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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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It is not Malhama Al-kubra because the real one is proceeded by an asteroid or nuclear war then Mahdi will come 4 months after that impact Asteriod/nuclear.. So he technically emerges in the middle of a raging war.. Two non-believing sides will be fighting each other.. at that point and it is WW3.. He re-groups supporters and leads his own campaign entering 5 wars
War is fought on a bigger period of time like there was a War going on between Quraish e Makah and Prophet Muhammad (SAAW) but there were many battles like Ghazwa e Badar, Ghazwa e Uhad etc. I will give you one more example as you know there was a War going on between US and USSR over few decades but there were many Battles like Cuba, Vietnam, Afghanistan. Just like the examples above it seems like War has started but this is the first battle.

This is the Title i.e. introduction to the Al-Malhama Al-Kubra and this will lead to the worst Wars the world has ever seen.
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How we Muslims will face Prophet Muhammad SAWW on the day of judgement??

By donating to relief organizations and making dua that that Allah (SWT) punish those who massacre innocents on the blessed day of Eid with thunder and lightning in Jahannam
By donating to relief organizations and making dua that that Allah (SWT) punish those who massacre innocents on the blessed day of Eid with thunder and lightning in Jahannam

Things have gone beyond that, Jihad is compulsory to save Muslims in current situation and all those countries who ran away from this obligation will have to answer Allah and his prophet SAWW on Judgement day.
Seeing some of these images is more graphic than videos of ISIS executions

Its very heart breaking and very saddening.
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I have a feeling Biden will not tolerate this level of collateral damage even from Israel

I voted for Trump in 2020--the first time I ever voted for a Republican after decades old self-proclaimed Liberal voting for the Democrats. To me, Trump was more honest about his policies while the Democrats are vote-bank politics hypocrites. But frankly, if the Green Party was viable, I wouldn't touch any of these clowns.

Biden won some of my respect when he made the speech about the withdrawal from Afghanistan. That was a heart-felt speech and I was moved. And it was not expected. I felt the guy is a truly compassionate person but is hamstrung by the Lobbies around him. And yet he made the decision about Afghanistan.

And he may well do what all American Presidents have said but never did anything since at least Eisenhauer: Put a lock on Israel! You saw my article about Bernie Sanders above in the NY Times. Bernie is clearly calling on Biden to make difficult political decisions about Israel. As the President of the United States--there ARE things Biden can do while defying the wolves around him in both parties. Will he do so? Probably not. Would he if given the political room? Yes, I think he would.
in this entire mess Hamas will gain ...fatah will be loser mehmood abbas will be no more in power .. israel has one more day to do its best to neturlized hamas but they will fail as usual because hammas has a network of tunels so on ground bombing will not halt their opprations this is the reason isralie army is not entering yet but they will ...and that is when real fight will start at the end Hamas will gain
I voted for Trump in 2020--the first time I ever voted for a Republican after decades old self-proclaimed Liberal voting for the Democrats. To me, Trump was more honest about his policies while the Democrats are vote-bank politics hypocrites. But frankly, if the Green Party was viable, I wouldn't touch any of these clowns.

Biden won some of my respect when he made the speech about the withdrawal from Afghanistan. That was a heart-felt speech and I was moved. And it was not expected. I felt the guy is a truly compassionate person but is hamstrung by the Lobbies around him. And yet he made the decision about Afghanistan.

And he may well do what all American Presidents have said but never did anything since at least Eisenhauer: Put a lock on Israel! You saw my article about Bernie Sanders above in the NY Times. Bernie is clearly calling on Biden to make difficult political decisions about Israel. As the President of the United States--there ARE things Biden can do while defying the wolves around him in both parties. Will he do so? Probably not. Would he if given the political room? Yes, I think he would.

If Trump and Pompeo were in power, US would be sending in their own planes to help Israel carpet bomb Gaza and this massacre would be a genocide that would not spare even Shifa hospital.

It is actually a blessing from Allah (SWT) that we have Biden right now as he is dumb but not evil like Trump.
in this entire mess Hamas will gain ...fatah will be loser mehmood abbas will be no more in power .. israel has one more day to do its best to neturlized hamas but they will fail as usual because hammas has a network of tunels so on ground bombing will not halt their opprations this is the reason isralie army is not entering yet but they will ...and that is when real fight will start at the end Hamas will gain
I'm surprised that even though there are millions of brave Palestinians, no one has neutralized this Mahmoud Abbas guy yet. He is the biggest problem for Palestine now. A lot of people in the world, particularly Western countries, view him as the President of Palestinians and his silence works completely in favor of the Israeli aggression.
UAE reputation in the region will be destroyed among Arabs in this region after the war.

Saudis will now probably abandon any plan they had to recognize Israel until Palestine actually becomes a state and thank Allah (SWT) for not following UAE blindly.

And I think even the people who hated Iran will now realize that Iran was in the right all along. Support for Iran in the West will increase dramatically after the end of this war as Americans and Europeans realize that Hamas exists not as a terrorist organization but to guarantee Gaza's right of self defence.

I think unity between Turkey, Iran, Saudi, and Pakistan will emerge soon after this war to condemn this crime against humanity as both Muslims and their leaders work to put aside their differences so that this is never allowed to happen again.
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UAE reputation in the region will be destroyed among Arabs in this region after this war.

Saudis will now probably abandon any plan they had to recognize Israel until Palestine actually becomes a state.

And I think even the people who hated Iran will now realize that they were in the right all along.
UAE had noble intentions from a certain perspective.....but right wing Israeli's were emboldened to push even harder. They saw it as USA and Arab appeasement of Israel, when Israel conceded nothing.....history has shown that appeasement never works. Abraham "peace" accords ultimately sowed the seeds for this blow up. MBZ will go down in history as the Neville Chamberlain of the ME.
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