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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Sucidal Attacks expression of desperation are result of the "hit" which Taliban received from PA. Surely suicidal attack hurt but thats reaction of a cat that is cornered.. now I expect you at least understand what is purpose and job of a secret service and what not. Even if they "remain fail" to stop these terrorist attacks, they have been successful in exciting millions of Kashmirs and get down USA and NATO and previously USSR down to its knees. So they are pretty well doing what is their job. And since Indian sides cannot stop talking about them, it says how good they at their job. Hehe..

What ever but it is for ISI to gather intelligence on those who are targetting their offices and killing civillians. I think you will agree with me on this. Yes they are able to place a bunch of terrorists in Kashmir but its just laughable that you believe there are millions of them. Do show us proof on that else don't make fake claims here.

Coming to US & NATO
You are getting down US and NATO on knees :lol: what can I say after reading this? BTW the way the whole world see is they take orders from US and NATO and get hard cash for executing US/NATO orders by sacrifing the people of land.

About USSR, dude get serious do you really think it was not US which forced USSR out of Afghanistan? Pakistan was just a puppet and your resources were used by them for US war and you got money & militaty equipment for letting them use ur resources.

If you take pride in all this then I agree ISI is doing a good job.

So 700,000 soldiers and every resource you had remain to stop one "puppet" man leading the millions and driving them on the roads? Gillani is Pakistani for sure, every Kashmiri is Pakistani under the occupation of India.

We don't want to kill him as he is just a small mosquito and will die his natural death. why kill him to make him a martyr of some terrorists? I seriously need to ask you where did you get to know that there are millions of followers of Geelani. all I can see is bunch stone pelting kids who are stopped from creating Law and Order mess in Srinagar and if you count them as millions then buddy, you serously need help. Let me make one thing clear to u that none of the Kashmiri is pakistani. Even citizens of Pakistani adminitered Kashmir and NA are not Pakistani. So don't u flatter urself.

Only if you could read the last paragraph and understand what it is saying.. replying to you must have been a lot purposeful. Try again

Not worth replying to coz I don't know what was the purpose of your comment? so i will not waste my time.
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These guys might be civilians but they are rioters, arsonists who stone-pelt, damage public and private property. There is nothing wrong in shooting these instigators if they threaten the security. See in the pictures what I meant.







Kashmir and the World​
US Congressman Joe Pitts has joined the rising chorus of protest against the atrocities being committed by the Indian occupation forces on the people of Kashmir, while they only demand the fulfillment of India’s solemn commitment to the international community, in the shape of allowing the Kashmiri people to exercise their inherent right to self-determination.

While speaking at a conference on Kashmir on Capitol Hill, he also noted that US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke, did not even use the word Kashmir. The speech more or less coincided with the Indian occupiers killing seven innocent Kashmiris, which also marked the third straight day of protest which took the death toll at the hands of the Indian occupiers to 30.

This was evidence of how international opinion is mounting against the Indian occupation, but this also pointed to how the world capitals, because of narrow individual interests, are busy currying favour with India, the latest example being British PM David Cameron’s statement.

The USA wants to build up India as its regional bulwark against China, and thus toes the Indian line on Kashmir, no matter how blatant the Indian refusal to obey the international community’s decision on how to determine the will of the Kashmiri people. There might have been some arguments based on expediency in favour of this Indian view, but ever since the present generation of Kashmiris showed their readiness to sacrifice their lives, it does not wash any longer.

The Kashmiri people are being made to pay for two things: first that their occupiers are Indians, and second, that they themselves are Muslims. Because of this, the world community has given India a free hand and has allowed the unjust slaughter of the Kashmiri people.

A change seems to have begun, perhaps because the occupation has become too overt to be ignored. The world community continues to ignore its own UNSC resolutions on the subject. However, Congressman Pitts rightly joins UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in noting the bloody results of India’s illegal occupation, and so should all those of good conscience throughout the world. It is not just a matter of keeping two nuclear-armed neighbours (and thus certainly the region, perhaps the entire world) at peace, but also providing justice to a beleaguered people, hard-done-by.

Kashmir and the world | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

These guys might be civilians but they are rioters, arsonists who stone-pelt, damage public and private property. There is nothing wrong in shooting these instigators if they threaten the security. See in the pictures what I meant.








The only instigators in Held Kashmir are Indian terrorist forces that instigate such protests by killing Kashmiri youth and kids alike.
The only instigators in Held Kashmir are Indian terrorist forces that instigate such protests by killing Kashmiri youth and kids alike.

Yeah Right!!:azn:

By the way, why the heck this kids are pelting stones and throwing flames instead of studying in the school. Previously, J&K police have busted such stone-pelting cartels. So, there is no reason to not believe who is behind these rioting and arson.

