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Muslim General takes over Command of key 15 Corps

Why not try to answer the question that was posed......what percentage of the indian officers are muslim if compared to the percentage of muslims in india?

In India joining the forces is optional and if the Muslims dont feel like joining the Army no one can force them just because they form 14% of the population.There is no quota system as such.

Also why is it that the sikhs have a regiment but the muslims dont.

What a stupid question - there is no Hindu regiment,Christian regiment or a Buddhist regiment.

Also ask the British why they did that ?
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I was reading the wiki link and it says "A 'martial race' was typically considered brave and well built for fighting." but then I see the list and see that Bengali,Bhumihar and Nairs were removed because they rebelled?:rofl:..what the hell.

They lost their ability to fight because they fought?

Well apparently the English feel that a martial race apart from being Physically advantaged were also supposed to be extremely loyal aka subservient....

So all in all the British were talking about the "perfect slave", except they packaged it in a way to boost their slaves egos.....
Masters of manipulation I have to say!

They removed a bunch Indian groups from this list for being part of the 1857 Mutiny...

PS: Seems the Bengalis have had the fire of freedom burning in them forever....first the mutiny, then Indian independece, the BD independence.....Bengalis I've crossed paths with have been well educated/read and politically motivated....so I can why this was true..
Just one example you are referring for that population that is more than of Pakistani Population in India....Just keep it up.................
Also why is it that the sikhs have a regiment but the muslims dont.

Muslims are 14% of India, whereas they are below 1% in Indian Armed forces - why?

As for Sikhs:

Well no doubt, Sikhs are one of the best fighters in the world. They form only 2% of the indian population. At one time, 25% of soldiers and 33% of officers in the Indian Army were Sikhs. They have won major battles for India. It was under their command India defeated Pakistan in the 1965 and 1971 wars. Even today, Indian Army's chief is a Sikh (2006) and under him 15% of soldiers and 20% of officers are Sikhs. Indian Army relies heavily on this dangerous community when it comes to war. No commander in the world has ever made a decision to replace his soldiers if they were Sikhs. (Answer edited Aug 15th 2008).
Well apparently the English feel that a martial race apart from being Physically advantaged were also supposed to be extremely loyal aka subservient....

So all in all the British were talking about the "perfect slave", except they packaged it in a way to boost their slaves egos.....
Masters of manipulation I have to say!

They removed a bunch Indian groups from this list for being part of the 1857 Mutiny...

PS: Seems the Bengalis have had the fire of freedom burning in them forever....first the mutiny, then Indian independece, the BD independence.....Bengalis I've crossed paths with have been well educated/read and politically motivated....so I can why this was true..

Not just Bengalis....don't forget the Malus.....we would rather live free and poor then be rich and slaves to the Brits! It was politics as usual. The sikhs and Gurkhas kissed the goras lund to satisfy their ego. They thought that their masters really gave a damn about them. Hope they see the truth now.....look at how nepalis are treated now in the UK....Sure they get respect but they fight for pennies and are treated differently when they die in war. Look at how Sikhs are depised and looked down upon in Canada due to indo gangs! Sikhs have a lot of resources in the US but unfortunately they only hope Sikhs out not Indians, which is sad considering we are all a part of INdia. I am going to write a letter to the Sikh Coalition to ask them to change their policy but I doubt it will chain anything....maybe if we all wrote letter. How bout it guys/gals?

Anyway, I saw a very interesting news show on the world's richest man, Carlos Slim who is from Mexico (his father is Lebanese) on the LArry King Show. I think it will teach Indian a lot and how Ambani should be scolded for what he did. Building a billion dollar residence in the middle of property and then building a 5 story wall to shield itself from the poor speaks voles to the world. We should learn good things from all ppl and leave the bad.
阿叉 摩羅差;1312454 said:
You realize you self defeat the point your trying to make by highlighting this and making it appear as crass tokenism. If you're a secular and religion averse force, that why do you care what your critics think? Insecurity?

He's just another patriot of your nation, what does it matter what his religious background is or what imaginary fairy tale he subscribes to?

I think you misunderstand the need for his highlight while non existed in the original article. It is important to point against this constant barrage of the meme that Muslims are treated unfairly in India.

it is no different than when the US had several imam's visit the white house- when bush came out and praised Islam with many such imam's next to him after 911. or when the white house points to having Muslim religious representation on its official white house faith based initiative boards.
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Which indian Muslim/Hindu told, India is anti-muslim. India is secular.

In Pakistan which hidu held a respectable position.
Muslims are 14% of India, whereas they are below 1% in Indian Armed forces - why?

As for Sikhs:

maybe they believe in peace and not war.. and not joining the Indian army dose not mean that you love your country lesser .. dont forget almost all the non Muslim Indian members in this tread have so far no relation to the Indian army,but they love their country..
阿叉 摩羅差;1312454 said:
You realize you self defeat the point your trying to make by highlighting this and making it appear as crass tokenism. If you're a secular and religion averse force, that why do you care what your critics think? Insecurity?

He's just another patriot of your nation, what does it matter what his religious background is or what imaginary fairy tale he subscribes to?

well put........just a sign of personal insecurities existing among a group of people.

a strange mindset.
Which indian Muslim/Hindu told, India is anti-muslim. India is secular.

In Pakistan which hidu held a respectable position.

Rana Bhagwandas would be one, of several

dig deep and seek what you want to learn......it's a lot harder, but more rewarding than just yapping away like a damn fool
well put........just a sign of personal insecurities existing among a group of people.

a strange mindset.

Not as strange and more bewildering than the mindset across the border. Where every second Pakistani on the forum posts videos of Godhra, Babri and think that Muslims are despised in India. And when Indians on this forum try and defend, they are called as having a strange mindset. Think about it...!
Not as strange and more bewildering than the mindset across the border. Where every second Pakistani on the forum posts videos of Godhra, Babri and think that Muslims are despised in India. And when Indians on this forum try and defend, they are called as having a strange mindset. Think about it...!

and since you are reacting jitteringly to such allegations, it makes you complicit towards your state of insecurity

just say the general's name, his rank and credentials.....name is enough to know that he would be Muslim.
and since you are reacting jitteringly to such allegations, it makes you complicit towards your state of insecurity

just say the general's name, his rank and credentials.....name is enough to know that he would be Muslim.

As I said, after seeing countless allegations Indians on a forum like this would be hyper. Something similar to Pakistani members posting videos of the first Sikh officer in PA?
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