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Why, this wasn't exactly a wild wessel type mission, there were others also airborne flying CAP or Escort mission that day.
S/L hassan was flying B version... Mean twin seater... Can u please provide a link where a twin seater F-16 can be flown by single pilot??? I think we have confusion here
Finally with untiring efforts of Sir Kaiser Tufail, here is the roll of honour of the PAF Pilots involved in the operation Swift Retort that decisively delivered a telling blow on the Indian Air Force and rendered it's claims of superiority over PAF.


Reproduced with kind permission of Sir Kaiser Tufail.

So we fired two AIM-120 in total. One took out the Mig and the second one struck the SU-30. Indian air force also showed the shell of one AIM-120, do you guys think that it was the third AIM-120 or one of the two that got their kills?

I still insist on my point.Never mind.

Whole air force was airborne? this is so funny
Please forgive my ignorance but I am confused as to why H2 weapon was used. One JF17 with one pilot was able to deliver same amount of ordinance as two Mirage planes and three pilots. Is it worth risking so many pilots and planes when JF17s could do much better job?

Because they wanted the saved video of H-4 to be later showed to the world. Same was mentioned by DG ISPR. However, IMO due to Abhinandan trophy and de-escalation stance, the decision to show the video was withheld
S/L hassan was flying B version... Mean twin seater... Can u please provide a link where a twin seater F-16 can be flown by single pilot??? I think we have confusion here
Dear God, it's not unheard of a single pilot in a twin seater however S/L Hassan wasn't flying alone.

so Jf-17 did not shoot down any aircraft???

I'm confused, so did JF-17 not do the kill??

You will get a royal ignore

No one will answer you, they realize but will avoid answering

I will answer as simply as possible.

No. JF-17 Thunder did not shoot down jets, but it was part of the strike package which bombed Indian military installments. That's clear from this.

If you go back to some old threads where it was discussed on how the scenario played out (in Indian versions of 24 v 8 which were sham so I went on to explain why and what I think happened), you will find my comment to be the same: I said it from the very start, that it was more likely that the F-16 had the role of maintaining air superiority while the JF-17 and Mirage were involved in the strike.

As to why this was thrown around so much. Started off with people misinterpreting ISPR's statement "that no F-16 were used in the operation" as to meaning that there were no F-16 jets air borne. ISPR did clarify later that all jets were air borne, secondly his statement was correct as no F-16 was involved in the bombing, but was used to shoot down ingressing jets.

And then some people, specially media, threw around a lot of dirt with that, and specially people here and on twitter. Some did photoshop of killmarks (which was obvious, and many people here pointed the photoshop out, but some choose to ignore for some reason).

Why JF-17 Thunder didn't shoot any jet down? Very simple. That wasn't its mission and its loadout wasn't for that. It's job was to bomb sites next to Indian military depots and installments with Mirages, which it did successfully, and the F-16 jets were supposed to provide cover which they successfully did by shooting down a Mig and a Sukhoi.

It was a successful operation.
That's how the PAF planned, and that's how it went.
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Please forgive my ignorance but I am confused as to why H2 weapon was used. One JF17 with one pilot was able to deliver same amount of ordinance as two Mirage planes and three pilots. Is it worth risking so many pilots and planes when JF17s could do much better job?

H2 provides greater control. It might, might also have been used to have video evidence of bombing as ISPR has mentioned earlier.
F-16 weren't used in any offensive operation a however they were flying CAPs in own territory.
That's not too difficult to understand by by means.
So F16s fired AIMs from well inside their own territory cz Su30s didnt cross LoC?
So F16s fired AIMs from well inside their own territory cz Su30s didnt cross LoC?

Essentially, I have said it before many times, and I am saying it again, we simply don't know that.

There is no way for us to verify what and in how it played out in the skies that day. I have already written extensively on why India's account of the day is an absolute sham. And I have said it, we won't know how it actually played out until an Air Officer retires and decides to write a book about it out of the blue.

In the end, however, the play out was irrelevant and we can still ascertain certain some facts.

- Was a F-16 shot down? IAF claims it was the Mig-21 Bison which shot down F-16, but there's a HD footage of the wreck on Youtube, you can analyse and spot parts of all 4 missiles in the wreck meaning none were fired. PDF admins posted it somewhere.

- Furthermore, a person reputed as an aviation defence analyst with contacts in Pentagon and Air Force (how often do you get to sit in a F-18 Tomcat), and journalist in Foreign Policy, did say that according to her sources, PAF F-16 jet's numbers were accounted for.

- IAF Mig-21 Bison was downed.

- IAF Mil Helicopter was downed by friendly fire, whether it was due to a rookie mistake or due to electronic warfare employed by PAF, we don't know.

( Sukhoi 30MKI kill, no fact to ascertain this. Alan says Air Force chief did claim it, there was a badge rolled out as well you can see here. Likely through radar feed. It was speculated that the Mil was out to look for the ejected pilots of Sukhoi, but not facts, speculations, so we will leave it out )


The toll stands pretty clear, and that is 2 - 0, with a pilot captured. And that's pretty big. The icing on top is that Pakistan did launch counter air strikes, one near the Brigade HQ, and the fact that it was done in broad daylight, and that there were no Air defences cover in the radius is alarming because the military leaders, as confirmed much later by Indian media, were there.
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