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Chidambaram appeals for peace in Kashmir - Hindustan Times

Home Minister P Chidambaram on Wednesday appealed to the people of Jammu and Kashmir to "end the cycle of violence" that has been continuing for the past more than 50 days. "I appeal to the people of Jammu and Kashmir to end the cycle of violence," Chidambaram said in the Lok Sabha.

He said the central government was behind the Omar Abdullah-led state government in its efforts aimed at restoration of peace, holding dialogue and redressal of grievances in all parts of Kashmir.

Chidambaram made a specific appeal to parents in Kashmir, urging them to ensure that their children do not become part of violent activities.

He said that there were 872 stone pelting incidents in June and July 2010 and 1,456 security personnel were injured, adding that the security forces showed "great fortitude" in dealing with the violent protests.

The Kashmir Valley has been on the boil due to violent protests against civilians being killed in firing by security forces since June 11.

---------- Post added at 07:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:09 AM ----------

Geelani appeals for peace in Kashmir Valley

As Kashmir Valley witnessed an upsurge in violence, hardline leader and chairman of a faction of Hurriyat Conference Syed Ali Shah Geelani on Wednesday made a surprise appeal to agitators not to indulge in arson but demonstrate peacefully.

In an appeal, the 80-year-old Jamaat-e-Islami leader said those indulging in stone pelting, burning offices, railway stations and vehicles “did not belong to the Kashmir movement” and were only causing harm to the issue.

Mr. Geelani, who was recently released from custody by the State government, asked people to undertake peaceful demonstrations and stage sit-ins wherever they are stopped. He said the widespread arson against public property was a reaction of youth against the Centre but this was going against the ethos of the cause being harboured by the separatist organisation. He appealed to people to give a thought to his appeal with a calm mind and refrain from indulging in violent protests.
Bandipora swamped Crops houses damaged Lastupdate:- Thu, 29 Jul 2010 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com

Bandipora, July 28: Large stretches of agricultural land were inundated and over 15 houses damaged following breach in rivers and irrigation canals due to floods in North Kashmir district of Bandipora.
During the past few days various parts of Bandipora like Ashtangoo, Malangam, Quail, Putushay, Mangnipora, Turkpora, Kema, Kanbathi, Aloosa Ghat, Paribal, Putushay and Doban were lashed by heavy rains.
Over 15 houses, three band saw mills and 50 cowsheds have been damaged.
“Floods have damaged paddy on thousands of acres but the actual loss will be evaluated after detailed survey,” said Additional Deputy Commissioner, Ghulam Hassan Khan.
“We have deputed various teams of Flood Control, Revenue and Agriculture departments to evaluate the losses,” he said.
Meanwhile, Minister of State for PHE, Nasir Aslam Wani, along with Member Parliament Sharif-u-din Shariq today visited the flood hit villages. The Minister directed for immediate rehabilitation of the affected and also asked the Flood Control Department to undertake repairs of bunds on priority to prevent recurrence of such incidents.
Talking to Greater Kashmir, Wani said, “The Government has prepared a plan to protect the people from floods along various rivers in the district.”
“We are taking all safety measures and water level has also started receding in most parts of the district. We expect the situation to normalize by tomorrow,” said Sharif-u-din Shariq.

A defence spokesman said Wednesday that army during the intervening night of Tuesday-Wednesday rescued 500 families caught in flash floods triggered by cloudburst and rains in the Rishi Canal in Bandipora district.
The spokesman in a statement said that five square kilometre area of Malangan village was threatened by the flash floods in the canal.
The worst hit areas were Sheikhmuquam and Turkpura. The spokesman said the rescue efforts continued till late in the night. Many survivors were shifted to a nearby raised ground where they will camp till water levels recedes in the area, he said.

At least 13 houses were washed away at Uri in north Kashmir’s Varmul district due to cloudburst.
Reports said that 13 houses were washed away by a breach in local Nallah triggered by a cloudburst last night in Maiyan area of Bijhama.
The locals told Greater Kashmir that nobody from the administration has come to their rescue and they spent night under open sky.

