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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Are you sure he is Pakistani? My understanding is that he is Pakistani origin, I have not yet tracked down what nationality exactly.

Yes.. Pakistani origin.. Father I think is/was a prominent journalist in Pakistan...
Well, frustrated or not, when one crosses the line, one should be ready to bear the consequences ..Sad that they are getting manipulated into losing their lives, in this case by Pakistan.. Nothing much will come out of this nonsense except every thing going back by a couple of years...

Pakistan is not the one occupying and oppressing the Kashmiris and refusing them their promised right of self-determination.

Nice attempt at scapegoating Pakistan to avoid the fact that India is detested in the Valley. This is all India's fault.

The kashmiris should be allowed to decide their destiny through plebiscite as promised them.
Yeah Right!!:azn:

By the way, why the heck this kids are pelting stones and throwing flames instead of studying in the school. Previously, J&K police have busted such stone-pelting cartels. So, there is no reason to not believe who is behind these rioting and arson.

Because their schools are occupied by terrorist army of India.

Because their parents are being killed by Indian terrorist army.

Because their resources are sucked by terrorist state of India

as far as Indian sheepish claims of ISI behind these stones well :pop: lolzz there is no sillier claim than this.

may be these stones are made in Pakistan too
Yes.. Pakistani origin.. Father I think is/was a prominent journalist in Pakistan...

Then why call him a Pakistani?

And the UN has not denied that the comments were made, but that they were 'guidance' rather than a 'formal statement' - but either way comments made.
They are under occupation and the Indian government has not indicated it is willing to discuss self-determination, people are bound to get frustrated - in real life people act out when frustrations and anger boil over. That does not make them 'goons and terrorists' it makes them people frustrated and angry at oppression and occupation by an external power, in this case India.

They are under no occupation. They are legally part of India according to instrument of accession signed by Maharaja Hari Singh. Anger is not just localized to kashmir, it is also seen other states but people are not rioting in other states like in kashmir valley. All this drama started in 1990s and everybody and their son knows who started it. It didn't start out of no where but due to active support to militancy by Pakistan. Now that we have suppressed the militancy, some jobless people due to the lure of money picking up stones and pelting at security forces and thus the resultant blow back which is being used as a way to instigate people of the valley to create trouble. Nothing less, nothing more. But, eventually this will come to an end just like the militancy has come to an end. India has all the resources, patience and time required to deal with this situation and will be dealt accordingly.
That would mean ethnic cleansing in a way of the local Muslims - by that yardstick you would also find the massacring of those 'millions of Hindus and Buddhists' by those defending their homeland to be completely acceptable.

why would increasing population of a particular religion amount to ethnic cleansing?? He is not refering to muslims being moved or killed.

I dont agree to the statement and the concept of plebiscite, but I think you are not applying the right lense here..
Because their schools are occupied by terrorist army of India.

Because their parents are being killed by Indian terrorist army.

Because their resources are sucked by terrorist state of India

as far as Indian sheepish claims of ISI behind these stones well :pop: lolzz there is no sillier claim than this.

may be these stones are made in Pakistan too

Its the same old whining.

Regarding stone-pelting as a business, here you go


Stone pelting and protests turn a business in J&K
why would increasing population of a particular religion amount to ethnic cleansing?? He is not refering to muslims being moved or killed.

I dont agree to the statement and the concept of plebiscite, but I think you are not applying the right lense here..
Millions being moved in deliberately by the State to dilute the population of locals and likely take over their lands and livelihood and resources.

People have a right to fight back to defend their way of life, lands and property, and likely their lives.
None of the bold part in your post is dependent on the UN resolution since hatered does not look for UN permission. In the same spirit, will you also admit the same thing about Balochis and Sindhis to begin with about their want of separation from Pakistan..>???

HEHE.. you are desperate to find a weakness in Pakistan to justify your own flaws. But no sir, we haven't put restrictions on International Media to go there, neither we have cut down their SMS/Phone services, neither have killed scores of people and neither we are employing 50% of our military in those areas for the sake of "crunching freedom fighters". So wake-up and see what you are trying to compare with who. Baluchistan has problems but they demand bigger share of finances and right of their natural resources.

Surely hatred doesn't look for UN permission and neither it asks about regulations written in Indian constitution. Kashmiris like very other human on earth has right to be free and be part of the country they choose. But whatever they choose, they have chosen not to be part of India at-least. Is that emotion not clear yet?
Then why call him a Pakistani?

And the UN has not denied that the comments were made, but that they were 'guidance' rather than a 'formal statement' - but either way comments made.

Yes.. But this guy first sent these out as a statement from the Sec Gen and later when got in a pickle, backtracked..

Despite denials, UN statement on J&K is a mystery: Rediff.com India News

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon never made any remark on the state of affairs in Jammu and Kashmir [ Images ], neither did he make any statement on the state as has been alleged in media reports, and "the matter is settled", highly placed Indian diplomatic sources said Tuesday.

Reports last week, including in the Indian media, said Ban has expressed concern over the recent unrest in Kashmir. Press Trust of India, among others, quoted Ban's associate spokesperson Farhan Haq that in relation to recent developments in Jammu and Kashmir, the UN Secretary General is concerned over the prevailing security situation there over the past month. 'He calls on all concerned to exercise utmost restraint and address problems peacefully,' it added.

India's Permanent Mission to the UN, led by Ambassador Hardeep Puri, took up the issue with the Secretary General on Monday and was assured that Ban never made any such statement. "It was supposed to be a press guidance issued by the Secretary General's office. And that is all," the sources said. "In fact, during the noon briefing on July 28, which Haq referred to, no question was asked about Jammu and Kashmir."

