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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Though still bad news..

A USAF F-16 (serial 87-257) was shot down on January 19, 1991, during Operation Desert Storm. The aircraft was struck by an SA-3 just south of Baghdad. The pilot, Major Jeffrey Scott Tice, ejected safely but became a POW as the ejection took place over Iraq. It was the 8th combat loss and the first daylight raid over Baghdad.[8]

On the opening night of Desert Storm, on 17 January 1991, a B-52G was damaged by a missile. Different versions of this engagement are told. It could have been a S-125 or a 2K12 Kub while other versions report a MiG-29 allegedly fired a Vympel R-27R missile and damaged the B-52G.[9] However, the U.S. Air Force disputes these claims, stating the bomber was actually hit by friendly fire, an AGM-88 High-speed, Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM) that homed on the fire-control radar of the B-52's tail gun; the jet was subsequently renamed In HARM's Way.[10] Shortly following this incident, General George Lee Butler announced that the gunner position on B-52 crews would be eliminated, and the gun turrets permanently deactivated, commencing on 1 October 1991.[11]

A Yugoslav Army 250th Air Defense Missile Brigade 3rd battery equipped with S-125 system managed to shoot down an F-117 Nighthawk stealth attack aircraft on March 27, 1999 during the Kosovo War (the only recorded downing of a stealth aircraft) near village Budjanovci, about 45 km from Belgrade. It was also used to shoot down a NATO F-16 fighter on May 2 (its pilot; Lt. Col David L. Goldfein, the commander of 555th Fighter Squadron, managed to eject and was later rescued by a combat search-and-rescue (CSAR) mission).[12][13]

On 17 March 2015, a US MQ-1 Predator drone was shot down by a Syrian Air Defense Force S-125 missile while on intelligence flight near the coastal town of Latakia. [15]
Its a danger game...because maybe first jet to be destroyed is russian or american.Lets inagine that an american jet is destroyed because of asaad and soldier captured by Isis
Obama problably having a breakdown at the moment. He most likely hoped his backed Iranien terrorist would genocide everbody in Aleppo and all rebel troops would be killed. This also shows that Assad has no power whatsoever the moment he goes on the nerves of Putin he is gone and know is, that prick was also the one who with the help of Iran gave the order to attack our troops. Assad and Obama can cry each other to sleep. I hope his house gets stormed by ISIS and he pays for his crimes on his own people that is the only thing he deserves.

I don't know what they are feeding you with, what whatever that is, know that SAA had been asking terrorists from 2 years ago to drop their guns in Aleppo and get the hell out of the city, but they didn't agree, naturally since terrorists can't be reasoned with. So army had to flush them out of the city and now they are humiliated and have to leave in famous green buses to the terrorists' safe haven aka Idlib province and swallow their broken and fake pride on the way to Idlib. The plan was never killing every last terrorist in Aleppo, it was to cleanse Aleppo from their filth.
I don't know what they are feeding you with, what whatever that is, know that SAA had been asking terrorists from 2 years ago to drop their guns in Aleppo and get the hell out of the city, but they didn't agree, naturally since terrorists can't be reasoned with. So army had to flush them out of the city and now they are humiliated and have to leave in famous green buses to the terrorists' safe haven aka Idlib province and swallow their broken and fake pride on the way to Idlib. The plan was never killing every last terrorist in Aleppo, it was to cleanse Aleppo from their filth.
Assad taking Aleppo is far better options than isis or ypg taking, also this will add the fire power of fsa in al bab..
Its their land you are the filth
You blame isis you are more violent that isis

Assad taking Aleppo is far better options than isis or ypg taking, so majority of Turks are happy about this right know. not counting the islamists..
alepo was not under isis if it were no one will blame them taking it but it was not
I don't know what they are feeding you with, what whatever that is, know that SAA had been asking terrorists from 2 years ago to drop their guns in Aleppo and get the hell out of the city, but they didn't agree, naturally since terrorists can't be reasoned with. So army had to flush them out of the city and now they are humiliated and have to leave in famous green buses to the terrorists' safe haven aka Idlib province and swallow their broken and fake pride on the way to Idlib. The plan was never killing every last terrorist in Aleppo, it was to cleanse Aleppo from their filth.
Ask, lol. Funny they all occupied where sunni Arab or Turkmen lives. Isis is active around irogn but never in irogn like its holy. It is definitely holy for therorist. Pakistan, Afghanistan Syria Irak never irogn. I dont want a therorist in this thread. Move therorist
I will tell you the truth and i know some of will not agree.Some general in turkish army was and still ignorant,because of them Asaad still in syria and YPG in north syria.Some of generals are Feto and other no.Turkey had a chance to enter syria before Russia.If am wrong why after the coup,turkey decided to enter syria ?
If am wrong why after the coup,turkey decided to enter syria ?

Dude the answer is basic. Our gov. wanted to enter Syria under umbrella of NATO. But our beloved allies didn't wanna send their troops into Syria.

They were thinking that TSK was their lapdog to do whatever they want. Erdogan isn't a leader to see the future of his country and he couldn't read the close future of us. That's why at the right time he didn't do the right things. As always. This is the reason why Turkiye has been suffering after failed policies of akp.

Then gov. started to recognize the threat which was getting bigger and bigger day by day in Syria they started to take risk but however they don't take much risk. That's the why our foreign minister and army chief have been negotiating with Russian and American counterparts.

Our gov. didn't act at the right time then America decided to play her ypg card. This their way to punish us. Once we have seen this long ago during second invasion of Iraq.

We are suffering coz we have been ruling a bunch of clowns...
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Dude the answer is basic. Our gov. wanted to enter Syria under umbrella of NATO. But our beloved allies didn't wanna send their troops into Syria.

They were thinking that TSK was their lapdog to do whatever they want. Erdogan isn't a leader to see the future of his country and he couldn't read the close future of us. That's why at the right time he didn't do the right things. As always. This is the reason why Turkiye has been suffering after failed policies of akp.

Then gov. started to recognize the threat which was getting bigger and bigger day by day in Syria they started to take risk but however they don't take much risk. That's the why our foreign minister and army chief have been negotiating with Russian and American counterparts.

Our gov. didn't act at the right time then America decided to play her ypg card. This their way to punish us. Once we have seen this long ago during second invasion of Iraq.

We are suffering coz we have been ruling a bunch of clowns...
Turkey did not create isis they came mainly from irak when maliki gave up mosul and opened the borders back then they were called (the islamic state of irak) they poured into syria when the revolution was successful and almost toppled assad yeah coincidence, some of them came throught turkey but turkey thought that arab spring people were pro freedom and democracy so they turned a blind eye and let them in some helped the rebels and were pro freedom and democracy but many others were salafist in disquise some pro isis some pro alqaida then turkey started stopping them and made background checks but the harm was already done and given turkey is a touristic country some of them came here as tourist but entered in syria unnoficially like the mexicans enter the us, poor syrians you are the unluckiest people on earth

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