Continuous rains have wreaked havoc in north Kashmir’s Kupwara district. At least half a dozen houses and two bridges have been washed away by floods triggered by heavy rains. Several villages have been inundated and water is overflowing in Nallah Kahmil and Mawar, reports said.

SHAFIQ MIR Adds from Rajouri: Unabated rains for the past 36 hours have created havoc in Poonch and Rajouri districts.
Sources said a BSF trooper of 76 Bn, HC Narpat Singh, posted in Balakote sector of district Poonch died when his bunker collapsed. His colleague was critically injured; however he was rescued from the debris.
Four persons were still trapped in different rivers. Deputy Commissioner Rajouri, Ghulam Ahmad Khwaja, said that one Abdul Hamid was trapped in Ans river of Budhal tehsil of the district. He said rescue teams have been pressed into service to save the trapped person.
He said that red alert has been sounded in the entire district with the direction to all tehsil and block level officers to remain present at their respective places of posting. Khwaja said a coordination committee has been constituted with army to meet any challenge if the weather didn’t improve.
Deputy Commissioner Poonch, Kuldeep Lal Khajuria, said three persons were trapped in Poonch river near Gulpur village.
Beside, he said loss of property was reported from the district which includes four bridges and many government buildings. “We have also sounded red alert in the entire district,” said Khajuria. A large number of residential houses have also collapsed in the two districts.
Jana -
Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state. Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three- Stanley Wolpert.

Guess what, this Stanley Wolpert guy never had chance to know Indria G. He might have added -

Mauled the "ally" of Super-power. IG did all four.

Its good that Wolpert didnt know terrorist indira and and her terrorism.

as far as mauling anyone, India failed to even mauled smaller nations in the region despite its superiority what to say about us
Its good that Wolpert didnt know terrorist indira and and her terrorism.

as far as mauling anyone, India failed to even mauled smaller nations in the region despite its superiority what to say about us

her terrorism made you lose a major part of your nation. be nice. or else another indian leader's terrorism may make you lose your entire nation.

back to the topic now. may this thread be closed on the basis that pakistan should admit that them getting indian kashmir or even another grain of sand from any indian territory is now just a dream on their side. inshallah india will continue to grow and pakistan will continue to lay on its back looking at the stars and dreaming of a messiah who will come down from the heavens to liberate them.
Kashmiris dont call themselves Indians. They are NOT Indians. thats the main point.

Watch out your mouth. We are much better than bharti munafiqs

have you been ever in kashmir , you are not the one to decide that, a part of kashmiris think they are not indians, they are people who spit in the same plate they eat, if they dont like india they better move to pakistan but they dont do that because they have jobs here, and they know about the conditions in pak occupied kashmir, if pakistan ever wanted kashmir then it should not have had gone to a level of massacre in 1948,pakistan then sealed its fate because the jammu and kashmir ruler quickly signed the treaty to join india in order to save his people over there
her terrorism made you lose a major part of your nation. be nice. or else another indian leader's terrorism may make you lose your entire nation.

Thank for accepting Indira was one of the terrorists. and India did state terrorist.

The rest of your comment is laughable not worth replying.

back to the topic now. may this thread be closed on the basis that pakistan should admit that them getting indian kashmir or even another grain of sand from any indian territory is now just a dream on their side. inshallah india will continue to grow and pakistan will continue to lay on its back looking at the stars and dreaming of a messiah who will come down from the heavens to liberate them.

Sorry we are not going to admit that and India is not going to win the Kashmiris simple as that.
That is NO personal remark. he claims to be a Muslim who married to a Hindu and his sister married off to a hindu man as well, with his entire family being puppet of Indian occupied govt shows he is cashing the blood of Innocent Kashmiris.

I can n't fathom how a muslim cant himself muslim no more just becuse he marris a hindu or his sister married off to a hindu and becomes puppets of Indin govt.U are talking like some mullah Dadullh.I take severe reservation to such mentality.

