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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Leopards are active in battle for Al-Bab

ISIS destroyed 2 of our leo2. All thos eLeos have to be upgraded into NG and afterwards shoudlr eceive akkor this is very important.
the leo2ng upgrade would not be a real help.. its better protected but it will also fail.. we need akkor

so the leo myth is slowly debunked.. it never saw a real war..
the leo2ng upgrade would not be a real help.. its better protected but it will also fail.. we need akkor

so the leo myth is slowly debunked.. it never saw a real war..

For everyone it's the same :

MoD kept failure of best tank quiet (The Telegraph, 13 May 2007)

the leo2ng upgrade would not be a real help.. its better protected but it will also fail.. we need akkor


Yes !

See Old links:



If you build a tank like that i think it will work perfect for eurphrate shield operations not exactly the same size lets say 5 times bigger than the traditional one and no need for sophisticated systems like the akkor, it may sound like a joke but i think it can handle all the traditional atgm
Looks like Turkey reached a agreement with Russia for Aleppo, Rebels are allowed to leave and join Euphrates Shield and Civilians will be relocated to Idlip and then can choose where they wanna go.

Obama problably having a breakdown at the moment. He most likely hoped his backed Iranien terrorist would genocide everbody in Aleppo and all rebel troops would be killed. This also shows that Assad has no power whatsoever the moment he goes on the nerves of Putin he is gone and know is, that prick was also the one who with the help of Iran gave the order to attack our troops. Assad and Obama can cry each other to sleep. I hope his house gets stormed by ISIS and he pays for his crimes on his own people that is the only thing he deserves.
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Looks like Turkey reached a agreement with Russia for Aleppo, Rebels are allowed to leave and join Euphrates Shield and Civilians will be relocated to Idlip and then can choose where they wanna go.

Obama problably having a breakdown at the moment. He most likely hoped his backed Iranien terrorist would genocide everbody in Aleppo and all rebel troops would be killed. This also shows that Assad has no power whatsoever the moment he goes on the nerves of Putin he is gone and know is, that prick was also the one who with the help of Iran gave the order to attack our troops. Assad and Obama can cry each other to sleep. I hope his house gets stormed by ISIS and he pays for his crimes on his own people that is the only thing he deserves.
Most armed rebels alongside peaceful ones were slaughtered not even women doctors journalist were spared and whole families still under rubles come on man it's not the turkish military.
http://www.turkpress.co/node/28885 Who can read arabic ...read it
Russia and turkey was trying to make a ceaser fire in Aleppo but three countries tried to make it fail...Asaad,Iran and our lovely ally US
Iran and Asaad attacked turkey in al bab and killed three soldiers after that russia did an airstrike on Asaad and iran in Nubl zahraa...US because they dont want turkey to get albab and manbij
ATGM attack via sides... man we really need to secure ourselves for that. Really one of our biggest flaws.
Isis just captured the S-125 surface-to-air missile (SAM) site positioned north of T4 airbase in Tadmor(Palmyra) turkish intelligence report have been confirmed operational range 35km it can definitely hit F16 but can they operate it or maybe it was left to encourage isis to leave raqqah for tadmor after heavy strikes hmmm
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Isis just captured the S-125 surface-to-air missile (SAM) site positioned north of T4 airbase in Tadmor(Palmyra) turkish intelligence report have been confirmed operational range 35km it can definitely hit F16 but can they operate it or maybe it was left to encourage isis to leave raqqah for tadmor after heavy strikes hmmm

By the time they figure it out a jet will have destroyed it, even if they figure it out it's unlikely to stand against USAF/RUAF, USAF encountered far stronger air defenses in 1991 gulf war.
By the time they figure it out a jet will have destroyed it, even if they figure it out it's unlikely to stand against USAF/RUAF, USAF encountered far stronger air defenses in 1991 gulf war.
So it's either ssa and allies or nato coalition or both that let them advance to tadmor to leave raqqah

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