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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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It's crazy, if you back and watch John Kerry's speech from 2016, he accurately predicted everything happening today.

UAE reputation in the region will be destroyed among Arabs in this region after the war.

Saudis will now probably abandon any plan they had to recognize Israel until Palestine actually becomes a state and thank Allah (SWT) for not following UAE blindly.

And I think even the people who hated Iran will now realize that Iran was in the right all along. Support for Iran in the West will increase dramatically after the end of this war as Americans and Europeans realize that Hamas exists not as a terrorist organization but to guarantee Gaza's right of self defence.

I think unity between Turkey, Iran, Saudi, and Pakistan will emerge soon after this war to condemn this crime against humanity as both Muslims and their leaders work to put aside their differences so that this is never allowed to happen again.

... In my opinion... Not this Saudi MBS. King Salman will die soon and MBS will take control and align with Israel... This will be opposed by other more moral Saudis and there will be internal civil war... And the Mehdi will be declared then... In my opinion.

This war will further expose the Hypocrisy of the Arabs and their abandonment of the Palestinians... And they will be destroyed...

I also think the Rise of the Taliban and withdrawal of the USA is the rise of the Black Flags of Khaurassan. The current school bombings in Afghanistan will put the Taliban squarely against the ISIS terrorist Khawarji and the Khawarji TTP will be eliminated forever. I also think the current electrification of the automobile will expose the strong demand for Lithium which apparently Afghanistan sits on a mountain of. Post oil this resource will finance them to make that journey to free Palestine.

Just my 2 cents... I could be all wrong.
As we discuss this issue by at least 4 pages/40 minute interval here. The US media is doing all it can to blanket, block out and ignore the Palestinian issue as much as possible.

Keeping Palestinian videos limited to 1 or 2 minutes mostly. Longer ones in hidden tone portray Palestinians as the aggressors.

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In my opinion... Not this Saudi MBS. King Salman will die soon and MBS will take control and align with Israel... This will be opposed by other more moral Saudis and there will be internal civil war... And the Mehdi will be declared then... In my opinion
I think same. Very very likely. Because of how MBS has altered Saudi norma of succession. And imprisoned and otherwise persecuted those who are seen as more deserving of the throne.

When Salman Senior goes the civil war in Hadis just might start in Hejaz.
Things have gone beyond that, Jihad is compulsory to save Muslims in current situation and all those countries who ran away from this obligation will have to answer Allah and his profit on Judgement day.

Its very heart breaking and very saddening.
In Israeli, American, White Judeo-Christian minds these children were terrorists. Look they are even buried in the yellow Hamas flags.

Makes my blood boil. I wish the borders or some port of entry were open.
HZ will join in. When I don't know.

But my sixth sense is never wrong.

Okay I wouldn't get my hopes up.
... In my opinion... Not this Saudi MBS. King Salman will die soon and MBS will take control and align with Israel... This will be opposed by other more moral Saudis and there will be internal civil war... And the Mehdi will be declared then... In my opinion.

This war will further expose the Hypocrisy of the Arabs and their abandonment of the Palestinians... And they will be destroyed...

I also think the Rise of the Taliban and withdrawal of the USA is the rise of the Black Flags of Khaurassan. The current school bombings in Afghanistan will put the Taliban squarely against the ISIS terrorist Khawarji and the Khawarji TTP will be eliminated forever. I also think the current electrification of the automobile will expose the strong demand for Lithium which apparently Afghanistan sits on a mountain of. Post oil this resource will finance them to make that journey to free Palestine.

Just my 2 cents... I could be all wrong.

Where does Pakistan fall into the end time prophecy?
This post of mine MIGHT get deleted for being irrelevant BUT I must request you ALL to at least listen to this Sheikh with open minds as someone who wants to hear may be a different perspective on the events unfolding in the ME (Middle East) in general and in Palestine in particular. The Sheikh at the time of this lecture was in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The discussion on ME starts at 10:56:

Zia Ul Haq was the man and is the man we need today. Bajwa unfortunately isn't the answer.

I agree wholeheartedly with this statement, the last few COAS we've had been duds and stupid for all intents and purposes, just look at their performance on the border region can't properly equip their own forces who are being blown to pieces.
Zia Ul Haq was the man and is the man we need today. Bajwa unfortunately isn't the answer.
100% agree if General Zia ul Haq was the COAS today things will be different...just listen doesn't he have the same sentiments MOST of us have on this thread...don't we look for Unity in these testing times...listen:

Director of Hadassah Hospital in the Occupied Territories: Hundreds of dead and wounded "Israelis" by the Gaza rockets today and the government is lying to its people.

It looks like Israeli govt lying to its people and censoring news is blowing up on its eyes. Truth is coming out. The fallacy of the "invincible Iron dome" and 60% - 70% of Palestinian rockets ending up in "empty fields" claims are both getting busted. The Palestinian resistance's rocket and missile assaults' are having a huge impact in Israel.
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White phosphorus??

Western media will block out these images by saying they are graphic/disturbing. But I think the world needs to see this.

May the day come soon when these criminals will not find a tree to hide behind.

When Palestinians get their hands on them, their will be no mercy
Director of Hadassah Hospital in the Occupied Territories: Hundreds of dead and wounded "Israelis" by the Gaza rockets today and the government is lying to its people.

It looks like Israeli govt lying to its people and censoring news is blowing up on its eyes. Truth is coming out. The fallacy of the "invincible Iron dome" and 60% - 70% of Palestinian rockets ending up in "empty fields" claims are both getting busted. The Palestinian resistance's rocket and missile assaults' are having a huge impact in Israel.
If true this is hugely significant.
When Palestinians get their hands on them, their will be no mercy
Inshallah it will not be Palestinians alone. Inshallah all of us join to clean this degenerate scum that does not even spare harassing children in peace time, let alone war.
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