It is not about religion, it is about his deep rooted Indian links.

Your remarks about Kashmiri leaders was linked to puppets like farooq Abdullah and likes of his son who's pic with women you have posted so the bottom line is they are Indian puppets and the Indian puppets are supposed to be marry making instead of guiding the Kashmiri youth

My remarks about criminal inaction and lack of maturity of Kashmiri leadership. But he isn't a puppet of indian Govt and he is democratically elected leader of Kashmir

You can of course u blame him for not being a pakistani puppet like the Hurriyat gang.
Indians cannot justify killing Kashmiris just because they are beating them up. Kashmiris have been invaded and are being killed in PROVEN faked encounters. By a pure moral stand point it is within the rights of Kashmiris to kill their Indian occupiers but the Indian occupiers are not within their rights to kill them back - this is not self-defence on the part of the Indians but on the Kashmiris.

The honorable thing for the Indians to do is to shut up, sit tight and get killed.

let me assure you that we dont sit tight and be killed, we will slaughterer not only the criminals but also the masters behind them. We have done it before and will we do it again, dont provoke us. Kashmir is our internal problem, dont poke your nose into someone else matter, because then if you do, dont cry when we poke our heads into yours. Best choice for you is to forget Kashmir and talk peace with us, or else we can continue fighting which we can afford but you cant.
It is utterly nonsense to say that Omar is an Indian government Puppet. Have people forgotten that he was elected by the Kashmiries themselves? However, the situation is grave. Omar seems not to have control over situation…we simply cannot alienate our own people.

The situation require a political solution. A solution that is within Indian Constitution
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It is utterly nonsense to say that Omar is an Indian Puppet. Have people forgotten that he was elected by the Kashmiries themselves? However, the situation is grave. Omar seems not to have control over situation…we simply cannot alienate our own people.

The situation require a political solution. A solution that is within Indian Constitution

dont worry they are blind and wont understand that logic, when it comes to Kashmir, most people just can talk war and killing but dont want to understand the actual issue. The Abdullahs have done a lot of Kashmir and its people, and are more concerned about its well being that some internet warriors on here. Threatening to blow each other up on some forum is very easy but actually changing things on the ground is a different story. My salute to this great family.
I can n't fathom how a muslim cant himself muslim no more just becuse he marris a hindu or his sister married off to a hindu and becomes puppets of Indin govt.U are talking like some mullah Dadullh.I take severe reservation to such mentality.

I have no problem he can marry A B C or a dog thats not my issue. The point is that his father was Indian puppet so does he.

As far as your reservation well You are Nobody neither your opinion affect my health.

My remarks about criminal inaction and lack of maturity of Kashmiri leadership. But he isn't a puppet of indian Govt and he is democratically elected leader of Kashmir

You can of course u blame him for not being a pakistani puppet like the Hurriyat gang.

Selection NOT election. that too at gun point in Occupied Kashmir
That is NO personal remark. he claims to be a Muslim who married to a Hindu and his sister married off to a hindu man as well, with his entire family being puppet of Indian occupied govt shows he is cashing the blood of Innocent Kashmiris.

It is not about religion, it is about his deep rooted Indian links.

Your remarks about Kashmiri leaders was linked to puppets like farooq Abdullah and likes of his son who's pic with women you have posted so the bottom line is they are Indian puppets and the Indian puppets are supposed to be marry making instead of guiding the Kashmiri youth

You do know of super prominent Pakistani personalities whose blood relations married into India.. Are you willing to call those specific people also as puppets.

And please.. Dont go into the realm of calling Indian leaders as terrorists. Understand that loved leaders exist on your side also and can be abused as well. Please maintain some sanity here...
I have no problem he can marry A B C or a dog thats not my issue. The point is that his father was Indian puppet so does he.

As far as your reservation well You are Nobody neither your opinion affect my health.

He is elected by the people of Kashmir..so you think they are also puppets of India??