I see Kashmir and other parts of India as a "joblessness" problem. Nothing more, nothing less. If these guys want to get better, they need to organize politically, fight elections, win power and improve the lot of their people. Freedom and a separate entity wont solve their problems. They are wasting their time and their lives. A new Kashmir country could set back its economic agenda by more than 50 years, leading to lawless people taking to perhaps even terrorism, which is something the world does not want. Kashmiris first need to show the world that they can contest within the Indian election system and prove to the world that they are unable to win because of government rigging. If they do that, the international community will step in and try to get India to grant freedom. Every other effort is a waste of time, lives and money. I really do not know what some of these abject looking Kashmiris are up to. They need to get their act together and act in their self interests and not keep rioting/arsoning, which will not get any consideration from the world at large.
Damage control? UN denies chief's Kashmir remark

Damage control? UN denies chief's Kashmir remark

United Nations: In an apparent damage control, the United Nations (UN) has communicated to the Indian government that the remarks on Kashmir made by the Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon were not a statement but a "press guidance that was taken out of context."

Ban's chief spokesperson Martin Nesirky told PTI that the remark on the situation in Kashmir valley was not a statement made by Ban but it was "information provided by the secretariat distributed by the spokespersons office." The remark has not gone down well in the Indian government. An annoyed Ministry of External Affairs had asked the UN to clarify.

The associate spokesperson, Farhan Haq, who originally sent the information by email to journalists has said that while this was not a statement made by Ban, "it was all generated by the UN."

Nesirky said the email was "media guidance taken out of context."

UN observers said the nature of the remarks, however, do not sound like a "press guidance", as the world body appeared to work out ways to defuse the controversy without completely disowning its remarks.

The controversial remarks in the email were as follows: "In relation to recent developments in Indian-administered Kashmir, the Secretary-General is concerned over the prevailing security situation there over the past month.

"He calls on all concerned to exercise utmost restraint and address problems peacefully."

The remarks in the email also touched on the composite dialogue between India and Pakistan.

"He (Ban) encourages both sides to rekindle the spirit of the composite dialogue, which was initiated in 2004 and had made encouraging progress on some important confidence building measures, and to make renewed efforts to address outstanding issues, including on Jammu and Kashmir," the email reads.

Read more at: http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/damage-control-un-denies-chiefs-kashmir-remark-41872?cp
Ban Ki Moon denies his statement on Kashmir

On Jul 29, a statement was released by Farhan Haq. a spokesperson of Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General, U.N. expressing concern over the unrest in Kashmir and calling for “utmost restraint” on all concerned. The Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, took a serious objection to the purported statement of the Secretary General. Now the U.N. have come out with a denial stating that the statement was “just guidance, and not a formal statement”.

If they are innocent they would not be pelting stones and throwing flames. They are by no degree are innocent people but are paid goondas to carry out the instigation and riot. They got what they have asked for. Violence begets violence. Peace begets peace. If they protest peacefully, I'm sure there is no reason for kashmiri police to kill a fellow kashmiri.
If they are innocent they would not be pelting stones and throwing flames. They are by no degree are innocent people but are paid goondas to carry out the instigation and riot. They got what they have asked for. Violence begets violence. Peace begets peace. If they protest peacefully, I'm sure there is no reason for kashmiri police to kill a fellow kashmiri.

They are under occupation and the Indian government has not indicated it is willing to discuss self-determination, people are bound to get frustrated - in real life people act out when frustrations and anger boil over. That does not make them 'goons and terrorists' it makes them people frustrated and angry at oppression and occupation by an external power, in this case India.
Sorry Jana but Kashmir is ours and will always be ours! If you want a plebiscite or referendum. we'll give you one after we move in millions of Hindus and Buddhists. Thanks...
They are under occupation and the Indian government has not indicated it is willing to discuss self-determination, people are bound to get frustrated - in real life people act out when frustrations and anger boil over. That does not make them 'goons and terrorists' it makes them people frustrated and angry at oppression and occupation by an external power, in this case India.

Well, frustrated or not, when one crosses the line, one should be ready to bear the consequences ..Sad that they are getting manipulated into losing their lives, in this case by Pakistan.. Nothing much will come out of this nonsense except every thing going back by a couple of years...
This is not the maximum way its just the another way when previous way had failed..people came there from different part of the world in the name of religion and money to have proxy war and it had been backfired now they are changing the stand to look it like the victims..

It wasn't the Kashmir Movement which backfire, but the Kargil Conflict for which Musharaf felt guilty himself and was later looking to surrender literally everything India wanted. Kashmir's are still the way they were except they are not into hot conflict with Indian occupation yet. Do you think the way this movement is going would end up at helplessly approving Indian rule? At-least 60 years are witness they didn't loose their momentum, rather gained with time and sacrificed even more for the same cause.. Liberation from Indian Occupation.
Sorry Jana but Kashmir is ours and will always be ours! If you want a plebiscite or referendum. we'll give you one after we move in millions of Hindus and Buddhists. Thanks...

That would mean ethnic cleansing in a way of the local Muslims - by that yardstick you would also find the massacring of those 'millions of Hindus and Buddhists' by those defending their homeland to be completely acceptable.
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