under medical sedation is false?
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