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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Non-Muslim/non jew assessment here re Palestinian people:
1. Biggest asshole Muslim Nation: EGYPT. What kind of sadistic people helps Israel genocide these people in the concentration camp by blockading them, even blowing up tunnels. Bigger assholes than even Israelis.
2. Biggest hope : Shia crescent. They do more talk less.
3. Biggest sidekicks: gulf monarchies, sucking up to genociders

Truth doesn't belong to a creed, religious identity, or race. It belongs to all those with pure hearts.

You speak the truth.
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The security cabinet on Wednesday night approved a plan to intensify military attacks on Hamas and Islamic Jihad targets in the Gaza Strip, after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu informed its members that Israel has officially rejected a Hamas proposal for a ceasefire.
Israel dismissed the offer of a truce made earlier in the day via the Russian foreign ministry, which quoted a senior Hamas official as saying that the Islamist group was ready to halt attacks on a "Mutual basis."
Israel has responded to the rockets with repeated air and artillery strikes on what it says were terror targets in Gaza.
Donald Trump called Kim Jong Un rocketman. I guess he used right name for wrong person lol. May Allah give victory to the oppressed, to Islam and Muslims.

We can’t really take anything from random tweets seriously but they’re are videos out their showing massive amounts of impact in what I believe was Ashkelon or Ashdod recently that hit electrical power, chemical storage plant just a few hours ago
More images showing fire engulfing the city of Ashdod.

Flames are harder to stop than explosive anti personnel rounds. If flames cannot be put out hiding in the basement would not save anyone they would get choked. Also the ones that try to put out the flames would again be targeted by normal anti personnel explosive rockets. They can be used together or one after another to have more massive impact.

Other than the chaff and some rockets containing decoy aliminum wrapped cheap possbily wooden or plastic balls spreading them above the target another option is to use fuel bombs inside rockets. They can be detonated with a timer or even a crude molotov cocktail or dynamite like burning wire timed close for impact. If iron dome tamir missiles are kinetic that would be better it will separate the fuel bombs and larger area would be effected. If it is explosive then fuel burning will still come down and have potential to create larger flames on the ground.

A further development can be the crude mirv rocket. A larger rocket with all its fins slightly angled which makes the rocket rotate around its axis continiously. It would reduce its range(if the fins turn inwards at the same time close to target triggered by a timer range would not be effected much). At determined point above the target before getting hit by iron dome the rotating rocket would open from sideways releasing the balls inside the warhead that each contain fuel bombs and/or decoy balls. This would separate the balls over the target for maximum area damage and minimum hit rate by iron dome.

Having said that continuing operation of israel would damage itself highly although the Palestinians are getting hurt in the process which is isr aim. It would be best interest for all parties to come for a ceasefire again.

Screenshot 2021-05-14 11.54.27 PM.png
We can’t really take anything from random tweets seriously but they’re are videos out their showing massive amounts of impact in what I believe was Ashkelon or Ashdod recently that hit electrical power, chemical storage plant just a few hours ago

I think they're right, it would explain why there were few barrages today combined with the Hamas statement they were preparing for a 60 day war. Hamas is turning up the heat with faster, precison, high impact strikes that break Iron Dome on first shot.
I think they're right, it would explain why there were few barrages today combined with the Hamas statement they were preparing for a 60 day war. Hamas is turning up the heat with faster, precison, high impact strikes that break Iron Dome on first shot.

What happened in that city was incredible and I don’t think I’ve seen that many impacts ever before. Something is changing it seems. I’ll get the video
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