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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

It was stupid of Hamas to Launch the terror attach without thinking about consequences.

Israel will turn Gaza and west bank into rubble , more than 100000 Palestinian could die all because of the wrong doings of Hamas

Not to mention if Iran or Syria enters the war, whole middle east could get dragged in and we could be looking at Oil prices rising to 150 USD

And the only people happy with that will be the Saudis, Emiratis and Qataris since they will be the ones minting money on account of high price of oil
Dont you think that the israelis [and their western backers] should`ve thought about the potential consequences of their own truly wretched inhuman behavior,ie the 75 year long occupation and ongoing land theft,colonization,oppression and mass murder of the indigenous palestinians.
So long as the israelis and their zionist/pro-zionist backers in the west believe that only the rights of israelis matter and the rights of the palestinians matter not one bit.
The really stupid ones here look to be the israelis,who think that they can occupy,steal and colonize palestine while murdering and brutalizing its population,and that not only will there be no consequences for them for this behavior,but that there should be no consequences,and that if by any chance there are unpleasant consequences,then it is they that are the [innocent] "victims" [and I dont mean victims of their own cruel,stupid,arrogant short-sighted zionist [mis]behavior either]
What humiliation? About few week ago, they were ecstatic about great massacre of 1500 Israeli citizens.

Now you are ecstatic of deaths of 8000+. Now go back where you came from.

The humiliation is similar to what you being 7 times our size couldn’t do Jack to us but this humiliation is 10x that.

Nothing heroic here.

Just more pointless bloodshed and suffering .

In a conflict that could have been easily solved , 20 years ago.


Let’s talk realistic, does israel produce oil? No. Arabs are misguided right now but are a very proud nation no wonder you want good relations be careful. The day they wake up israel will disappear and they will absorb the Jews and treat them better then now and history is a proof for that.
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Question 1:
Do you also condemn these double standards of Muslims where they demand equal rights and the right to preach and criticize others and convert non-Muslims to Islam, but themselves not ready to give the same equal rights to non-Muslims and ex-Muslims?
Do you also condemn these double standards of Muslims when they accept Nagorno Karabakh a part of Azerbaijan, but deny that Israel has any right to exist?
Non sequitur!

Question 2:
Do you allow non-Muslims to start a violent resistance against Muslim countries while they don't give them equal human rights?
Remember, according to Islam, Jihad becomes obligatory when a non-Muslim state does not allow to preach and let people to convert to Islam. So, what if non-Muslims also wage a war against you while you don't allow them to preach and don't let Muslims leave Islam?

Do it!
Explosions in Kiryat Shmona, Tel Aviv, and City of El'ad which is near Tel Aviv. Their Iron Dome is failing to prevent the missiles and rockets.

The invading settler colonial forces were pushed back from the North of Gaza city after Qassam and Quddus forces counterattacked and destroyed at 6 tanks n addition to 2 vehicles and 1 bulldozer today.

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Nothing heroic here.

Just more pointless bloodshed and suffering .

In a conflict that could have been easily solved , 20 years ago.

So true coming from an Israeli yourself, as an outsider viewing it, senselessly killing humans every 3-5 years for over 75 years now, these 3 religions: Jews, Muslims, & Christians just can't live without killing on a piece of land involving the rest of world in it and propagating different narratives. So much human blood lost, so much suffering, so much extreme claims of wiping out each other and yet it never completely ends. This could have been much better handled, resolved with a lasting peace.

As you see it, Gaza destroyed, Israel badly hit, economy noose dived, US already suffering badly sponsoring billions in dollars, Iran and other regional powers supporting Hamas and Hezbollah and then the rest of world countries choose sides to support. What it all comes down more suffering, more heavy casualties and mentally badly wounded for years and years to come.

Request all the Defence.pk forum members who are Israelis, Palestinians, Egyptians, Arabs, Iranians, Turkish, Americans, British, Europeans, Russians, Ukrainians, Chinese, Asian Pacifies, Bangladeshis, Indians etc etc and many many other big countries' nationals contributing here with a large world viewership of this forum, a big question :

Is there ever an end to this madness? Is there a solution? Is there going to a winner?
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