Selection NOT election. that too at gun point in Occupied Kashmir

Proove it...no body is forcing anybody to vote in my country..if they hate him..they can stay away from voting..flawed argument Jana ..
dont worry they are blind and wont understand that logic, when it comes to Kashmir, most people just can talk war and killing but dont want to understand the actual issue. The Abdullahs have done a lot of Kashmir and its people, and are more concerned about its well being that some internet warriors on here. Threatening to blow each other up on some forum is very easy but actually changing things on the ground is a different story. My salute to this great family.


u cant absolve Abdullah family of its responsibility in the current crisis.
Especially CM Omar Abdullah turn out to be not mature enough handle a sensitive state like Kashmir.

Its often said people of Kashmir voted for hoping Farukh Abdullah would the CM, but due pressure from ally partner congress and insistence of Rahul Gandhi who is good friend of Omar Abdullah ,he became the CM of Kashmir instead.

Irrespective of what party circle media in New delhi projected of Omar, he prove to be too immature,failed to connect and win trust of common people of kashmir so far as CM of J&K.
Kashmiris Storm the Street, Defying Curfew


NEW DELHI — Hundreds of people defied round-the-clock curfews in the disputed province of Kashmir on Wednesday, torching police vehicles in the streets of the state’s summer capital, Srinagar, shouting “Azadi,” or freedom, and chanting anti-Indian slogans.

Dozens of people have died this summer in violence in Kashmir, which is claimed by both India and Pakistan, and the unrest has prompted new questions about the state’s leaders ability to control the restive region. Despite the security forces’ shoot-on-sight orders to enforce a curfew aimed at cooling rage on the streets, hundreds of people openly took to the streets Wednesday, to no apparent consequence.

Omar Abdullah, the state’s chief minister, rushed to New Delhi on Monday to ask for more troops to help quell the protests, and reinforcements, including a specially trained riot control team, are on the way, according to government officials.

But more security forces are unlikely to solve the most immediate problem: angry protests, often including stone-pelting mobs of young men and boys, that government forces respond to by firing live bullets into the crowd. The resulting deaths beget yet more protests, which lead to more killing.

This cycle — of protest, killings, then more protests — has gripped Kashmir all summer and shows no signs of abating. If anything, Kashmiris seem more emboldened to defy curfew than they were last month, when the death of a student prompted two weeks of violent protests that ultimately ended only when the Indian Army was called in.

“There is a standoff at this moment,” said Prem Shankar Jha, a political analyst who has written about Kashmir for decades. “Curfew is broken, the authority of the state government is gone.”

Both India and Pakistan claim the Kashmir Valley, a predominantly Muslim region which was divided between the countries more than 60 years ago. But many Kashmiris want independence, and in the 1990s an insurgency, fought by militants trained in Pakistan, ripped through the region. In recent years armed revolt has all but disappeared, only to be replaced by a new kind of warrior — the stone-throwing youth.

India has struggled to counter Kashmir’s often-violent protests, which have flared the past three summers with increasing ferocity. The protesters may not have guns, but they can inflict serious injury. P. Chidambaram, India’s home minister, told the lower house of Parliament on Wednesday that 1,266 security personnel members had been injured in 872 stone-throwing incidents.

Violence and curfews have left many Kashmiris feeling trapped between bullets and stones.

“Even animals in the zoo see the light of the day, we are even bereft of that,” said Seerat Zahra, who lives in Srinagar and saw Indian security forces fire on a crowd of protesters outside her door on Tuesday. “We can’t even move out or look outside from the window. It is suffocating.”

Children are unable to attend school, residents said, receiving assignments by e-mail. Life is on hold.

“It has been more than a month — they haven’t been to school, not opened their books, their exams are coming up,” Nafeesa Ali, a teacher, said of her two children. “We are not getting proper food to eat. I am cooking whatever vegetables I have grown in my backyard.

It won’t last for now another three days now. God knows when this circle of violence will end.”

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