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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Lets not create sound bytes here.. This is neither happening nor recommended. It is a comment by a PDF member on a forum which by no strech of imagination amounts to ethnic cleansing. Lets not get into the zone of sensationalism here..

Why not. Indian hardline fundamentalists parties even proposed Israel style settlement in Occupied Kashmir to change the demography
Millions being moved in deliberately by the State to dilute the population of locals and likely take over their lands and livelihood and resources.

People have a right to fight back to defend their way of life, lands and property, and likely their lives.

Its nothing but Goebbels. According to article 370, anyone outside of J&K are not allowed to buy or own land or property in J&K. Then how is it possible to settle people by millions.

Nobody took the lands or property from Kashmiris. They are free to use their property as they see fit.
Lets not create sound bytes here.. This is neither happening nor recommended. It is a comment by a PDF member on a forum which by no strech of imagination amounts to ethnic cleansing. Lets not get into the zone of sensationalism here..

And my response was to that PDF member, based on his comments. You chose to interject in my exchange with him, and my subsequent responses were in response to your comments.
HEHE.. you are desperate to find a weakness in Pakistan to justify your own flaws. But no sir, we haven't put restrictions on International Media to go there, neither we have cut down their SMS/Phone services, neither have killed scores of people and neither we are employing 50% of our military in those areas for the sake of "crunching freedom fighters". So wake-up and see what you are trying to compare with who. Baluchistan has problems but they demand bigger share of finances and right of their natural resources.

Surely hatred doesn't look for UN permission and neither it asks about regulations written in Indian constitution. Kashmiris like very other human on earth has right to be free and be part of the country they choose. But whatever they choose, they have chosen not to be part of India at-least. Is that emotion not clear yet?

Lets not get into the details of Balochistan etc since the thread will go in a different direction. However to your last sentence, whoever doesnt want to be a part of India is most welcome to leave..No one is holding him or her back.. Lets see if Pakistan is after the land or is compassionate about so called Kashmiri brothers ;)
Its nothing but Goebbels. According to article 370, anyone outside of J&K are not allowed to buy or own land or property in J&K. Then how is it possible to settle people by millions.

Nobody took the lands or property from Kashmiris. They are free to use their property as they see fit.
Read the entire conversation and understand the context before yapping please.
According to Times of India

"More than 30,000 people defied shoot-at-sight orders at Pampore on the Srinagar-Jammu highway to protest the killings."

Read more: Hurriyat hawk talks peace, raises hope in Kashmir - India - The Times of India Hurriyat hawk talks peace, raises hope in Kashmir - India - The Times of India

I wonder if they are part of any business at the cost of their lives.
And my response was to that PDF member, based on his comments. You chose to interject in my exchange with him, and my subsequent responses were in response to your comments.

Apologies if my butting in was bad manners, but the word used was absolutely not in line with what was being talked about. Changing the demographics even though being underhanded (like in the Northern Areas), is not same as ethnic cleansing. Both you and I know the images that word brings up...
Lets not get into the details of Balochistan etc since the thread will go in a different direction. However to your last sentence, whoever doesnt want to be a part of India is most welcome to leave..No one is holding him or her back.. Lets see if Pakistan is after the land or is compassionate about so called Kashmiri brothers ;)

Why should the Kashmiris have to give up the land the own and their ancestors lived on? Your argument is rather similar to that of made in favor of demographic engineering by the Indian State by moving in millions of Hindus and Buddhists, except you want to forcibly remove millions first.

It is their land and they have a right to it. The UNSC resolutions and the promises made them by the Indian leadership at partition assured them that.
zee news lolzzz.

please go and read the statement of Indian puppet Omar Abdullah even the puppet had made fun of Indian claims about stone pelting.

He has stated some reasons please go and find that.

On a side note if it was a lucrative business than why dont bharti occupiers offer better amount and incentives and then see if it is a business or real protests.

I bet India will loose again

Omar Abdullah is democratically elected CM just like previous CM Mehbooba Mufti. So, he is no puppet.

India never lost the battles it fought against Pakistan. You can daydream but it is not going to change anything on ground. Nothing changed in 60 yrs and nothing will change in future as well.
Not surprised at all, its just 45 since June but imagine how many have been killed overall by the "shining" indian army/ security forces. If they haven't already, india will probably justify their terrorism by saying that all the women/children/innocent people they have killed were all ISI sponsored terrorists.
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According to Times of India

"More than 30,000 people defied shoot-at-sight orders at Pampore on the Srinagar-Jammu highway to protest the killings."

Read more: Hurriyat hawk talks peace, raises hope in Kashmir - India - The Times of India Hurriyat hawk talks peace, raises hope in Kashmir - India - The Times of India

I wonder if they are part of any business at the cost of their lives.

Jana, they are also playing politics. Huriyat had lost a lot of its base support among moderate peace loving Kashmiris over last few years. They are just trying to win in back.

I give this unfortunate sequence of events another 2 weeks or so before a backroom compromise is reached..
Apologies if my butting in was bad manners, but the word used was absolutely not in line with what was being talked about. Changing the demographics even though being underhanded (like in the Northern Areas), is not same as ethnic cleansing. Both you and I know the images that word brings up...

Zia tried, but the NA demographics are not really changed, given that the region is still Shia majority and comprised of the local ethnicities.

Forcibly moving in millions however will result in violence, loss of property and possessions of the locals, and in a way is 'ethnic cleansing' since it seeks to dilute the population of the dominant community.
I really do not know what some of these abject looking Kashmiris are up to. They need to get their act together and act in their self interests and not keep rioting/arsoning, which will not get any consideration from the world at large.

read AM's summary (as to WHY)

he summed it up very nicely
Yeah Right!!:azn:

By the way, why the heck this kids are pelting stones and throwing flames instead of studying in the school. Previously, J&K police have busted such stone-pelting cartels. So, there is no reason to not believe who is behind these rioting and arson.

let me guess.....''ISI sponsored'' cartels


cartels shmartels.....those are local youth; wouldnt u protest if you were in their position? I know I would!
Why should the Kashmiris have to give up the land the own and their ancestors lived on? Your argument is rather similar to that of made in favor of demographic engineering by the Indian State by moving in millions of Hindus and Buddhists, except you want to forcibly remove millions first.

It is their land and they have a right to it. The UNSC resolutions and the promises made them by the Indian leadership at partition assured them that.

Not at all. No one is removing anyone forcefully. Freedom of movement is one of the fundamental rights accorded to all citizens of India. Freedom to move within the country and to move out of the country if they desire. They dont like to live in India, sure, feel free to immigrate to which ever country that will have you . Keep your house / land whatever that you have in your ownership as an NRI as per the laws of India. Laws of India unfortunately do not allow a person to transfer the ownership of the land he owns to the country he immigrates to..

India rejected the applicability of the resolution you are talking of in 1950's . You think its wrong, I think its right and that is where it is.

Now unless India is militarily beaten down to accept that resolution, its not worth the paper it was written on. We can debate this till cows come home, but that will be just rehashing what has been debated on this forum many times over.

So the option for those who dont want to live in India is only to get up and go. Upto them if they want to retain the ownership of their land or sell it. No one is forcing them either way..

Except, Pakistan may not be very keen to have them without the land (if past precedents are anything to go by).:azn:
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