Farhan, a former journalist who had worked with the Inter Press Service at the UN for a long time before taking up the UN job, later clarified that while the e-mail was not a statement by Ban, it was handed by the United Nations, according to media reports. It was not clear who handed him the press guidance.;)

On Tuesday, Ban's chief spokesperson Martin Nesirky too said the purported remark on the situation in Kashmir valley was not a statement made by Ban but was 'information provided by the UN secretariat and distributed by the spokespersons office.' Nesirky said the email was 'media guidance taken out of context.'

"The United Nations is certainly not in a mood to make Jammu and Kashmir an issue as far as India is concerned. The world body knows what is happening in Jammu and Kashmir. There is no doubt after the inquiry at the highest level that Ban never issued such a statement at all," the sources said.

"The spokesperson issued the e-mail on his own, misquoting the secretary general. And some of the separatist leaders tried to exploit it by claiming that the SG is calling for dialogue between India and Pakistan on the Kashmir issue," the sources said. "The issue has been settled despite what some news media is claiming."

"Had there been any truth in this, the Indian Permanent Mission would have taken it up with the SG's office and issued a condemnation. But there was no such case."

But what remained unclear was whether Haq jumped the gun or made an unauthorised statement by the Haq?

Despite repeated questions as to whether it was a statement or 'guidance' at Tuesday's noon briefing, Nesirky would not make any comment except saying that it was issued by SG's secretariat as guidance. To a pointed question at the briefing Tuesday as to whether it constitutes an unauthorised statement, Nesirky parried a reply. 'I have said what I wanted to say.'

Haq is the son of celebrated Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq, founder of the UN Human Development Report along with Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen [ Images ].

zee news lolzzz.

please go and read the statement of Indian puppet Omar Abdullah even the puppet had made fun of Indian claims about stone pelting.

He has stated some reasons please go and find that.

On a side note if it was a lucrative business than why dont bharti occupiers offer better amount and incentives and then see if it is a business or real protests.

I bet India will loose again
All this drama started in 1990s and everybody and their son knows who started it. It didn't start out of no where but due to active support to militancy by Pakistan.

Indians are still not ready to admit what their country has done to Jammu & Kashmir, a lie being told there since 1947. I don't even know why we allow them here to be honest.
Millions being moved in deliberately by the State to dilute the population of locals and likely take over their lands and livelihood and resources.

People have a right to fight back to defend their way of life, lands and property, and likely their lives.

Lets not create sound bytes here.. This is neither happening nor recommended. It is a comment by a PDF member on a forum which by no strech of imagination amounts to ethnic cleansing. Lets not get into the zone of sensationalism here..
Yes.. But this guy first sent these out as a statement from the Sec Gen and later when got in a pickle, backtracked..

Despite denials, UN statement on J&K is a mystery: Rediff.com India News

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon never made any remark on the state of affairs in Jammu and Kashmir [ Images ], neither did he make any statement on the state as has been alleged in media reports, and "the matter is settled", highly placed Indian diplomatic sources said Tuesday.

Reports last week, including in the Indian media, said Ban has expressed concern over the recent unrest in Kashmir. Press Trust of India, among others, quoted Ban's associate spokesperson Farhan Haq that in relation to recent developments in Jammu and Kashmir, the UN Secretary General is concerned over the prevailing security situation there over the past month. 'He calls on all concerned to exercise utmost restraint and address problems peacefully,' it added.

India's Permanent Mission to the UN, led by Ambassador Hardeep Puri, took up the issue with the Secretary General on Monday and was assured that Ban never made any such statement. "It was supposed to be a press guidance issued by the Secretary General's office. And that is all," the sources said. "In fact, during the noon briefing on July 28, which Haq referred to, no question was asked about Jammu and Kashmir."

Farhan, a former journalist who had worked with the Inter Press Service at the UN for a long time before taking up the UN job, later clarified that while the e-mail was not a statement by Ban, it was handed by the United Nations, according to media reports. It was not clear who handed him the press guidance.;)

On Tuesday, Ban's chief spokesperson Martin Nesirky too said the purported remark on the situation in Kashmir valley was not a statement made by Ban but was 'information provided by the UN secretariat and distributed by the spokespersons office.' Nesirky said the email was 'media guidance taken out of context.'

"The United Nations is certainly not in a mood to make Jammu and Kashmir an issue as far as India is concerned. The world body knows what is happening in Jammu and Kashmir. There is no doubt after the inquiry at the highest level that Ban never issued such a statement at all," the sources said.

"The spokesperson issued the e-mail on his own, misquoting the secretary general. And some of the separatist leaders tried to exploit it by claiming that the SG is calling for dialogue between India and Pakistan on the Kashmir issue," the sources said. "The issue has been settled despite what some news media is claiming."

"Had there been any truth in this, the Indian Permanent Mission would have taken it up with the SG's office and issued a condemnation. But there was no such case."

But what remained unclear was whether Haq jumped the gun or made an unauthorised statement by the Haq?

Despite repeated questions as to whether it was a statement or 'guidance' at Tuesday's noon briefing, Nesirky would not make any comment except saying that it was issued by SG's secretariat as guidance. To a pointed question at the briefing Tuesday as to whether it constitutes an unauthorised statement, Nesirky parried a reply. 'I have said what I wanted to say.'

Haq is the son of celebrated Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq, founder of the UN Human Development Report along with Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen [ Images ].
Most of the above, including the part attributing malicious intent to Haq, is commentary by the Indian paper. The only factual part is that the UN accepted the fact that it made those comments, though in a different context, and that there is in fact an email justifying that. Quite frankly, Haq cannot be blamed here. The SG is not going to be cautioning the UN staff to 'exercise restraint and engage in the composite dialog' - obviously those comments were meant for the concerned parties.
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