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Aug 29/30 Conflict between Indian and Chinese troops in Ladhak.

"This was a violent clash near Chushul. Hand to hand fighting. No weapons fired & no casualties reported."

Complete and utter b.s. Even the Indian Army is not so stupid that it will repeat this most stupid of errors hardly 2 months later. There is simply no way a genuine aggression by PLA will be met with anything short of gunfire. Neither are PLA this dumb, nor are IA.

I'm certain this is Bollywood b.s. on a slow news day for Indian media. Maybe, just maybe a single punch was thrown in anger at a flag meeting, and Delhi decided to propagandise it. China won't notice it but India will debate it for a year. Meanwhile, Indian media will ignore the real problems currently spiralling out of control in India thanks to Modi.
I will not reply to your trolling post to attract any kind of disciplinary action.

Indian government also posted details on its website However, they did not mentioned the casualties.
I am not trolling we are tired of your made up stories like killing 50 Chinese and shooting down an F16 if you want to post here post with a credible source don't feed us NDTV bs ....... how is this possible that China will keep quiet about 14 casualties and not take revenge by killing a few Indians your claim seems to be fake bs ..... unless verified by a credible source
The stakes are too high for both sides to focus singularly on casualties count.
India has had very short conflicts since independence , while China has had its last conflict with Vietnam in the 70s.
A likely conflict will not count casualties in scores but in thousands. IA and ordinary citizens will have to get over this counting syndrome and focus on objectives.
Since ladakh road has been closed to civilians, the IA seems to be preparing for serious conflict.
The OP does not give any specifics of what actually happened but just mere conjectures and innuendo which seriously questions it's credibility.
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