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Why the hatred for India is so sublime than vice versa...are Pakistanis more civilized

Pakistani people in general don't care about India so much, except some people obsessed on this forum, most people have no opinion regarding India except that we have somewhat similar origins, and that they're oppressing Kashmiri people.

Think and it shows Pakistanis have more empathy, more Tahzeeb and Tamaddun...Indians doesn't know the meaning of Tahzeeb, forget following it. A few Indians actually acknowledge that...
A greater % of population in Pakistan can probably speak English than in India. The irony of Indian obsession is in the video's comments, bother to open it and you will see who is obsessed with who, and why the people who although neutral still hold a negative review of your shithole :)

These guys think being able to ask foreign girls for bobs vegana on Facebook is a sign of English literacy so don't bother getting into a fight with them over it.
loool. you really dont know Pakistan. i am glad however you think this as the next time you visit for tea we will make more videos. how is the open defecation of the 99% Indians going?

I swear, ask Jana.

I was genuinely surprised years ago to find that you too had Pizza Hut type joints.

I thought it was all bun kebab.
Think and it shows Pakistanis have more empathy, more Tahzeeb and Tamaddun...Indians doesn't know the meaning of Tahzeeb, forget following it. A few Indians actually acknowledge that...

Yes, we do, and the irony of the video is revealed from the disgusting comments by the Indians on it. Never have I seen bigger snakes and haters. Either way, even on social media, a majority of Indians are very discriminatory and abusive towards Muslims and Pakistan, and with recent events, that 'general' empathy won't exist either.
Pakistan vs. India is actually...

Indus Valley civilization versus Ganges valley civilization(or the lack of it)...

And the twain shall never meet.

They know nothing about civilization and it shows just about anywhere....
I swear, ask Jana.

I was genuinely surprised years ago to find that you too had Pizza Hut type joints.

I thought it was all bun kebab.
That sounds so fukin ironic.
One can accept that from say someone from a developed world, but im sorry to say india itself is perceived as a shit hole with snake charmers, cows and poverty.

So acting like a snob doesn't suite you.

I feel that this is such an important video at this time. There is so much hostility and tension between India and Pakistan at the moment due to issues with Kashmir and a long difficult history. There seems to be a lot of propaganda and negativity

Because of media.
That sounds so fukin ironic.
One can accept that from say someone from a developed world, but im sorry to say india itself is perceived as a shit hole with snake charmers, cows and poverty.

So acting like a snob doesn't suite you.

I know. And it was designed as such.

As I recall her reaction was priceless.

I think the discussion started from post boxes or ATMs and moved on to Pizza Hut.

I miss those days ...
I swear, ask Jana.

I was genuinely surprised years ago to find that you too had Pizza Hut type joints.

I thought it was all bun kebab.
who is JANA?
yet we love beef burgers too. come i will buy you one. you know we pakistanis are generous. we will even throw in a few cup of fantastic tea. last time we charged you a mig 21
That sounds so fukin ironic.
One can accept that from say someone from a developed world, but im sorry to say india itself is perceived as a shit hole with snake charmers, cows and poverty.

So acting like a snob doesn't suite you.

Snake charmers, rapists, lynchmobs and open defecation. Sometimes, people get a call from "John Roberts from the IRS" and associate it with tech scammers too, but usually, it's just open defecation and rape. Uncle is getting senile, I think.
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