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Will Iran enter to the war against Israel?

Why doesn't Israel attack the wealthy saudis? They have oil and make israel look pathetic. Israel can gain the oil fields then be protected by Anglo-saxons.
What do you mean what's up wit hthis physic stuff?

The person I was replying to told me it's Physically Impossible for anyone to intercept anything other than a straight trajectory. Which is not going to happen in this world unless you shoot anything 90 degree up and it come down 90 degree down which is parallel to gravity, because anything that have a forward momentum on this earth are subjected to gravitational pull and friction between medium, together it forms what people called "Drag Coefficient" ....

What I was talking about is the same person who don't understand newton 3rd law of motion talk about what physically can and cannot do.....


Ah, I see.

Thank you for the clarification, I was just confused as to what was being discussed.
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USA cannot stop Yemeni missiles raining over Eilat and yet you expect them to do smething big with their floating coffins? You need to wake up and drop that stupidity. American navy ships were targeted by Yemen, they do not dare to get close to Yemen and Lebanon. How can they pose any threat to Iran?

The whole Arabian sea is under our watch and American submarines are forced to surface.
You're very ignorant, Lebanon has no way of targeting US ships, and even cruise missiles they fired at Israel got shot down over red sea
You're very ignorant, Lebanon has no way of targeting US ships, and even cruise missiles they fired at Israel got shot down over red sea
Ask him,if Iran is so strong,why don't they go liberate Palestine?
Yeah I meant Yemen, but same goes for Lebanon.
In 2006, Hezbollah almost sank Zionist savages corvette Hanit, they had only two C-701 SSM then. Today they have hundreds of Iranian SSM and well as Russian Yakhont. You guys need to learn some military facts before posting. The Zionist baby killers are crapping and hoping that Hezbollah does not fully activate the northern Occupied Palestine front.
Ask him,if Iran is so strong,why don't they go liberate Palestine?
I doubt even Hellenic Air Force can find and sink Arleigh Burkes in open sea lol. Their radars are just that ridiculously good.

Only chance you're going to get is with Type 209s

In 2006, Hezbollah almost sank Zionist savages corvette Hanit, they had only two C-701 SSM then. Today they have hundreds of Iranian SSM and well as Russian Yakhont. You guys need to learn some military facts before posting. The Zionist baby killers are crapping and hoping that Hezbollah does not fully activate the northern Occupied Palestine front.
Israeli navy is a joke, US not so much haha :cheesy:
I doubt even Hellenic Air Force can find and sink Arleigh Burkes in open sea lol. Their radars are just that ridiculously good.

Only chance you're going to get is with Type 209s

Israeli navy is a joke, US not so much haha :cheesy:
The US is all Hollywood hype. Even a Iraqi Exocet scored a direct hit on USS STARK and that was a primitive 3rd gen missile. In today's combined drone and SSM threat environment the US would not fare well. If you look at their ship development near the Persian Gulf, they are keeping their assets well into the Arabian Sea out of range of Iranian coastal batteries at Jask and Hormuz.
It would be crazy to even try.
I mean history is full of David & Goliath stories like that but it's a very difficult challenge for sure. Some pilots aren't going home that day
The US is all Hollywood hype. Even a Iraqi Exocet scored a direct hit on USS STARK and that was a primitive 3rd gen missile. In today's combined drone and SSM threat environment the US would not fare well. If you look at their ship development near the Persian Gulf, they are keeping their assets well into the Arabian Sea out of range of Iranian coastal batteries at Jask and Hormuz.
OHPs were very low tech, back then you could do it,

Even look at Turkey's OHP Frigates now and how much they were modernized since then, with VLS, new radars, sensors, new Advent combat management system etc. In short a lot of things have changed.

Imagine the ECM capabilities of those muffin tops let alone huge AN/SPY-6 radars
I also know that an object that doesn't use a straight line flight trajectory cannot be intercepted by American air defence systems.
For starter, YOU know nothing. To me, you sound like a teenager who is smart enough to use sophisticated sounding words, but not understanding the concepts within.

All missiles ends their flights with a straight line, to use simple words like yours. Keywords search: proportional navigation. PN laws are just one set of guidance laws that missiles of all types uses to get from point A to B with both points can be either static or dynamic.

A static-static example is that of the ballistic missile, meaning the missile is launched from a fixed ground point A and land on a fixed ground point B.

A dynamic-dynamic example is that of the AMRAAM that is launched from a fighter against another fighter.

A missile maneuvers under two conditions:

- Programmed
- Response

A missile that maneuvers WHILE traveling from point A to B does so under programmed instructions. Then on the final moments of flight, the missile must have a straight line flight to orient itself to its target. The shorter this path, the more difficult for the defender to calculate a collision (intercept) point. But essentially, all missiles have the same behaviors. So what you said is basically wrong in concept. We are working on interceptors that WILL hit a maneuvering attacker during that stage of flight from point A to B. So you are wrong -- again.

The AMRAAM, for example, does not know how its target will behave, so its flight is that of response, as in reacting to target maneuvers and does so via its own radar or from commands from other sources, and that is for a different discussion.

In both high level examples, guidance laws rules all types of missiles, whether in offence or defence. The more sophisticated the laws, the greater the technology required. The corollary is that the better the available technology, the more sophisticated laws can be written. It means technology and guidance laws are always in a push-pull relationship. So finally, you are wrong overall. I will address your other wrong points later. :enjoy:
Americans and Israelis are hostile to us because we help the Palestinians.

Your comments are Nice jokes.
Americans and Israelis know you won't help Palestine, which was why they invaded.
The Americans and Israelis hate you because you want to reshape the regional order in your Shiite image.
In 2006, Hezbollah almost sank Zionist savages corvette Hanit, they had only two C-701 SSM then. Today they have hundreds of Iranian SSM and well as Russian Yakhont. You guys need to learn some military facts before posting. The Zionist baby killers are crapping and hoping that Hezbollah does not fully activate the northern Occupied Palestine front.

When is the mighty Hezbollah opening up on Israel?
And when is the mighty Iran opening up on the US?

IDF is operating deep inside Gaza:

US have deployed its forces in the region including a carrier strike group close to Iran:


The supposed red line of Hezbollah and Iran is crossed.

When is the mighty Hezbollah opening up on Israel?
And when is the mighty Iran opening up on the US?

IDF is operating deep inside Gaza:

US have deployed its forces in the region including a carrier strike group close to Iran:


The supposed red line of Hezbollah and Iran is crossed.
Shir ji may I Ashk... What is it concern of the Nuclear DHA?
Where is the mighty DG ISPR....? Shir jii
No Pakistani should be asking that question...
First let's win Pakistan freedom from DHA then we will worry about others and how and when they get involved.

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