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Taking India by the throat is an alternative economical harvesting or let me put it this way India is our lifeline reserve


Feb 19, 2022
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United States
India is our lifeline and safety net when everything goes to shxtters then India will be there as both punching bag and economical relief.

India has always offered an economical lifeline to any northern element from the outside of their borders and this is the case also now.

Hence going directly for the Indians throat is an option that can't be excluded in any discussions. It is a large buffon elephant and they aren't about this life to begin with bunch of vegeterians and yoga practitioners ain't going to be our end stop. We need to exclusively plot in how to gang bang this farce and milk the cow for money in the long term.

We just need to notify the regional players before going into India head first.

Erdogan once said to the Kurds in a hilarious speech after they been talking alot of unnecessary shxt for years and decades ''One night we will suddenly come'' To their surprise''

He said this several months upto 1 year before he invaded syria they were doubting him constantly.. Saying he is a bluffer but he answered simple with one qoute and that qoute became reality he certainly appeared one night..

the Indians been talking unnecessarily but one night it will bring their hearts to their throats.

I have seen some Indians wishing for our economy collapse muhahah.. they are short-sighted.. Naive to assume a Pakistan that doesn't have anything to lose will sink alone..
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India is our lifeline and safety net when everything goes to shxtters then India will be there as both punching bag and economical relief.

India has always offered an economical lifeline to any northern element from the outside of their borders and this is the case also now.

Hence going directly for the Indians throat is an option that can't be excluded in any discussions. It is a large buffon elephant and they aren't about this life to begin with bunch of vegeterians and yoga practitioners ain't going to be our end stop. We need to exclusively plot in how to gang bang this farce and milk the cow for money in the long term.

We just need to notify the regional players before going into India head first.

Erdogan once said to the Kurds in a hilarious speech after they been talking alot of unnecessary shxt for years and decades ''One night we will suddenly come'' To their surprise''

He said this several months upto 1 year before he invaded syria they were doubting him constantly.. Saying he is a bluffer but he answered simple with one qoute and that qoute became reality he certainly appeared one night..

the Indians been talking unnecessarily but one night it will bring their hearts to their throats.

I have seen some Indians wishing for our economy collapse muhahah.. they are short-sighted.. Naive to assume a Pakistan that doesn't have anything to lose will sink alone..
I have some ideas about this

Maar daala.
India is our lifeline and safety net when everything goes to shxtters then India will be there as both punching bag and economical relief.

India has always offered an economical lifeline to any northern element from the outside of their borders and this is the case also now.

Hence going directly for the Indians throat is an option that can't be excluded in any discussions. It is a large buffon elephant and they aren't about this life to begin with bunch of vegeterians and yoga practitioners ain't going to be our end stop. We need to exclusively plot in how to gang bang this farce and milk the cow for money in the long term.

We just need to notify the regional players before going into India head first.

Erdogan once said to the Kurds in a hilarious speech after they been talking alot of unnecessary shxt for years and decades ''One night we will suddenly come'' To their surprise''

He said this several months upto 1 year before he invaded syria they were doubting him constantly.. Saying he is a bluffer but he answered simple with one qoute and that qoute became reality he certainly appeared one night..

the Indians been talking unnecessarily but one night it will bring their hearts to their throats.

I have seen some Indians wishing for our economy collapse muhahah.. they are short-sighted.. Naive to assume a Pakistan that doesn't have anything to lose will sink alone..
Stop it or I'll tell Asim Muneer to take action against you!
India has Pakistan by her jugular for major part of a decade now. By demographically changing Kashmir valley and governing water rights over Pakistan, India has Pakistan sealed lest for an incredible opportunity.
India is our lifeline and safety net when everything goes to shxtters then India will be there as both punching bag and economical relief.

India has always offered an economical lifeline to any northern element from the outside of their borders and this is the case also now.

Hence going directly for the Indians throat is an option that can't be excluded in any discussions. It is a large buffon elephant and they aren't about this life to begin with bunch of vegeterians and yoga practitioners ain't going to be our end stop. We need to exclusively plot in how to gang bang this farce and milk the cow for money in the long term.

We just need to notify the regional players before going into India head first.

Erdogan once said to the Kurds in a hilarious speech after they been talking alot of unnecessary shxt for years and decades ''One night we will suddenly come'' To their surprise''

He said this several months upto 1 year before he invaded syria they were doubting him constantly.. Saying he is a bluffer but he answered simple with one qoute and that qoute became reality he certainly appeared one night..

the Indians been talking unnecessarily but one night it will bring their hearts to their throats.

I have seen some Indians wishing for our economy collapse muhahah.. they are short-sighted.. Naive to assume a Pakistan that doesn't have anything to lose will sink alone..

I thought he was a Bengali, or maybe he is a Hyderabadi who knows Bengali and have been fooling me all along? Or a Bengali who resides in Hyderabad and became bitter over time?
the hyderabadi Is a islamosocialist weirdo. he is an islamist who calls himself socialist/communist. He abuses all religions but does not do so with islam. funny guy.
India has Pakistan by her jugular for major part of a decade now. By demographically changing Kashmir valley and governing water rights over Pakistan, India has Pakistan sealed lest for an incredible opportunity.
We could not send back a single pundit back to their homes in Srinagar in 40 some years. How the hell, are we going to change the demographic? Their homes have been either looted or occupied. Their land holdings have been occupied. Few radical elements have made living in Kashmir a bad place to live. Most Kashmiries would want pundit to come back. But security is the issue. They prefer to live in camps of Jammu than go back. That is the reality of minorities in a majority Muslims areas. Same situation of Hindus you find in Afghanistan, Pakistan or Bangladesh.

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